

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2023-01-01 22:57 被阅读0次



I think it’s the books that you read

when you’re young that live with you forever.



Today is the first day of 2023

So today is a special day for all of us

OK, now we see the photos, you can see lucky what she does for today

In the morning, we spent two hours to stay on the bed.

What  did we do in this morning?

We use the English to talk about something and then the flash card to play games. The game called what is missing

And also we can choose four or six cards  to make a story.

And I think lucky is so great. She can did that.

After lunch, lucky peel some oranges,  And she let me to take a photo.

Afternoon I took her to the yuan may park.  You can see the picture she can fly the kite.

This picture I remembered that maybe two or three years ago,  In the same location I took the picture

Today I also taught her to ride a bike.  It's a little hard for me.

The same location I took the picture yesterday  I also took one.

In the evening I take a nap , when I woke up I found her eating the pizza

In the morning she want to eat it at least in the evening  her dream come true.

这个计划今天我们花了蛮长时间去做的,下午在公园的时候有跟他聊过这些事情,新的一年要有一些to do list.


希望他可以能坚持做到,毕竟现在不用上学,所以学习这么长时间我觉得还好,英文的话我们也可以玩一些游戏呀,中文除了他爸那边的还可以读一些书啊,最主要就是拼音熟练掌握就好了. 毕竟已经借了有8本书,然后又买了一本打了拼音的,所以这个月9本书应该是没有问题的.






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