
作者: 爱情小傻蛋 | 来源:发表于2017-12-24 23:52 被阅读174次


    红包/(单位元) 概率
    0.01-1 40%
    1-2 25%
    2-3 20%
    3-5 10%
    5-10 5%




    //per[] = {40,25,20,10,5}
    //moneyStr[] = {0.01-1,1-2,2-3,3-5,5-10}
    public double getMoney(List<String> moneyStr,List<Integer> per){
            double packet = 0.01;
            int key = getProbability(per);
            String[] moneys = moneyStr.get(key).split("-");
            if (moneys.length < 2){
                return packet;
            double min = Double.valueOf(moneys[0]);//红包最小值
            double max = Double.valueOf(moneys[1]);//红包最大值
            Random random = new Random();
            packet = min + (max - min) * random.nextInt(10) * 0.1;
            return packet;
    public int getProbability(List<Integer> per){
            int key = 0;
            if (per == null || per.size() == 0){
                return key;
            Random random = new Random();
            int num = random.nextInt(100);
            int probability = 0;
            int i = 0;
            for (int p : per){
                probability += p;
                if (num < probability){
                    key = i;
            return key;




    算法思路:离散算法通过概率分布构造几个点[40, 65, 85, 95,100],构造的数组的值就是前面概率依次累加的概率之和。在生成1~100的随机数,看它落在哪个区间,比如50在[40,65]之间,就是类型2。在查找时,可以采用线性查找,或效率更高的二分查找。

    //per[] = {40, 65, 85, 95,100}
    //moneyStr[] = {0.01-1,1-2,2-3,3-5,5-10}
    public double getMoney(List<String> moneyStr,List<Integer> per){
            double packet = 0.01;
            int key = getProbability(per);
            String[] moneys = moneyStr.get(key).split("-");
            if (moneys.length < 2){
                return packet;
            double min = Double.valueOf(moneys[0]);//红包最小值
            double max = Double.valueOf(moneys[1]);//红包最大值
            Random random = new Random();
            packet = min + (max - min) * random.nextInt(10) * 0.1;
            return packet;
    public int getProbability(List<Integer> per){
            int key = -1;
            if (per == null || per.size() == 0){
                return key;
            Random random = new Random();
            int num = random.nextInt(100);
            int i = 0;
            for (int p : per){
                if (num < p){
                    key = i;
            return key;



    三、Alias Method

    算法思路:Alias Method将每种概率当做一列,该算法最终的结果是要构造拼装出一个每一列合都为1的矩形,若每一列最后都要为1,那么要将所有元素都乘以5(概率类型的数量)。

    Alias Method



    prob[] = [0.75,0.25,0.5,0.25,1]
    Alias[] = [4,4,0,1,NULL] (记录非原色的下标)
    per[] = {0.25,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.4}
    moneyStr[] = {1-2,2-3,3-5,5-10,0.01-1}


    我们可以来简单验证一下,比如随机到第二列的概率是0.2,得到第三列下半部分的概率为0.2 * 0.25,记得在第四列还有它的一部分,那里的概率为0.2 * (1-0.25),两者相加最终的结果还是0.2 * 0.25 + 0.2 * (1-0.25) = 0.2,符合原来第二列的概率per[1]。

    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
    public class AliasMethod {
        /* The random number generator used to sample from the distribution. */
        private final Random random;
        /* The probability and alias tables. */
        private final int[] alias;
        private final double[] probability;
         * Constructs a new AliasMethod to sample from a discrete distribution and
         * hand back outcomes based on the probability distribution.
         * <p/>
         * Given as input a list of probabilities corresponding to outcomes 0, 1,
         * ..., n - 1, this constructor creates the probability and alias tables
         * needed to efficiently sample from this distribution.
         * @param probabilities The list of probabilities.
        public AliasMethod(List<Double> probabilities) {
            this(probabilities, new Random());
         * Constructs a new AliasMethod to sample from a discrete distribution and
         * hand back outcomes based on the probability distribution.
         * <p/>
         * Given as input a list of probabilities corresponding to outcomes 0, 1,
         * ..., n - 1, along with the random number generator that should be used
         * as the underlying generator, this constructor creates the probability
         * and alias tables needed to efficiently sample from this distribution.
         * @param probabilities The list of probabilities.
         * @param random        The random number generator
        public AliasMethod(List<Double> probabilities, Random random) {
            /* Begin by doing basic structural checks on the inputs. */
            if (probabilities == null || random == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();
            if (probabilities.size() == 0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Probability vector must be nonempty.");
            /* Allocate space for the probability and alias tables. */
            probability = new double[probabilities.size()];
            alias = new int[probabilities.size()];
            /* Store the underlying generator. */
            this.random = random;
            /* Compute the average probability and cache it for later use. */
            final double average = 1.0 / probabilities.size();
            /* Make a copy of the probabilities list, since we will be making
             * changes to it.
            probabilities = new ArrayList<Double>(probabilities);
            /* Create two stacks to act as worklists as we populate the tables. */
            Stack<Integer> small = new Stack<Integer>();
            Stack<Integer> large = new Stack<Integer>();
            /* Populate the stacks with the input probabilities. */
            for (int i = 0; i < probabilities.size(); ++i) {
                /* If the probability is below the average probability, then we add
                 * it to the small list; otherwise we add it to the large list.
                if (probabilities.get(i) >= average)
            /* As a note: in the mathematical specification of the algorithm, we
             * will always exhaust the small list before the big list.  However,
             * due to floating point inaccuracies, this is not necessarily true.
             * Consequently, this inner loop (which tries to pair small and large
             * elements) will have to check that both lists aren't empty.
            while (!small.isEmpty() && !large.isEmpty()) {
                /* Get the index of the small and the large probabilities. */
                int less = small.pop();
                int more = large.pop();
                /* These probabilities have not yet been scaled up to be such that
                 * 1/n is given weight 1.0.  We do this here instead.
                probability[less] = probabilities.get(less) * probabilities.size();
                alias[less] = more;
                /* Decrease the probability of the larger one by the appropriate
                 * amount.
                        (probabilities.get(more) + probabilities.get(less)) - average);
                /* If the new probability is less than the average, add it into the
                 * small list; otherwise add it to the large list.
                if (probabilities.get(more) >= 1.0 / probabilities.size())
            /* At this point, everything is in one list, which means that the
             * remaining probabilities should all be 1/n.  Based on this, set them
             * appropriately.  Due to numerical issues, we can't be sure which
             * stack will hold the entries, so we empty both.
            while (!small.isEmpty())
                probability[small.pop()] = 1.0;
            while (!large.isEmpty())
                probability[large.pop()] = 1.0;
         * Samples a value from the underlying distribution.
         * @return A random value sampled from the underlying distribution.
        public int next() {
            /* Generate a fair die roll to determine which column to inspect. */
            int column = random.nextInt(probability.length);
            /* Generate a biased coin toss to determine which option to pick. */
            boolean coinToss = random.nextDouble() < probability[column];
            /* Based on the outcome, return either the column or its alias. */
           /* Log.i("1234","column="+column);
            return coinToss ? column : alias[column];
        public int[] getAlias() {
            return alias;
        public double[] getProbability() {
            return probability;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            TreeMap<String, Double> map = new TreeMap<String, Double>();
            map.put("1-2", 0.25);
            map.put("2-3", 0.2);
            map.put("3-5", 0.1);
            map.put("5-10", 0.05);
            map.put("0.01-1", 0.4);
            List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(map.values());
            List<String> gifts = new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet());
            AliasMethod method = new AliasMethod(list);
            for (double value : method.getProbability()){
                System.out.println("," + value);
            for (int value : method.getAlias()){
                System.out.println("," + value);
            Map<String, AtomicInteger> resultMap = new HashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
                int index = method.next();
                String key = gifts.get(index);
                if (!resultMap.containsKey(key)) {
                    resultMap.put(key, new AtomicInteger());
            for (String key : resultMap.keySet()) {
                System.out.println(key + "==" + resultMap.get(key));





