

作者: ZQtGe6 | 来源:发表于2019-02-13 06:29 被阅读124次

    cond-mat.dis-nn - 无序系统与神经网络
    cond-mat.mtrl-sci - 材料科学
    cs.AI - 人工智能
    cs.CL - 计算与语言
    cs.CR - 加密与安全
    cs.CV - 机器视觉与模式识别
    cs.CY - 计算与社会
    cs.DB - 数据库
    cs.DC - 分布式、并行与集群计算
    cs.DS - 数据结构与算法
    cs.GT - 计算机科学与博弈论
    cs.HC - 人机接口
    cs.IR - 信息检索
    cs.IT - 信息论
    cs.LG - 自动学习
    cs.MM - 多媒体
    cs.NE - 神经与进化计算
    cs.NI - 网络和互联网体系结构
    cs.RO - 机器人学
    cs.SD - 声音处理
    cs.SI - 社交网络与信息网络
    eess.IV - 图像与视频处理
    eess.SP - 信号处理
    math.DS - 动力系统
    math.OC - 优化与控制
    math.PR - 概率
    math.ST - 统计理论
    nlin.CD - 混沌动力学
    physics.data-an - 数据分析、 统计和概率
    physics.soc-ph - 物理学与社会
    q-bio.BM - 生物分子
    q-bio.QM - 定量方法
    q-fin.ST - 统计金融学
    quant-ph - 量子物理
    stat.AP - 应用统计
    stat.ME - 统计方法论
    stat.ML - (统计)机器学习

    • [cond-mat.dis-nn]Deep autoregressive models for the efficient variational simulation of many-body quantum systems
    • [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]Paradigm shift in electron-based crystallography via machine learning
    • [cs.AI]Ask Not What AI Can Do, But What AI Should Do: Towards a Framework of Task Delegability
    • [cs.AI]Does the "Artificial Intelligence Clinician" learn optimal treatment strategies for sepsis in intensive care?
    • [cs.AI]EvalAI: Towards Better Evaluation Systems for AI Agents
    • [cs.AI]Learning Ontologies with Epistemic Reasoning: The EL Case
    • [cs.AI]Progressive Focus Search for the Static and Stochastic VRPTW with both Random Customers and Reveal Times
    • [cs.AI]The Omniglot Challenge: A 3-Year Progress Report
    • [cs.AI]Toward A Neuro-inspired Creative Decoder
    • [cs.CL]Insertion Transformer: Flexible Sequence Generation via Insertion Operations
    • [cs.CL]Multilingual Neural Machine Translation With Soft Decoupled Encoding
    • [cs.CL]Neural embeddings for metaphor detection in a corpus of Greek texts
    • [cs.CL]Word embeddings for idiolect identification
    • [cs.CR]Energy-recycling Blockchain with Proof-of-Deep-Learning
    • [cs.CR]Machine Learning With Feature Selection Using Principal Component Analysis for Malware Detection: A Case Study
    • [cs.CR]Mind the Mining
    • [cs.CV]3D Hand Shape and Pose from Images in the Wild
    • [cs.CV]A Generative 3D Facial Model by Adversarial Training
    • [cs.CV]A Motion Free Approach to Dense Depth Estimation in Complex Dynamic Scene
    • [cs.CV]A Shallow Triple Stream Three-dimensional CNN (STSTNet) for Micro-expression Recognition System
    • [cs.CV]Additional Baseline Metrics for the paper "Extended YouTube Faces: a Dataset for Heterogeneous Open-Set Face Identification"
    • [cs.CV]Angle-Closure Detection in Anterior Segment OCT based on Multi-Level Deep Network
    • [cs.CV]Architecture Compression
    • [cs.CV]Color Image and Multispectral Image Denoising Using Block Diagonal Representation
    • [cs.CV]Context-Aware Visual Compatibility Prediction
    • [cs.CV]Cross-spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Heterogeneous Face Recognition
    • [cs.CV]Deep Learning Methods for Event Verification and Image Repurposing Detection
    • [cs.CV]Deep learning and face recognition: the state of the art
    • [cs.CV]Depth-Map Generation using Pixel Matching in Stereoscopic Pair of Images
    • [cs.CV]Facial Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition using Time Contrasted Feature with Visual Memory
    • [cs.CV]GET-AID: Visual Recognition of Human Rights Abuses via Global Emotional Traits
    • [cs.CV]MISO: Mutual Information Loss with Stochastic Style Representations for Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation
    • [cs.CV]MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
    • [cs.CV]MultiResUNet : Rethinking the U-Net Architecture for Multimodal Biomedical Image Segmentation
    • [cs.CV]NeurAll: Towards a Unified Model for Visual Perception in Automated Driving
    • [cs.CV]Peeking into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos
    • [cs.CV]Photorealistic Image Synthesis for Object Instance Detection
    • [cs.CV]Pornographic Image Recognition via Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
    • [cs.CV]Region based Ensemble Learning Network for Fine-grained Classification
    • [cs.CV]Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild
    • [cs.CV]Robust statistics and no-reference image quality assessment in Curvelet domain
    • [cs.CV]S-DOD-CNN: Doubly Injecting Spatially-Preserved Object Information for Event Recognition
    • [cs.CV]Semantic Hierarchical Priors for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
    • [cs.CV]Super-realtime facial landmark detection and shape fitting by deep regression of shape model parameters
    • [cs.CV]Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Language Models More Grounded
    • [cs.CV]Towards Automatic Lesion Classification in the Upper Aerodigestive Tract Using OCT and Deep Transfer Learning Methods
    • [cs.CV]Towards Segmenting Everything That Moves
    • [cs.CV]UcoSLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping by Fusion of KeyPoints and Squared Planar Markers
    • [cs.CV]Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Domain Supervision
    • [cs.CV]Visual SLAM: Why Bundle Adjust?
    • [cs.CV]Vulnerable road user detection: state-of-the-art and open challenges
    • [cs.CV]When Causal Intervention Meets Image Masking and Adversarial Perturbation for Deep Neural Networks
    • [cs.CV]Yes, we GAN: Applying Adversarial Techniques for Autonomous Driving
    • [cs.CY]Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms
    • [cs.CY]Safe Artificial General Intelligence via Distributed Ledger Technology
    • [cs.DB]A Blockchain Framework for Managing and Monitoring Data in Multi-Site Clinical Trials
    • [cs.DC]Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation
    • [cs.DC]Cloud Futurology
    • [cs.DC]Consistency models in distributed systems: A survey on definitions, disciplines, challenges and applications
    • [cs.DC]Efficient Randomized Test-And-Set Implementations
    • [cs.DC]PASTA: A Parallel Sparse Tensor Algorithm Benchmark Suite
    • [cs.DC]Performance Modeling of Microservice Platforms Considering the Dynamics of the underlying Cloud Infrastructure
    • [cs.DC]Semantically Enhanced Time Series Databases in IoT-Edge-Cloud Infrastructure
    • [cs.DC]Verifiable Smart Contract Portability
    • [cs.DS]Multi-Dimensional Balanced Graph Partitioning via Projected Gradient Descent
    • [cs.DS]Scalable Fair Clustering
    • [cs.GT]A Game of Drones: Cyber-Physical Security of Time-Critical UAV Applications with Cumulative Prospect Theory Perceptions and Valuations
    • [cs.GT]Learning Best Response Strategies for Agents in Ad Exchanges
    • [cs.HC]Human Computer Interaction Design for Mobile Devices Based on a Smart Healthcare Architecture
    • [cs.IR]A Network-centric Framework for Auditing Recommendation Systems
    • [cs.IR]A new simple and effective measure for bag-of-word inter-document similarity measurement
    • [cs.IR]Machine learning and chord based feature engineering for genre prediction in popular Brazilian music
    • [cs.IR]Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Whole-Chain Recommendations
    • [cs.IT]Attaining Fairness in Communication for Omniscience
    • [cs.IT]Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product-like Codes
    • [cs.IT]Blind Channel Separation in Massive MIMO System under Pilot Spoofing and Jamming Attack
    • [cs.IT]Direct Data Detection of OFDM Signals Over Wireless Channels
    • [cs.IT]Guessing random additive noise decoding with soft detection symbol reliability information (SGRAND)
    • [cs.IT]Investigations on Increased Data rate Differential Space-Time Block Codes for Single Carrier Wireless Systems
    • [cs.IT]Joint State Sensing and Communication over Memoryless Multiple Access Channels
    • [cs.IT]Lossless Source Coding in the Point-to-Point, Multiple Access, and Random Access Scenarios
    • [cs.IT]Maximum Likelihood Detection in a Four-Dimensional Stokes-Space Receiver
    • [cs.IT]Multiple Access in the Delay-Doppler Domain using OTFS modulation
    • [cs.IT]New Algorithms and Improved Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds
    • [cs.IT]On the Performance Gain of NOMA over OMA in Uplink Single-cell Systems
    • [cs.IT]Sampling for Remote Estimation through Queues: Age of Information and Beyond
    • [cs.IT]Skew-Polynomial Rings and Skew-Cyclic Codes
    • [cs.IT]Sparsity Promoting Reconstruction of Delta Modulated Voice Samples by Sequential Adaptive Thresholds
    • [cs.IT]Universal optimal configurations for the p-frame potentials
    cs.LG-Wasserstein GANs: Comparing Ground Metrics for Wasserstein GANs
    • [cs.LG]A Bandit Framework for Optimal Selection of Reinforcement Learning Agents
    • [cs.LG]A Distributed and Approximated Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for an Efficient Large Scale Mean Shift Clustering
    • [cs.LG]A simple and efficient architecture for trainable activation functions
    • [cs.LG]Adversarially Trained Model Compression: When Robustness Meets Efficiency
    • [cs.LG]An Algorithm for Approximating Continuous Functions on Compact Subsets with a Neural Network with one Hidden Layer
    • [cs.LG]An Online Sample Based Method for Mode Estimation using ODE Analysis of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms
    • [cs.LG]Assessing the Local Interpretability of Machine Learning Models
    • [cs.LG]Biadversarial Variational Autoencoder
    • [cs.LG]Contextual Recurrent Neural Networks
    • [cs.LG]Cyclical Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Bayesian Deep Learning
    • [cs.LG]Deep Hashing using Entropy Regularised Product Quantisation Network
    • [cs.LG]Deep Node Ranking: an Algorithm for Structural Network Embedding and End-to-End Classification
    • [cs.LG]Deep learning approach based on dimensionality reduction for designing electromagnetic nanostructures
    • [cs.LG]Differential Similarity in Higher Dimensional Spaces: Theory and Applications
    • [cs.LG]Distance metric learning based on structural neighborhoods for dimensionality reduction and classification performance improvement
    • [cs.LG]Diverse Exploration via Conjugate Policies for Policy Gradient Methods
    • [cs.LG]ELKI: A large open-source library for data analysis - ELKI Release 0.7.5 "Heidelberg"
    • [cs.LG]Error Analysis on Graph Laplacian Regularized Estimator
    • [cs.LG]FSNet: Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Filter Summary
    • [cs.LG]Fast Evaluation of Low-Thrust Transfers via Deep Neural Networks
    • [cs.LG]Generalization through Simulation: Integrating Simulated and Real Data into Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Autonomous Flight
    • [cs.LG]Global Collaboration through Local Interaction in Competitive Learning
    • [cs.LG]Harnessing Low-Fidelity Data to Accelerate Bayesian Optimization via Posterior Regularization
    • [cs.LG]Hierarchical Multi-task Deep Neural Network Architecture for End-to-End Driving
    • [cs.LG]Hybrid Forest: A Concept Drift Aware Data Stream Mining Algorithm
    • [cs.LG]Improved Knowledge Distillation via Teacher Assistant: Bridging the Gap Between Student and Teacher
    • [cs.LG]Improving Generalization and Stability of Generative Adversarial Networks
    • [cs.LG]Interaction-Transformation Evolutionary Algorithm for Symbolic Regression
    • [cs.LG]Iterative Least Trimmed Squares for Mixed Linear Regression
    • [cs.LG]KTBoost: Combined Kernel and Tree Boosting
    • [cs.LG]Latent Space Reinforcement Learning for Steering Angle Prediction
    • [cs.LG]Learning From Noisy Labels By Regularized Estimation Of Annotator Confusion
    • [cs.LG]Manifold Optimisation Assisted Gaussian Variational Approximation
    • [cs.LG]Multi-Domain Translation by Learning Uncoupled Autoencoders
    • [cs.LG]Optimal Kronecker-Sum Approximation of Real Time Recurrent Learning
    • [cs.LG]Passing Tests without Memorizing: Two Models for Fooling Discriminators
    • [cs.LG]Path Capsule Networks
    • [cs.LG]Policy Learning for Fairness in Ranking
    • [cs.LG]Prediction of Malignant & Benign Breast Cancer: A Data Mining Approach in Healthcare Applications
    • [cs.LG]Pure Exploration with Multiple Correct Answers
    • [cs.LG]Semantic Label Reduction Techniques for Autonomous Driving
    • [cs.LG]Space lower bounds for linear prediction
    • [cs.LG]Task2Vec: Task Embedding for Meta-Learning
    • [cs.LG]The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge
    • [cs.LG]Understanding over-parameterized deep networks by geometrization
    • [cs.LG]Variational Autoencoder with Truncated Mixture of Gaussians for Functional Connectivity Analysis
    • [cs.LG]Venn GAN: Discovering Commonalities and Particularities of Multiple Distributions
    • [cs.MM]Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System
    • [cs.NE]Improving NeuroEvolution Efficiency by Surrogate Model-based Optimization with Phenotypic Distance Kernels
    • [cs.NE]Investigating Recurrent Neural Network Memory Structures using Neuro-Evolution
    • [cs.NI]Bi-Directional Mission Offloading for Agile Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks
    • [cs.RO]A Quasi-static Model and Simulation Approach for Pushing, Grasping, and Jamming
    • [cs.RO]Active Area Coverage from Equilibrium
    • [cs.RO]Comfort-Centered Design of a Lightweight and Backdrivable Knee Exoskeleton
    • [cs.RO]Design, Mechanical Simulation and Implementation of a New Six- Legged Robot
    • [cs.RO]HE-SLAM: a Stereo SLAM System Based on Histogram Equalization and ORB Features
    • [cs.RO]Neural Network Architectures for Stochastic Control using the Nonlinear Feynman-Kac Lemma
    • [cs.RO]Optimization of dynamic mobile robot path planning based on evolutionary methods
    • [cs.RO]Reactive Control Meets Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Navigation
    • [cs.RO]Tool Macgyvering: Tool Construction Using Geometric Reasoning
    • [cs.SD]Generative Moment Matching Network-based Random Modulation Post-filter for DNN-based Singing Voice Synthesis and Neural Double-tracking
    • [cs.SI]A Reputation System for Marketplaces - Viability Assessment
    • [cs.SI]Data-driven unsupervised clustering of online learner behaviour
    • [eess.IV]An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Blind Image Deblurring
    • [eess.IV]Colorectal Cancer Outcome Prediction from H&E Whole Slide Images using Machine Learning and Automatically Inferred Phenotype Profiles
    • [eess.IV]Lumen boundary detection using neutrosophic c-means in IVOCT images
    • [eess.SP]Cell-free Massive MIMO for UAV Communications
    • [eess.SP]Optimal Bit Allocation Variable-Resolution ADC for Massive MIMO
    • [eess.SP]Performance Advantages of Deep Neural Networks for Angle of Arrival Estimation
    • [math.DS]Reconstructing dynamical networks via feature ranking
    • [math.OC]Acceleration via Symplectic Discretization of High-Resolution Differential Equations
    • [math.OC]An Optimal-Storage Approach to Semidefinite Programming using Approximate Complementarity
    • [math.OC]Deducing Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz exponent via inf-projection
    • [math.PR]A Short Note on Concentration Inequalities for Random Vectors with SubGaussian Norm
    • [math.PR]High-dimensional central limit theorems for homogeneous sums
    • [math.ST]A goodness-of-fit test for elliptical distributions with diagnostic capabilities
    • [math.ST]Asymptotic normality of the time-domain generalized least squares estimator for linear regression models
    • [math.ST]Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension
    • [math.ST]Estimating the Rate Constant from Biosensor Data via an Adaptive Variational Bayesian Approach
    • [math.ST]Nonparametric Density Estimation under Besov IPM Losses
    • [math.ST]Quickest Change Detection in the Presence of a Nuisance Change
    • [math.ST]Scattering Statistics of Generalized Spatial Poisson Point Processes
    • [math.ST]Strict Stationarity Testing and GLAD Estimation of Double Autoregressive Models
    • [math.ST]The Riemannian barycentre as a proxy for global optimisation
    • [math.ST]The empirical process of residuals from an inverse regression
    • [nlin.CD]Simulating extrapolated dynamics with parameterization networks
    • [physics.data-an]Optimal Latent Representations: Distilling Mutual Information into Principal Pairs
    • [physics.soc-ph]Fast consensus clustering in complex networks
    • [physics.soc-ph]Multi-choice opinion dynamics model based on Latane theory
    • [physics.soc-ph]Stratified communities in complex business networks
    • [q-bio.BM]Clustering Bioactive Molecules in 3D Chemical Space with Unsupervised Deep Learning
    • [q-bio.QM]Inverse Projection Representation and Category Contribution Rate for Robust Tumor Recognition
    • [q-fin.ST]Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Spectral Density Estimation for Financial Time Series
    • [quant-ph]Quantum Measurement as Marginalization and Nested Quantum Systems
    • [stat.AP]Automatic dimensionality selection for principal component analysis models with the ignorance score
    • [stat.AP]Hawkes processes for credit indices time series analysis: How random are trades arrival times?
    • [stat.AP]Validating Gravity-Based Market Share Models Using Large-Scale Transactional Data
    • [stat.ME]A Bayesian Approach to Joint Estimation of Multiple Graphical Models
    • [stat.ME]BOLT-SSI: A Statistical Approach to Screening Interaction Effects for Ultra-High Dimensional Data
    • [stat.ME]Bayesian Model Selection with Graph Structured Sparsity
    • [stat.ME]Equivalence of regression curves sharing common parameters
    • [stat.ME]Nearest Neighbor Classifier based on Generalized Inter-point Distances for HDLSS Data
    • [stat.ME]Optimal Penalized Function-on-Function Regression under a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework
    • [stat.ME]Penalized linear regression with high-dimensional pairwise screening
    • [stat.ML]A physics-aware, probabilistic machine learning framework for coarse-graining high-dimensional systems in the Small Data regime
    • [stat.ML]A stochastic version of Stein Variational Gradient Descent for efficient sampling
    • [stat.ML]Censored Quantile Regression Forests
    • [stat.ML]Efficient Primal-Dual Algorithms for Large-Scale Multiclass Classification
    • [stat.ML]Exploiting Structure of Uncertainty for Efficient Combinatorial Semi-Bandits
    • [stat.ML]Feature Selection for multi-labeled variables via Dependency Maximization
    • [stat.ML]Invariant-equivariant representation learning for multi-class data
    • [stat.ML]Low-pass filtering as Bayesian inference
    • [stat.ML]Measuring Patient Similarities via a Deep Architecture with Medical Concept Embedding


    • [cond-mat.dis-nn]Deep autoregressive models for the efficient variational simulation of many-body quantum systems
    Or Sharir, Yoav Levine, Noam Wies, Giuseppe Carleo, Amnon Shashua

    • [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]Paradigm shift in electron-based crystallography via machine learning
    Kevin Kaufmann, Chaoyi Zhu, Alexander S. Rosengarten, Daniel Maryanovsky, Tyler J. Harrington, Eduardo Marin, Kenneth S. Vecchio

    • [cs.AI]Ask Not What AI Can Do, But What AI Should Do: Towards a Framework of Task Delegability
    Brian Lubars, Chenhao Tan

    • [cs.AI]Does the "Artificial Intelligence Clinician" learn optimal treatment strategies for sepsis in intensive care?
    Russell Jeter, Christopher Josef, Supreeth Shashikumar, Shamim Nemati

    • [cs.AI]EvalAI: Towards Better Evaluation Systems for AI Agents
    Deshraj Yadav, Rishabh Jain, Harsh Agrawal, Prithvijit Chattopadhyay, Taranjeet Singh, Akash Jain, Shiv Baran Singh, Stefan Lee, Dhruv Batra

    • [cs.AI]Learning Ontologies with Epistemic Reasoning: The EL Case
    Ana Ozaki, Nicolas Troquard

    • [cs.AI]Progressive Focus Search for the Static and Stochastic VRPTW with both Random Customers and Reveal Times
    Michael Saint-Guillain, Christine Solnon, Yves Deville

    • [cs.AI]The Omniglot Challenge: A 3-Year Progress Report
    Brenden M. Lake, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

    • [cs.AI]Toward A Neuro-inspired Creative Decoder
    Payel Das, Brian Quanz, Pin-Yu Chen, Jae-wook Ahn

    • [cs.CL]Insertion Transformer: Flexible Sequence Generation via Insertion Operations
    Mitchell Stern, William Chan, Jamie Kiros, Jakob Uszkoreit

    • [cs.CL]Multilingual Neural Machine Translation With Soft Decoupled Encoding
    Xinyi Wang, Hieu Pham, Philip Arthur, Graham Neubig

    • [cs.CL]Neural embeddings for metaphor detection in a corpus of Greek texts
    Eirini Florou, Konstantinos Perifanos, Dionysis Goutsos

    • [cs.CL]Word embeddings for idiolect identification
    Konstantinos Perifanos, Eirini Florou, Dionysis Goutsos

    • [cs.CR]Energy-recycling Blockchain with Proof-of-Deep-Learning
    Changhao Chenli, Boyang Li, Yiyu Shi, Taeho Jung

    • [cs.CR]Machine Learning With Feature Selection Using Principal Component Analysis for Malware Detection: A Case Study
    Jason Zhang

    • [cs.CR]Mind the Mining
    Guy Goren, Alexander Spiegelman

    • [cs.CV]3D Hand Shape and Pose from Images in the Wild
    Adnane Boukhayma, Rodrigo de Bem, Philip H. S. Torr

    • [cs.CV]A Generative 3D Facial Model by Adversarial Training
    Victoria Fernandez Abrevaya, Adnane Boukhayma, Stefanie Wuhrer, Edmond Boyer

    • [cs.CV]A Motion Free Approach to Dense Depth Estimation in Complex Dynamic Scene
    Suryansh Kumar, Ram Srivatsav Ghorakavi, Yuchao Dai, Hongdong Li

    • [cs.CV]A Shallow Triple Stream Three-dimensional CNN (STSTNet) for Micro-expression Recognition System
    Sze-Teng Liong, Y. S. Gan, John See, Huai-Qian Khor

    • [cs.CV]Additional Baseline Metrics for the paper "Extended YouTube Faces: a Dataset for Heterogeneous Open-Set Face Identification"
    Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo

    • [cs.CV]Angle-Closure Detection in Anterior Segment OCT based on Multi-Level Deep Network
    Huazhu Fu, Yanwu Xu, Stephen Lin, Damon Wing Kee Wong, Mani Baskaran, Meenakshi Mahesh, Tin Aung, Jiang Liu

    • [cs.CV]Architecture Compression
    Anubhav Ashok

    • [cs.CV]Color Image and Multispectral Image Denoising Using Block Diagonal Representation
    Zhaoming Kong, Xiaowei Yang

    • [cs.CV]Context-Aware Visual Compatibility Prediction
    Guillem Cucurull, Perouz Taslakian, David Vazquez

    • [cs.CV]Cross-spectral Face Completion for NIR-VIS Heterogeneous Face Recognition
    Ran He, Jie Cao, Lingxiao Song, Zhenan Sun, Tieniu Tan

    • [cs.CV]Deep Learning Methods for Event Verification and Image Repurposing Detection
    M. Goebel, A. Flenner, L. Nataraj, B. S. Manjunath

    • [cs.CV]Deep learning and face recognition: the state of the art
    Stephen Balaban

    • [cs.CV]Depth-Map Generation using Pixel Matching in Stereoscopic Pair of Images
    Asra Aslam, Mohd. Samar Ansari

    • [cs.CV]Facial Micro-Expression Spotting and Recognition using Time Contrasted Feature with Visual Memory
    Sauradip Nag, Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Aishik Konwer, Partha Pratim Roy

    • [cs.CV]GET-AID: Visual Recognition of Human Rights Abuses via Global Emotional Traits
    Grigorios Kalliatakis, Shoaib Ehsan, Maria Fasli, Klaus D. McDonald-Maier

    • [cs.CV]MISO: Mutual Information Loss with Stochastic Style Representations for Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation
    Sanghyeon Na, Seungjoo Yoo, Jaegul Choo

    • [cs.CV]MOTS: Multi-Object Tracking and Segmentation
    Paul Voigtlaender, Michael Krause, Aljosa Osep, Jonathon Luiten, Berin Balachandar Gnana Sekar, Andreas Geiger, Bastian Leibe

    • [cs.CV]MultiResUNet : Rethinking the U-Net Architecture for Multimodal Biomedical Image Segmentation
    Nabil Ibtehaz, M. Sohel Rahman

    • [cs.CV]NeurAll: Towards a Unified Model for Visual Perception in Automated Driving
    Ganesh Sistu, Isabelle Leang, Sumanth Chennupati, Stefan Milz, Senthil Yogamani, Samir Rawashdeh

    • [cs.CV]Peeking into the Future: Predicting Future Person Activities and Locations in Videos
    Junwei Liang, Lu Jiang, Juan Carlos Niebles, Alexander Hauptmann, Li Fei-Fei

    • [cs.CV]Photorealistic Image Synthesis for Object Instance Detection
    Tomas Hodan, Vibhav Vineet, Ran Gal, Emanuel Shalev, Jon Hanzelka, Treb Connell, Pedro Urbina, Sudipta N. Sinha, Brian Guenter

    • [cs.CV]Pornographic Image Recognition via Weighted Multiple Instance Learning
    Jin Xin, Wang Yuhui, Tan Xiaoyang

    • [cs.CV]Region based Ensemble Learning Network for Fine-grained Classification
    Weikuang Li, Tian Wang, Chuanyun Wang, Guangcun Shan, Mengyi Zhang, Hichem Snoussi

    • [cs.CV]Registration-free Face-SSD: Single shot analysis of smiles, facial attributes, and affect in the wild
    Youngkyoon Jang, Hatice Gunes, Ioannis Patras

    • [cs.CV]Robust statistics and no-reference image quality assessment in Curvelet domain
    Ramon Giostri Campos, Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles

    • [cs.CV]S-DOD-CNN: Doubly Injecting Spatially-Preserved Object Information for Event Recognition
    Hyungtae Lee, Sungmin Eum, Heesung Kwon

    • [cs.CV]Semantic Hierarchical Priors for Intrinsic Image Decomposition
    Saurabh Saini, P. J. Narayanan

    • [cs.CV]Super-realtime facial landmark detection and shape fitting by deep regression of shape model parameters
    Marcin Kopaczka, Justus Schock, Dorit Merhof

    • [cs.CV]Taking a HINT: Leveraging Explanations to Make Vision and Language Models More Grounded
    Ramprasaath R. Selvaraju, Stefan Lee, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh

    • [cs.CV]Towards Automatic Lesion Classification in the Upper Aerodigestive Tract Using OCT and Deep Transfer Learning Methods
    Nils Gessert, Matthias Schlüter, Sarah Latus, Veronika Volgger, Christian Betz, Alexander Schlaefer

    • [cs.CV]Towards Segmenting Everything That Moves
    Achal Dave, Pavel Tokmakov, Deva Ramanan

    • [cs.CV]UcoSLAM: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping by Fusion of KeyPoints and Squared Planar Markers
    Rafael Munoz-Salinas, Rafael Medina-Carnicer

    • [cs.CV]Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation with Domain Supervision
    Jianxin Lin, Sen Liu, Yingce Xia, Shuxin Zhao, Tao Qin, Zhibo Chen

    • [cs.CV]Visual SLAM: Why Bundle Adjust?
    Alvaro Parra Bustos, Tat-Jun Chin, Anders Eriksson, Ian Reid

    • [cs.CV]Vulnerable road user detection: state-of-the-art and open challenges
    Patrick Mannion

    • [cs.CV]When Causal Intervention Meets Image Masking and Adversarial Perturbation for Deep Neural Networks
    Chao-Han Huck Yang, Yi-Chieh Liu, Pin-Yu Chen, Xiaoli Ma, Yi-Chang James Tsai

    • [cs.CV]Yes, we GAN: Applying Adversarial Techniques for Autonomous Driving
    Michal Uricar, Pavel Krizek, David Hurych, Ibrahim Sobh, Senthil Yogamani, Patrick Denny

    • [cs.CY]Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms
    Jon Kleinberg, Jens Ludwig, Sendhil Mullainathan, Cass R. Sunstein

    • [cs.CY]Safe Artificial General Intelligence via Distributed Ledger Technology
    Kristen W. Carlson

    • [cs.DB]A Blockchain Framework for Managing and Monitoring Data in Multi-Site Clinical Trials
    Olivia Choudhury, Noor Fairoza, Issa Sylla, Amar Das

    • [cs.DC]Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation
    Peng Peng, Lei Zou, Runyu Guan

    • [cs.DC]Cloud Futurology
    Blesson Varghese, Philipp Leitner, Suprio Ray, Kyle Chard, Adam Barker, Yehia Elkhatib, Herry Herry, Cheol-Ho Hong, Jeremy Singer, Fung Po Tso, Eiko Yoneki, Mohamed-Faten Zhani

    • [cs.DC]Consistency models in distributed systems: A survey on definitions, disciplines, challenges and applications
    Hesam Nejati Sharif Aldin, Hossein Deldari, Mohammad Hossein Moattar, Mostafa Razavi Ghods

    • [cs.DC]Efficient Randomized Test-And-Set Implementations
    George Giakkoupis, Philipp Woelfel

    • [cs.DC]PASTA: A Parallel Sparse Tensor Algorithm Benchmark Suite
    Jiajia Li, Yuchen Ma, Xiaolong Wu, Ang Li, Kevin Barker

    • [cs.DC]Performance Modeling of Microservice Platforms Considering the Dynamics of the underlying Cloud Infrastructure
    Hamzeh Khazaei, Cornel Barna, Marin Litoiu

    • [cs.DC]Semantically Enhanced Time Series Databases in IoT-Edge-Cloud Infrastructure
    Shuai Zhang, Wenxi Zeng, I-Ling Yen, Farokh B. Bastani

    • [cs.DC]Verifiable Smart Contract Portability
    Martin Westerkamp

    • [cs.DS]Multi-Dimensional Balanced Graph Partitioning via Projected Gradient Descent
    Dmitrii Avdiukhin, Sergey Pupyrev, Grigory Yaroslavtsev

    • [cs.DS]Scalable Fair Clustering
    Arturs Backurs, Piotr Indyk, Krzysztof Onak, Baruch Schieber, Ali Vakilian, Tal Wagner

    • [cs.GT]A Game of Drones: Cyber-Physical Security of Time-Critical UAV Applications with Cumulative Prospect Theory Perceptions and Valuations
    Anibal Sanjab, Walid Saad, Tamer Başar

    • [cs.GT]Learning Best Response Strategies for Agents in Ad Exchanges
    Stavros Gerakaris, Subramanian Ramamoorthy

    • [cs.HC]Human Computer Interaction Design for Mobile Devices Based on a Smart Healthcare Architecture
    Pu Liu, Sidney Fels, Nicholas West, Matthias Görges

    • [cs.IR]A Network-centric Framework for Auditing Recommendation Systems
    Abhisek Dash, Animesh Mukherjee, Saptarshi Ghosh

    • [cs.IR]A new simple and effective measure for bag-of-word inter-document similarity measurement
    Sunil Aryal, Kai Ming Ting, Takashi Washio, Gholamreza Haffari

    • [cs.IR]Machine learning and chord based feature engineering for genre prediction in popular Brazilian music
    Bruna D. Wundervald, Walmes M. Zeviani

    • [cs.IR]Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Whole-Chain Recommendations
    Xiangyu Zhao, Long Xia, Yihong Zhao, Dawei Yin, Jiliang Tang

    • [cs.IT]Attaining Fairness in Communication for Omniscience
    Ni Ding, Parastoo Sadeghi, David Smith, Thierry Rakotoarivelo

    • [cs.IT]Binary Message Passing Decoding of Product-like Codes
    Alireza Sheikh, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Gianluigi Liva

    • [cs.IT]Blind Channel Separation in Massive MIMO System under Pilot Spoofing and Jamming Attack
    Ruohan Cao, Ruohan Cao, Tan F. Wong, Hui Gao, Dongqing Wang, Yueming Lu

    • [cs.IT]Direct Data Detection of OFDM Signals Over Wireless Channels
    Anas Saci, Arafat Al-Dweik, Abdallah Shami

    • [cs.IT]Guessing random additive noise decoding with soft detection symbol reliability information (SGRAND)
    Ken R. Duffy, Muriel Médard

    • [cs.IT]Investigations on Increased Data rate Differential Space-Time Block Codes for Single Carrier Wireless Systems
    Rania Morsi

    • [cs.IT]Joint State Sensing and Communication over Memoryless Multiple Access Channels
    Mari Kobayashi, Hassan Hamad, Gerhard Kramer, Giuseppe Caire

    • [cs.IT]Lossless Source Coding in the Point-to-Point, Multiple Access, and Random Access Scenarios
    Shuqing Chen, Michelle Effros, Victoria Kostina

    • [cs.IT]Maximum Likelihood Detection in a Four-Dimensional Stokes-Space Receiver
    Amir Tasbihi, Frank R. Kschischang

    • [cs.IT]Multiple Access in the Delay-Doppler Domain using OTFS modulation
    G. D. Surabhi, Rose Mary Augustine, A. Chockalingam

    • [cs.IT]New Algorithms and Improved Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds
    Mark Iwen, Eric Lybrand, Aaron Nelson, Rayan Saab

    • [cs.IT]On the Performance Gain of NOMA over OMA in Uplink Single-cell Systems
    Zhiqiang Wei, Lei Yang, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Jinhong Yuan

    • [cs.IT]Sampling for Remote Estimation through Queues: Age of Information and Beyond
    Tasmeen Zaman Ornee, Yin Sun

    • [cs.IT]Skew-Polynomial Rings and Skew-Cyclic Codes
    Heide Gluesing-Luerssen

    • [cs.IT]Sparsity Promoting Reconstruction of Delta Modulated Voice Samples by Sequential Adaptive Thresholds
    Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi, Saber Malekmohammadi, Farokh Marvasti

    • [cs.IT]Universal optimal configurations for the p-frame potentials
    Xuemei Chen, Victor Gonzales, Eric Goodman, Shujie Kang, Kasso Okoudjou

    • [cs.LG](q,p)-Wasserstein GANs: Comparing Ground Metrics for Wasserstein GANs
    Anton Mallasto, Jes Frellsen, Wouter Boomsma, Aasa Feragen

    • [cs.LG]A Bandit Framework for Optimal Selection of Reinforcement Learning Agents
    Andreas Merentitis, Kashif Rasul, Roland Vollgraf, Abdul-Saboor Sheikh, Urs Bergmann

    • [cs.LG]A Distributed and Approximated Nearest Neighbors Algorithm for an Efficient Large Scale Mean Shift Clustering
    Gaël Beck, Tarn Duong, Mustapha Lebbah, Hanane Azzag, Christophe Cérin

    • [cs.LG]A simple and efficient architecture for trainable activation functions
    Andrea Apicella, Francesco Isgrò, Roberto Prevete

    • [cs.LG]Adversarially Trained Model Compression: When Robustness Meets Efficiency
    Shupeng Gui, Haotao Wang, Chen Yu, Haichuan Yang, Zhangyang Wang, Ji Liu

    • [cs.LG]An Algorithm for Approximating Continuous Functions on Compact Subsets with a Neural Network with one Hidden Layer
    Elliott Zaresky-Williams

    • [cs.LG]An Online Sample Based Method for Mode Estimation using ODE Analysis of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms
    Chandramouli Kamanchi, Raghuram Bharadwaj Diddigi, Prabuchandran K. J., Shalabh Bhatnagar

    • [cs.LG]Assessing the Local Interpretability of Machine Learning Models
    Sorelle A. Friedler, Chitradeep Dutta Roy, Carlos Scheidegger, Dylan Slack

    • [cs.LG]Biadversarial Variational Autoencoder
    Arnaud Fickinger

    • [cs.LG]Contextual Recurrent Neural Networks
    Sam Wenke, Jim Fleming

    • [cs.LG]Cyclical Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Bayesian Deep Learning
    Ruqi Zhang, Chunyuan Li, Jianyi Zhang, Changyou Chen, Andrew Gordon Wilson

    • [cs.LG]Deep Hashing using Entropy Regularised Product Quantisation Network
    Jo Schlemper, Jose Caballero, Andy Aitken, Joost van Amersfoort

    • [cs.LG]Deep Node Ranking: an Algorithm for Structural Network Embedding and End-to-End Classification
    Blaž Škrlj, Jan Kralj, Janez Konc, Marko Robnik-Šikonja, Nada Lavrač

    • [cs.LG]Deep learning approach based on dimensionality reduction for designing electromagnetic nanostructures
    Yashar Kiarashinejad, Sajjad Abdollahramezani, Ali Adibi

    • [cs.LG]Differential Similarity in Higher Dimensional Spaces: Theory and Applications
    L. Thorne McCarty

    • [cs.LG]Distance metric learning based on structural neighborhoods for dimensionality reduction and classification performance improvement
    Mostafa Razavi Ghods, Mohammad Hossein Moattar, Yahya Forghani

    • [cs.LG]Diverse Exploration via Conjugate Policies for Policy Gradient Methods
    Andrew Cohen, Xingye Qiao, Lei Yu, Elliot Way, Xiangrong Tong

    • [cs.LG]ELKI: A large open-source library for data analysis - ELKI Release 0.7.5 "Heidelberg"
    Erich Schubert, Arthur Zimek

    • [cs.LG]Error Analysis on Graph Laplacian Regularized Estimator
    Kaige Yang, Xiaowen Dong, Laura Toni

    • [cs.LG]FSNet: Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Filter Summary
    Yingzhen Yang, Nebojsa Jojic, Jun Huan

    • [cs.LG]Fast Evaluation of Low-Thrust Transfers via Deep Neural Networks
    Yue-he Zhu, Ya-zhong Luo

    • [cs.LG]Generalization through Simulation: Integrating Simulated and Real Data into Deep Reinforcement Learning for Vision-Based Autonomous Flight
    Katie Kang, Suneel Belkhale, Gregory Kahn, Pieter Abbeel, Sergey Levine

    • [cs.LG]Global Collaboration through Local Interaction in Competitive Learning
    Abbas Siddiqui, Dionysios Georgiadis

    • [cs.LG]Harnessing Low-Fidelity Data to Accelerate Bayesian Optimization via Posterior Regularization
    Bin Liu

    • [cs.LG]Hierarchical Multi-task Deep Neural Network Architecture for End-to-End Driving
    Jose Solomon, Francois Charette

    • [cs.LG]Hybrid Forest: A Concept Drift Aware Data Stream Mining Algorithm
    Radin Hamidi Rad, Maryam Amir Haeri

    • [cs.LG]Improved Knowledge Distillation via Teacher Assistant: Bridging the Gap Between Student and Teacher
    Seyed-Iman Mirzadeh, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Ang Li, Hassan Ghasemzadeh

    • [cs.LG]Improving Generalization and Stability of Generative Adversarial Networks
    Hoang Thanh-Tung, Truyen Tran, Svetha Venkatesh

    • [cs.LG]Interaction-Transformation Evolutionary Algorithm for Symbolic Regression
    Fabricio Olivetti de Franca, Guilherme Seidyo Imai Aldeia

    • [cs.LG]Iterative Least Trimmed Squares for Mixed Linear Regression
    Yanyao Shen, Sujay Sanghavi

    • [cs.LG]KTBoost: Combined Kernel and Tree Boosting
    Fabio Sigrist

    • [cs.LG]Latent Space Reinforcement Learning for Steering Angle Prediction
    Qadeer Khan, Torsten Schön, Patrick Wenzel

    • [cs.LG]Learning From Noisy Labels By Regularized Estimation Of Annotator Confusion
    Ryutaro Tanno, Ardavan Saeedi, Swami Sankaranarayanan, Daniel C. Alexander, Nathan Silberman

    • [cs.LG]Manifold Optimisation Assisted Gaussian Variational Approximation
    Bingxin Zhou, Junbin Gao, Minh-Ngoc Tran, Richard Gerlach

    • [cs.LG]Multi-Domain Translation by Learning Uncoupled Autoencoders
    Karren D. Yang, Caroline Uhler

    • [cs.LG]Optimal Kronecker-Sum Approximation of Real Time Recurrent Learning
    Frederik Benzing, Marcelo Matheus Gauy, Asier Mujika, Anders Martinsson, Angelika Steger

    • [cs.LG]Passing Tests without Memorizing: Two Models for Fooling Discriminators
    Olivier Bousquet, Roi Livni, Shay Moran

    • [cs.LG]Path Capsule Networks
    Mohammed Amer, Tomás Maul

    • [cs.LG]Policy Learning for Fairness in Ranking
    Ashudeep Singh, Thorsten Joachims

    • [cs.LG]Prediction of Malignant & Benign Breast Cancer: A Data Mining Approach in Healthcare Applications
    Vivek Kumar, Brojo Kumar Mishra, Manuel Mazzara, Abhishek Verma

    • [cs.LG]Pure Exploration with Multiple Correct Answers
    Rémy Degenne, Wouter M. Koolen

    • [cs.LG]Semantic Label Reduction Techniques for Autonomous Driving
    Qadeer Khan, Torsten Schön, Patrick Wenzel

    • [cs.LG]Space lower bounds for linear prediction
    Yuval Dagan, Gil Kur, Ohad Shamir

    • [cs.LG]Task2Vec: Task Embedding for Meta-Learning
    Alessandro Achille, Michael Lam, Rahul Tewari, Avinash Ravichandran, Subhransu Maji, Charless Fowlkes, Stefano Soatto, Pietro Perona

    • [cs.LG]The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge
    Mikayel Samvelyan, Tabish Rashid, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Gregory Farquhar, Nantas Nardelli, Tim G. J. Rudner, Chia-Man Hung, Philip H. S. Torr, Jakob Foerster, Shimon Whiteson

    • [cs.LG]Understanding over-parameterized deep networks by geometrization
    Xiao Dong, Ling Zhou

    • [cs.LG]Variational Autoencoder with Truncated Mixture of Gaussians for Functional Connectivity Analysis
    Qingyu Zhao, Nicolas Honnorat, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl

    • [cs.LG]Venn GAN: Discovering Commonalities and Particularities of Multiple Distributions
    Yasin Yazıcı, Bruno Lecouat, Chuan-Sheng Foo, Stefan Winkler, Kim-Hui Yap, Georgios Piliouras, Vijay Chandrasekhar

    • [cs.MM]Towards an All-Purpose Content-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval System
    Ralph Gasser, Luca Rossetto, Heiko Schuldt

    • [cs.NE]Improving NeuroEvolution Efficiency by Surrogate Model-based Optimization with Phenotypic Distance Kernels
    Jörg Stork, Martin Zaefferer, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein

    • [cs.NE]Investigating Recurrent Neural Network Memory Structures using Neuro-Evolution
    Alexander Ororbia, Ahmed Ahmed Elsaid, Travis Desell

    • [cs.NI]Bi-Directional Mission Offloading for Agile Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks
    Sheng Zhou, Guangchao Wang, Shan Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Xuemin, Shen

    • [cs.RO]A Quasi-static Model and Simulation Approach for Pushing, Grasping, and Jamming
    Mathew Halm, Michael Posa

    • [cs.RO]Active Area Coverage from Equilibrium
    Ian Abraham, Ahalya Prabhakar, Todd D. Murphey

    • [cs.RO]Comfort-Centered Design of a Lightweight and Backdrivable Knee Exoskeleton
    Junlin Wang, Xiao Li, Tzu-Hao Huang, Shuangyue Yu, Yanjun Li, Tianyao Chen, Alessandra Carriero, Mooyeon Oh-Park, Hao Su, Member, IEEE*

    • [cs.RO]Design, Mechanical Simulation and Implementation of a New Six- Legged Robot
    Ahmad Ghanbari, Mahdieh Babaiasl, Ako Veisinejad

    • [cs.RO]HE-SLAM: a Stereo SLAM System Based on Histogram Equalization and ORB Features
    Yinghong Fang, Guangcun Shan, Xin Li, Wenliang Liu, Tian Wang, Hichem Snoussi

    • [cs.RO]Neural Network Architectures for Stochastic Control using the Nonlinear Feynman-Kac Lemma
    Marcus Pereira, Ziyi Wang, Evangelos A. Theodorou

    • [cs.RO]Optimization of dynamic mobile robot path planning based on evolutionary methods
    Masoud Fetanat, Sajjad Haghzad, Saeed Bagheri Shouraki

    • [cs.RO]Reactive Control Meets Runtime Verification: A Case Study of Navigation
    Dogan Ulus, Calin Belta

    • [cs.RO]Tool Macgyvering: Tool Construction Using Geometric Reasoning
    Lakshmi Nair, Jonathan Balloch, Sonia Chernova

    • [cs.SD]Generative Moment Matching Network-based Random Modulation Post-filter for DNN-based Singing Voice Synthesis and Neural Double-tracking
    Hiroki Tamaru, Yuki Saito, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Tomoki Koriyama, Hiroshi Saruwatari

    • [cs.SI]A Reputation System for Marketplaces - Viability Assessment
    Anton Kolonin, Ben Goertzel, Cassio Pennachin, Deborah Duong, Marco Argentieri, Nejc Znidar

    • [cs.SI]Data-driven unsupervised clustering of online learner behaviour
    Robert L. Peach, Sophia N. Yaliraki, David Lefevre, Mauricio Barahona

    • [eess.IV]An Algorithm Unrolling Approach to Deep Blind Image Deblurring
    Yuelong Li, Mohammad Tofighi, Junyi Geng, Vishal Monga, Yonina C. Eldar

    • [eess.IV]Colorectal Cancer Outcome Prediction from H&E Whole Slide Images using Machine Learning and Automatically Inferred Phenotype Profiles
    Xingzhi Yue, Neofytos Dimitriou, Ognjen Arandjelovic

    • [eess.IV]Lumen boundary detection using neutrosophic c-means in IVOCT images
    Mohammad Habibi, Ahmad Ayatollahi, Ahmad Ayatollahi, Ali Kermani

    • [eess.SP]Cell-free Massive MIMO for UAV Communications
    Carmen D'Andrea, Adrian Garcia-Rodriguez, Giovanni Geraci, Lorenzo Galati Giordano, Stefano Buzzi

    • [eess.SP]Optimal Bit Allocation Variable-Resolution ADC for Massive MIMO
    I. Zakir Ahmed, Hamid Sadjadpour, Shahram Yousefi

    • [eess.SP]Performance Advantages of Deep Neural Networks for Angle of Arrival Estimation
    Oded Bialer, Noa Garnett, Tom Tirer

    • [math.DS]Reconstructing dynamical networks via feature ranking
    Marc G. Leguia, Zoran Levnajic, Ljupco Todorovski, Bernard Zenko

    • [math.OC]Acceleration via Symplectic Discretization of High-Resolution Differential Equations
    Bin Shi, Simon S. Du, Weijie J. Su, Michael I. Jordan

    • [math.OC]An Optimal-Storage Approach to Semidefinite Programming using Approximate Complementarity
    Lijun Ding, Alp Yurtsever, Volkan Cevher, Joel A. Tropp, Madeleine Udell

    • [math.OC]Deducing Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz exponent via inf-projection
    Peiran Yu, Guoyin Li, Ting Kei Pong

    • [math.PR]A Short Note on Concentration Inequalities for Random Vectors with SubGaussian Norm
    Chi Jin, Praneeth Netrapalli, Rong Ge, Sham M. Kakade, Michael I. Jordan

    • [math.PR]High-dimensional central limit theorems for homogeneous sums
    Yuta Koike

    • [math.ST]A goodness-of-fit test for elliptical distributions with diagnostic capabilities
    Gilles R. Ducharme, Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux

    • [math.ST]Asymptotic normality of the time-domain generalized least squares estimator for linear regression models
    Hien D Nguyen

    • [math.ST]Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension
    Changbo Zhu, Shun Yao, Xianyang Zhang, Xiaofeng Shao

    • [math.ST]Estimating the Rate Constant from Biosensor Data via an Adaptive Variational Bayesian Approach
    Y. Zhang, Z. Yao, P. Forssen, T. Fornstedt

    • [math.ST]Nonparametric Density Estimation under Besov IPM Losses
    Ananya Uppal, Shashank Singh, Barnaás Póczos

    • [math.ST]Quickest Change Detection in the Presence of a Nuisance Change
    Tze Siong Lau, Wee Peng Tay

    • [math.ST]Scattering Statistics of Generalized Spatial Poisson Point Processes
    Michael Perlmutter, Jieqian He, Matthew Hirn

    • [math.ST]Strict Stationarity Testing and GLAD Estimation of Double Autoregressive Models
    Shaojun Guo, Dong Li, Muyi Li

    • [math.ST]The Riemannian barycentre as a proxy for global optimisation
    Salem Said, Jonathan H. Manton

    • [math.ST]The empirical process of residuals from an inverse regression
    Tim Kutta, Nicolai Bissantz, Justin Chown, Holger Dette

    • [nlin.CD]Simulating extrapolated dynamics with parameterization networks
    James P. L. Tan

    • [physics.data-an]Optimal Latent Representations: Distilling Mutual Information into Principal Pairs
    Max Tegmark

    • [physics.soc-ph]Fast consensus clustering in complex networks
    Aditya Tandon, Aiiad Albeshri, Vijey Thayananthan, Wadee Alhalabi, Santo Fortunato

    • [physics.soc-ph]Multi-choice opinion dynamics model based on Latane theory
    Przemyslaw Bancerowski, Krzysztof Malarz

    • [physics.soc-ph]Stratified communities in complex business networks
    Roy Cerqueti, Gian Paolo Clemente, Rosanna Grassi

    • [q-bio.BM]Clustering Bioactive Molecules in 3D Chemical Space with Unsupervised Deep Learning
    Chu Qin, Ying Tan, Shang Ying Chen, Xian Zeng, Xingxing Qi, Tian Jin, Huan Shi, Yiwei Wan, Yu Chen, Jingfeng Li, Weidong He, Yali Wang, Peng Zhang, Feng Zhu, Hongping Zhao, Yuyang Jiang, Yuzong Chen

    • [q-bio.QM]Inverse Projection Representation and Category Contribution Rate for Robust Tumor Recognition
    Xiao-Hui Yang, Li Tian, Yun-Mei Chen, Li-Jun Yang, Shuang Xu, Wen-Ming Wu

    • [q-fin.ST]Bayesian Nonparametric Adaptive Spectral Density Estimation for Financial Time Series
    Nick James, Roman Marchant, Richard Gerlach, Sally Cripps

    • [quant-ph]Quantum Measurement as Marginalization and Nested Quantum Systems
    Hans-Andrea Loeliger, Pascal O. Vontobel

    • [stat.AP]Automatic dimensionality selection for principal component analysis models with the ignorance score
    Stefania Russo, Guangyu Li, Kris Villez

    • [stat.AP]Hawkes processes for credit indices time series analysis: How random are trades arrival times?
    Achraf Bahamou, Maud Doumergue, Philippe Donnat

    • [stat.AP]Validating Gravity-Based Market Share Models Using Large-Scale Transactional Data
    Yoshihiko Suhara, Mohsen Bahrami, Burçin Bozkaya, Alex `Sandy' Pentland

    • [stat.ME]A Bayesian Approach to Joint Estimation of Multiple Graphical Models
    Peyman Jalali, Kshitij Khare, George Michailidis

    • [stat.ME]BOLT-SSI: A Statistical Approach to Screening Interaction Effects for Ultra-High Dimensional Data
    Min Zhou, Mingwei Dai, Yuan Yao, Jin Liu, Can Yang, Heng Peng

    • [stat.ME]Bayesian Model Selection with Graph Structured Sparsity
    Youngseok Kim, Chao Gao

    • [stat.ME]Equivalence of regression curves sharing common parameters
    Kathrin Möllenhoff, Frank Bretz, Holger Dette

    • [stat.ME]Nearest Neighbor Classifier based on Generalized Inter-point Distances for HDLSS Data
    Sarbojit Roy, Subhajit Dutta, Anil K. Ghosh, Soham Sarkar

    • [stat.ME]Optimal Penalized Function-on-Function Regression under a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space Framework
    Xiaoxiao Sun, Pang Du, Xiao Wang, Ping Ma

    • [stat.ME]Penalized linear regression with high-dimensional pairwise screening
    Siliang Gong, Kai Zhang, Yufeng Liu

    • [stat.ML]A physics-aware, probabilistic machine learning framework for coarse-graining high-dimensional systems in the Small Data regime
    Constantin Grigo, Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis

    • [stat.ML]A stochastic version of Stein Variational Gradient Descent for efficient sampling
    Lei Li, Jian-Guo Liu, Zibu Liu, Jianfeng Lu

    • [stat.ML]Censored Quantile Regression Forests
    Alexander Hanbo Li, Jelena Bradic

    • [stat.ML]Efficient Primal-Dual Algorithms for Large-Scale Multiclass Classification
    Dmitry Babichev, Dmitrii Ostrovskii, Francis Bach

    • [stat.ML]Exploiting Structure of Uncertainty for Efficient Combinatorial Semi-Bandits
    Pierre Perrault, Vianney Perchet, Michal Valko

    • [stat.ML]Feature Selection for multi-labeled variables via Dependency Maximization
    Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh, Alfred O. Hero

    • [stat.ML]Invariant-equivariant representation learning for multi-class data
    Ilya Feige

    • [stat.ML]Low-pass filtering as Bayesian inference
    Cristobal Valenzuela, Felipe Tobar

    • [stat.ML]Measuring Patient Similarities via a Deep Architecture with Medical Concept Embedding
    Zihao Zhu, Changchang Yin, Buyue Qian, Yu Cheng, Jishang Wei, Fei Wang



