The Lawyer

作者: 一窝竹子 | 来源:发表于2017-11-04 19:58 被阅读7次

    A defender of justice, in a suit of gray,

    A lady lawyer, prosecuted crinimals everyday

    Her suit wrinkled from all the reading.

    The evils among the land she will be discovering

    Though the dark circles appears under the eyes

    Her eyes are bright as the star in nights,

    Graduated from Havard, she is astute,

    Her hair is black and short and cute,

    Her professional skill is great,

    With a mild face to the poor, a mighty face criminals hate.

    As an arguer in front of unfair justice she is great,

    Debate for the weak, right is not up for debate.

    A woman more brave than a man,

    Detailed, perceptive, finds the clues when she can.

    Go hither and thither, the suit is tainted with dust

    Interview endless one by one and she is always just,

    Sweat wet from her brow, as the sun is shinning,

    Won’t let any proof lost, none goes missing.

    Won’t let any fake proof fool, without fail,

    She is the one to put the bad guys in the jail



        本文标题:The Lawyer
