水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 5

水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 5

作者: 喵小园upup | 来源:发表于2018-11-30 19:40 被阅读1次


    Lesson54 Sticky fingers
    After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops. It was still early when I returned home. The children were at school, my husband was at work and the house was quiet. So I decided to make some meat pies. In a short time I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-knobs. I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!
    /ˈlɛsən/ /ˈfɪfti/-/fɔr/ /ˈstɪki/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/
    /ˈæftər/ /ˈbrɛkfəst/, /aɪ/ /sɛnt/ /ðə/ /ˈʧɪldrən/ /tə/ /skul/ /ənd/ /ðɛn/ /aɪ/ /wɛnt/ /tə/ /ðə/ /ʃɑps/. /ɪt/ /wəz/ /stɪl/ /ˈɜrli/ /wɛn/ /aɪ/ /rɪˈtɜrnd/ /hoʊm/. /ðə/ /ˈʧɪldrən/ /wər/ /ət/ /skul/, /maɪ/ /ˈhʌzbənd/ /wəz/ /ət/ /wɜrk/ /ənd/ /ðə/ /haʊs/ /wəz/ /ˈkwaɪət/. /soʊ/ /aɪ/ /ˌdɪˈsaɪdɪd/ /tə/ /meɪk/ /səm/ /mit/ /paɪz/. /ɪn/ /ə/ /ʃɔrt/ /taɪm/ /aɪ/ /wəz/ /ˈbɪzi/ /ˈmɪksɪŋ/ /ˈbʌtər/ /ənd/ /ˈflaʊər/ /ənd/ /maɪ/ /hændz/ /wər/ /sun/ /ˈkʌvərd/ /wɪð/ /ˈstɪki/ /ˈpeɪstri/. /ət/ /ɪgˈzæktli/ /ðət/ /ˈmoʊmənt/, /ðə/ /ˈtɛləˌfoʊn/ /ræŋ/. /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ /kəd/ /həv/ /bɪn/ /mɔr/ /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/. /aɪ/ /pɪkt/ /ʌp/ /ðə/ /rəˈsivər/ /bɪˈtwin/ /tu/ /ˈstɪki/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/ /ənd/ /wəz/ /dɪˈsmeɪd/ /wɛn/ /aɪ/ /ˈrɛkəgˌnaɪzd/ /ðə/ /vɔɪs/ /əv/ /ˈhɛlən/ /beɪts/. /ɪt/ /tʊk/ /mi/ /tɛn/ /ˈmɪnəts/ /tə/ /pərˈsweɪd/ /hər/ /tə/ /rɪŋ/ /bæk/ /ˈleɪtər/. /ət/ /læst/ /aɪ/ /hʌŋ/ /ʌp/ /ðə/ /rəˈsivər/. /wʌt/ /ə/ /mɛs/! /ðər/ /wəz/ /ˈpeɪstri/ /ɑn/ /maɪ/ /ˈfɪŋgərz/, /ɑn/ /ðə/ /ˈtɛləˌfoʊn/, /ənd/ /ɑn/ /ðə/ /dɔr/-/nɑbz/. /aɪ/ /həd/ /noʊ/ /ˈsunər/ /gɑt/ /bæk/ /tə/ /ðə/ /ˈkɪʧən/ /ðən/ /ðə/ /dɔr/-/bɛl/ /ræŋ/ /laʊd/ /ɪˈnʌf/ /tə/ /weɪk/ /ðə/ /dɛd/. /ðɪs/ /taɪm/ /ɪt/ /wəz/ /ðə/ /ˈpoʊstmən/ /ənd/ /hi/ /ˈwɑntəd/ /mi/ /tə/ /saɪn/ /fər/ /ə/ /ˈrɛʤɪstərd/ /ˈlɛtər/!




    1. 朗读(L0):flour/ˈflaʊər/注意不是/ˈflaʊwər/,registered/ˈrɛʤɪstərd/,来源 https://tophonetics.com/
    2. 其他:
      adj. 沮丧的; 失望的; 惊愕的; 惊慌的;
      v. 使惊愕,使焦虑,使气馁( dismay的过去式和过去分词 );
      [例句]The committee was dismayed by what it had been told


    1. 朗读感受:又是一遍过,似乎开始熟练起来。好在文章比较简单,句意和语气把握一下,都有点分角色朗读都感觉呢~
    2. 能否改进:暂无。
    3. 打鸡血:时间都是挤出来的,在公交站朗读都是小case啦,一边陪娃一边读才真正高阶好伐(误~)。加油~



        本文标题:水风的ScalersTalk第四轮新概念朗读持续力训练Day 5
