Game | 80 days

Game | 80 days

作者: 毛君 | 来源:发表于2017-11-07 23:38 被阅读0次

    As her confidence grows you may well see a considerable turnabout in her attitude.
    You make mock of me.
    in dignified affront
    A concourse is a wide hall in a public building, for example a hotel, airport, or station. 大厅
    we raced along the concourse.
    thoroughbred 纯种马
    It signifies much.这非常重要。
    That does not signify.
    leapt aboard
    London smog gave way to rolling hills and the pastures of the countryside.
    perhaps overtaxed by the gruelling duration of our conversation.

    a dimwitted child
    海神波塞冬的妻子 amphitrite
    Amphitrite Express
    ...a friend who has a flair for languages. …一位有语言天赋的朋友
    have a flair for trouble
    As dawn broke,
    roll his eyes
    caspian sea里海(位于前苏联与伊朗之间的内海)

    注视;凝视:She regarded her husband with wide eyes.
    tucked away at the seventh arrondissement
    make a hefty wager

    Savile e Row 深受英国皇室喜爱的西装定制品牌
    sigil /ˈsɪdʒɪl/ a seal or signet 图章
    filigree 金银丝精工艺品

    He was not the type to wander around gaping at everything like a tourist.
    ...an Egyptian sarcophagus. ...一具埃及石棺
    poppy 罂粟
    Wires criss-cross between the tops of the poles, forming a grid.
    The copper-lily pin proclaimed her profession.

    There were problems aplenty at work. 有很多
    I'm fully aware there are wonders and delights aplenty, well far away from the irate girl.

    sticky-fingered 惯窃的
    loupe /luːp/ 珠宝匠、钟表匠等用的小型放大镜
    pewter 锡铅合金

    portcullis (城堡的)吊门
    He enthused, warming to the subject.
    Any words I try to say coagulated in the back of my throats.

    He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.
    I've tried to pass off my accent as a New York one.

    vagary 变幻莫测; 反复无常

    He has recuperated his health. 他已恢复健康。

    Grande Armée 拿破仑于1804年组成的军队以及1812年的远征军
    1812 overture 序曲,前奏曲

    They invited themselves in.
    My luck has deserted me.

    fraight n. 货运;运费
    fraight boat

    modish 时髦的
    in fine form 心情很好

    chasis 车底盘
    contraption 奇妙的装置

    join the merriment != avoid the fesitivities
    This promises to be a bothersome journey. 表示一种推断预测
    consult his watch
    trail off 逐渐减弱(或变小等)
    The car slowed to a crawl as we weaved through the crowds.
    prognostication /prɒɡˌnɒstɪˈkeɪʃən/
    A prognostication is a statement about what you think will happen in the future. 预言
    The country is currently obsessed with gloomy prognostications about its future.
    equanimity /ˌɛkwəˈnɪmɪtɪ, ˌ-/ n.淡定
    hold sway
    Her August Majesty Queen Victoria will hold sway here.
    incognito 隐姓埋名的 remained incognito for the past 11 years
    recluse hermit
    I'm too much of an old croak to change my habits.
    giddy adj. 头晕的
    boiler room
    I broke even. break even 不赚不赔;打成平手
    dab hand 高手
    a dab hand at chess
    mishmash 混杂物; 大杂烩表不满
    You end up with a mishmash of policies rather than a consistent national approach.
    souk (北非和中东穆斯林国家的)露天集市



          本文标题:Game | 80 days
