

作者: 你说没到月圆十分 | 来源:发表于2017-02-20 17:35 被阅读0次







Herbert A. Gliles

By Moonlight

Over the sea the round moon rises bright,

And floods the horizon with its silver light,

In absence lovers grieve that nights should be,

But all the livelong night I think thee.

I blow my lamp out to enjoy the rest,

And shake the gathering dewdrop from my vest.

Alas! I cannot share with thee these beams.

So lay me down to seek thee in my dreams.


Moon Thoughts

The clear moon uprises,new-born from the sea.

This hour is the same through the bourne of the skies.

With night my love grieves to be so far from me.

As evening approaches,our longings arise.

When I put out the candle, I long for the light;

And outside I find, ah! how rich is this this dew.

Unable in handfuls to give it to you,

In dream of sweet meetings I pass the long night.

Witter Bynner

Looking at the Moon and Thinking of One Far Away

The moon,grown full noe over the sea,

Brightening the whole of heaven,

Brings to separated hearts

The long thoughtfullness of night...

It is no darker though I blow out my candle.

It is no warmer though I put on my coat.

So I leave my message with the moon

And turn to my bed,hoping for dreams.

Burton Waston

Watching the Moon with Thoughts of Far Away

Bright moon born of the sea,

at sky's farthest edges we share it now.

A man of heart, hating the long night,

till the end of evening wakeful,remembering,

I put out the lamp, marvel at the moonlight's fullness,

don a cloak,aware of the dampness of dew.

No way to send my gift,this handful of moonbearms,

I go back to bed,dreaming of good times.


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