2022-06-09 周四 英文记录

2022-06-09 周四 英文记录

作者: 狼牙雪豹 | 来源:发表于2022-06-09 22:56 被阅读0次

It was the same as yesterday.

Reading encouraging feature book, reading English articles and English essay, it was comfortable the whole day.

The most gain in work was learning a git skill online, git stash. As the author said, don't only use git pull and git push, I think i am one of them. I tested the command git stash, git stash apply, git stash pop, git stash drop, git stash list. The more I know, the more I know little. It's a truth.

In the afternoon, after finished work today. I received a friend applied in WeChat. The employee from Ali added me and talked me that I was entered the Free Project eventually. I entered the Dingding group later. It was a big deal for my learning low-code when working at home.

Also a quote sharing with you today.
Better than later.


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      本文标题:2022-06-09 周四 英文记录
