

作者: Katie_Pan | 来源:发表于2022-10-16 20:37 被阅读0次

    <The Princess Diaries>057

    Release date: 2001-8-3


    Running time: 114mins

    Recommendation Rate:★★★★★

    Four questions:

    1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?

    For every girl who's never dreamed of becoming a princess. You may not a real princess like Mia, but you can change yourself from outside to inside, from outfit to gesture, make yourself whoever you wanna be.

     2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).

    A/ No one can make you feel inferior without your consent, Joe said. I think not only inferior but also many feelings, like angry, happy, sad and so on. They won't happen until you allow.

    B/ A piece of wisdom, which her father pass on to her.Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment of something more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all. From now on, you will be traveling the road between who you think you are and who you can be. The key is to allow yourself to make the journey. Because of her father's dairy, Mia decided not to give up the princess crown.

    C/Not only think about herself, she gets to know she should take responsibility as a princess.Before she was bad at public speaking, but that day, she was quite brave and calm to finish her speech. She began to changed.

    3、What did you learn from the movie?

    I can have my dream and work hard on it, no matter what are they, I know they will come true one day. 

    4、The background of the story.

    Mia is a common high school student, who lives with her mother,  almost invisilbe, even the teacher can not remeber her name. But before her 16 birthday, she was arranged to meet her grandma, which told her that she is a real princess. 



