‘Hamilton’ Review: You Say You Want a Revolution.
By A.O. Scott
The opening scenes of the filmed version of the Broadway musical “Hamilton” pull you back in time to two distinct periods. The people onstage, in their breeches and brass-buttoned coats, belong to the New York of 1776. That’s when a 19-year-old freshly arrived from the Caribbean makes his move and takes his shot, joining up with a squad of anti-British revolutionaries and eventually finding his way to George Washington’s right hand and the front of the $10 bill.
百老汇音乐剧《汉密尔顿》(Hamilton)现场录制版一开场,就能让你穿越回两个完全不同的时代。台上那些穿着马裤和铜扣大衣的人,属于1776年的纽约。那一年,一位19岁的少年刚从加勒比前来投身革命,跃跃欲试,与反抗英国的革命党人联手奋战,最终成为乔治•华盛顿(George Washington)的左膀右臂,其肖像也被印在了10美元纸币上。
But this Hamilton, played with relentless energy and sly charm by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote the music, book and lyrics, also belongs to the New York of 2016. Filmed in front of a live audience in June of that year, the movie evokes a swirl of ideas, debates, dreams and assumptions that can feel, in the present moment, as elusive as the intrigue and ideological sparring of the late 1700s.
然而这位活力四射,邪魅狂狷的汉密尔顿,也属于2016年的纽约。其扮演者林-曼努埃尔•米兰达(Lin-Manuel Miranda),也是该剧的词曲和同名书籍作者。这个录制版为当年6月现场演出时拍摄。今日再看,剧中那些思想、辩论、梦想和设想,交织在一起,如同18世纪末那一场政治阴谋和思想交锋一样,让人捉摸不定。
The show’s argument, woven through songs that brilliantly synthesized hip-hop, show tunes and every flavor of pop, was that American history is an open book. Any of us should be able to write ourselves into it.
Alexander Hamilton, the first secretary of the Treasury and an architect of the American banking system, was Miranda’s chosen embodiment of this belief: an outsider with no money and scant connections who propelled himself into the center of the national narrative through sheer brains, talent and drive.