

作者: 芳草June | 来源:发表于2023-12-13 23:16 被阅读0次

    (文  刘俊芳)

          今天天气好冷,大雪纷飞。还好,学校放假,我们都能够呆在温暖的家里。 但一天也没有闲着,给学生布置了学习任务,都是预习新课作业和做试卷作业。我拍摄了两个年级的视频,并把图片扫描后发到各班级群里,听力部分也下载好做了分享。一天下来,不是检查学生上传的作业,就是督促女儿写作业。


            今天听了一小会课。听的是人教版英语五年级上册第五单元A Let's talk&Let's learn.老师首先出示一个相册,激发学生学习兴趣,Today we are going to learn something interesting about an album.Is it beautiful? What's inside? Do you want to know?

          然后刘老师以rao做热身,简单介绍自己,This is me.I like English I like drawing.并询问同学们What do you like?You like playing basketball....

        Do you remember what I like?学生答Drawing.刘老师在黑板上画了一张床,有被子,枕头。What's this? Yes,it's a bed.It's a big bed.粘贴a big bed What's on the big bed? There is引出本单元的题目 Thete is a big bed. Where is the big bed?呈现房子房间图, Is it in the kichen? There is a big bed in the study/ living room...?最后锁定There is a big bed in the bedroom.Let's learn something about Zhang Peng's bedroom.

      You want toake a album for Zhang Peng's bedroom.

        This is my album. What's Zhang Peng's. You need to know three questions.——What's in it? How to describe it? What style do you like?

      What's in Zhang Peng's bedroom?Listen. Tell me who and what.听录音A部分Let's try.

    Who are in Zhang Peng's bedroom?

    What's  in  Zhang  Peng's  bedroom? 然后显示Mike Sarah Zhang Peng 三人的图片。当学生回答第二个问题时,呈现出来Let's try部分的两张图,并询问学生哪一张是computer?



