after the words of buddha-like youth,the words the invisible poor go viral defined as some person seems to be rich, but actually, very poor.and why it has happened?
twenty years ago,the writer hanshaogong has ever said everyone could find the enough roots of poverty in reality on his book named second crisis.after then,it is not out of date,suitable nowadays,more sharper, of which has different connotations. it means at that time you would fight for goals, when compared with others you realized poor,but now be crazy about buying to relieve anxiety about success,cover up the fear of failure.maybe you will excuse yourself steadily, taking out the golden sentence you know:you will meet the best yourself successful only if you give you the best treatment now.perhaps you only enjoy yourself to the fullest,while ignoring the precondition within our own capability.if you don't realize this, it will be a decent advance for the is more awful everyone can find out the poverty,but not be conscious of invisible ignorant:it looks you know more than anyone, but actually you know nothing.your life is full of many holes.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthyA fragment in the eight parts of tianlong like this:
xiangwanghai(向望海) picks up a bowl of wine ,step forward,says toasting to qiaofeng(乔峰),rudeness,arrogantly.qiaofeng got drunk,looked at him asquint,says that it means writting off the old kindness when I drink wine with the hero of the world.what relationship between us,how dare you drink wine with me?qiaofeng can't wait answering from him,steps forward to grasp his breast,throws him out of the hall.xiangwanghai bangs up against the wall,falls in a faint immediately.invisible ignorance leads to this phenomenon your post of imagenation is more higher than of actual.
you pretend to know all and a lot of things,be well acquainted with many your always installed B is actually showing off ignorance,be labeled as a shabilist by know a little bit about everything,What can be done and just a little?in actually,they live poor.most of people fail because of lacking of insisting on doing just one thing,but they can comfort themselves that this is the "great" mediocrity.
you don't know installed B is risky,or it will overturned.the big hole of life is that pretending you know much than others.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthythere is a motivational story told lively by a company morning, when I go to work,after entering the elevator,all young people bow to me.there is a young man who helps me to press the floor of my office and block other people who want to press the floor.after getting out of the elevator,I make a decision that promotes him as director by calling human resource department.and now he is chairman.
until then, do you really think you finally know the secret of success?busybody checks out his company'managment,no one is named XX.only boss's son suit new person, quick rise, director, chairman.this story is the most awkward decoration of success,but it doesn't hinder you mistaking the decoration to success itself.sometimes,the secret army we know about success is the smoke shell put by others deliberately.more often we pretend to have comprehended, couldn't waite for others to say.successful people walk quickly because of cherishing time, slowly to thinking of problem.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthythere is a joke spread widely:a specialist yell at a crab to test his hearing on his legs.the crab flee quickly.then the specialist catches it back and shouts at it,and the crab runs away again.after that,the specialist cuts his legs off ,shouts at him turns out the crab stays still. the specialist announces on the high ropes that my judgment of crab'hearing on the legs is correct.It sounds funny,isn't it?many people will fall into the trap of confirming preference:when you believe in what you see,you can easily find the testimony to certify you are correct,but not collecte evidence of falsification .in simple terms,people always choose to believe what they want,not right.when the truth comes out,they will resist the reality,there are many samples like this.the extreme example is to believe folk remedies for disease.cutting off your head can cure your headache.a prescription for cataracts is blindness life, it is especially true.the prescription can't treat disease,it leads to.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthyInstead of believing in what they want to believe,still willing to believe in miracles.if interested in, you may look back at the the qigong heat of the last outstanding person of writer keyunlu personally rendered a lot of miracles of qigong like that qigong master can fly from changsha to Beijing through cloud and mist.even though no one has witnessed it,he also explain it can only been seen by those people who have exceptional function.he also wrote to wangciaobo(王小波) about this who was so angry about those miracle words.he answered whey you are so excited about that one can stick steel on his forehead? the big difference between wangxiaobo(王小波) and keyunlu(柯云路) is one acknowledge his ignorance,and believe common sense.
just like the hedge fund king dario wrote in his book - the matter how successful I make,the main factor is not how much I know.but I know what I should do without my knowledge.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthySo what should we do in the case of ignorance?the principle is to insist in working the film those years,kejingteng(柯景腾) bet with shenjiayi(沈佳宜) whether he will live well after ten years, although he didn't know a little about mathematics.shenjiayi answered him smiley that I believe in your words,there are many things in life familiar,it sounds youth and pride.tutors teach us working hard in mathematic,physical,chemistry.we think it useless in society and don't follow them.The teacher made us work hard to learn English well.we said that foreigners have learned Chinese in the future.
A face that knows the truth of life,to think without effort,life can be effortless in the future.until you are tortured by life ,then you will understand what she said.even though every bit of effort,now it's all in vain,but it's all about your future.
Will the effort be futile,
Will it make life better?
No one knows, but try,
At the very least, it will make your situation less bad.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthythere is a problem in Zhihu, the Chinese Quora how can you get through your life without regret.I appreciate this answer whatever you do,you will regret in your long life.when you choose to go abroad,you will regret why you don't stay at home.if you choose to take part in the postgraduate entrance exams,you will regret not going out playing with choose to work, and when you squeeze the subway in the morning, you wonder why you didn't take the postgraduate entrance exam.regret is normal .when we choose a way,we don't can be certain where it leads to.the awful thing is our changeable choice which is the right path,then you change your life goals is like "I am sorry,I regret",jack Ma(马云)said once.And maybe even a million times,but he regretted it, and he stuck to his choice.therefore, he became the unique jack ma.obviously,we can't be jack ma.but we can choose our only way not struggleing with that which way is the most correct choose.just like,in woods there are two roads ,here or there? Which one?You can only walk one and miss the other,but you can't turn back.this is the second principle of ignorance:
Take one path, one path.
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthyps:这篇主要说的就是选择一条路,坚持到底。不要总是做着这个想着那个,这山望着那山高,这样什么也做不成。10000小时定律告诉我们,如果想要练成一门独门绝技,那只有专注1万个小时,才能有所成。如果你和我一样不是金庸里的杨过,笑傲里的令狐冲,倚天里的张无忌,没有他们那种天赋和造诣,能融汇贯通百家武功之长,那你就专注于一个门派。古墓派的李莫愁使了一手好拂尘,杀人利器。小龙女练成了连金轮法王都打不过的玉女心经。黄蓉继承了洪七公的打狗棒法,也是丐帮女侠。郭靖虽然天资愚钝,和杨过天资聪颖截然相反,但人家是笨鸟先飞,勤能补拙,有江南七怪的指点,也是武林上威名赫赫。欧阳锋的毒药,金轮法王的双轮,武当山张三丰的太极,武氏兄弟的弹指神通。没有一个不是有所专,有所长。
It is more valueable to make apretense of ignorance than wealthy你除了看到人家的成功,你还看到了什么?