
作者: 膝盖中过箭 | 来源:发表于2016-11-16 21:32 被阅读0次

Another busy day

Today is the third all day in hospital.But today was the most impressive time.

In the morning we asked a patient's disease history and write it in the paper. The teacher didn't satisfied with our work,she told us how to write a great disease history and we wrote another paper.

In the afternoon,first,we enquire a patient with infection on her cornea,I reported her history to our teacher and she point at one mistake which my group didn't consider.This is a impressive experience.

Than we checked out the bottom of the eye for two patients with cataracts and I think I will never forget the color of their eyes.

Third,we were in the surgry room and observe the surgery made by our teacher,it's so careful,more than sewing pictures,haha

In the night I went to gym and build my back, I love the actions designed by myself,and I got my wings



  • 我的日记04

    2016.11.16 星期三 ...

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    Another busy day Today is the third all day in hospital.B...

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