What makes you comfortable can ruin you, and what makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow.
We called the concept: The Growth Rings.
The Growth Rings represent living environments that promote or hinder growth.
The Growth Rings includes everything from your place of work, to even a fishbowl. What dictates the size of a goldfish is its environment. And while this goldfish lives in a very safe environment, it's also very limiting in most every way.
When placed in a more robust environment, like a small pond, this can be the result. It also means he could be eaten, the environments in which you work, live and play, they're all a proverbial fishbowl that dictates your growth.
The First Growth Ring represents a low-performing, low-growth environment, called stagnation.
Stagnation is understood by having to follow too many steps, permissions and minutiae. That stifles creativity, independent thought and action.
The antithesis of stagnation is chaos, also low-growth and low-performing.
Chaos can be caused by internal or external events or conditions. Chaos is having zero predictability or control over inputs and outcomes.
Order: The most desirable environment.
Order is knowing that what you do, or what is happening in your environment, leads to a predictable outcome. In predictability, comfort is found. But comfort is also what makes order so dangerous. Because science shows that anytime you continually do something, or even think about something the same way, you'll eventually stop growing.
Growth only occurs in a state of discomfort.
When you feel discomfort hit, that means you've entered the complexity ring. Complexity is nothing more than changed order, but when your order is changed, outcomes are no longer predictable, and it's unpredictability that makes you uncomfortable.
When appropriate, choose complexity over order, because it's the only environment where sustained or exponential growth can occue.
To weave high-growth complexity into the fabric of your lives, there are 3 primary ways it can be triggered.
1.Forced upon you.
How much you grow depends on how you respond to it.
2. Someone can help get you there.
This is the role of parents, teachers, coaches and bosses. Because left on their own, people will consciously or subconsciously select the comfort of order, and they need to be pushed into complexity in order to continue growing.
3. Trigger it yourself.
The constant facade of order hides the wilderness that is craving to seep out and teach us that life wasn't created to be what we think it is.
We must experience the wilderness to be taught what cannot be otherwise known.
It's not the complexity-triggering individuals or events you should fear the most, but it's your own willingness to accept or seek discomfort
that will dictate the growth of not just you, but our entire world.