Technology In society, it is used to combine "science" and "technology" together, and collectively referred as "technology". Actually, these two are closely related, and they have important difference as well. Science solves theoretical problems, but technology works out for practical problems. People use science to find the relationship between the facts and phenomenons of natural conclusion, then establish the theory of facts and phenomenons; but the tasks of technology is to apply the scientific results into practical problems. Science is mainly dealing with the unknown, especially for its significant breakthrough, it is difficult to predict; but relatively, technology works in a mature field, it can be done more accurate planning. The essence of technology is to discover or invent the connection of things, and a variety of substances that forms a specific system through the connections to achieve specific functions. Furthermore, the way to realize the function is trying to be safe, trying to be stable, trying to achieve low consumption and high output, and trying to control. Technology contains many branches, it is an enormous academic issue. Technology includes: BIOSCIENCE: Because bioscience can be able to reveal the secret of biological structure and genetic, and it has crucial effects of boosting population & health, agricultural high-technology, ecological environment, food & chemical industry, etc., so it has capacious developmental prospects. SPACE SCIENCE: Space science is one of the most cutting-edge and the fastest growing technology in up-to-date technologies. The human being goes into spaces, where they conduct the scientific research, and exploit infinite spatial resources. They are going to settle there, travel their, and establish the spatial civilization in spaces. It has been the mankind's dream for such a long time. PHILOSOPHY: Philosophy is about a theory of international doctrine, which is a system of fundamental perspective of the whole world, including nature, society, and thoughts. Philosophy is the highest summary of natural knowledge and social knowledge. NATURAL SCIENCE: Natural science is a general term of researching natural science, including biological properties and inorganic natural & human being. The investigative target is the whole nature——the types, condition, attribute, and forms of motion of substances. The task of research is to reveal the natural phenomenon and its quiddity, then grasp all these phenomenons and its procedural regularity. Natural science consists of numerous domains: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, geography, medicine, agricultural science, energy science, environmental science, and so on. HUMANITIES SCIENCE: Humanities science is an implement for people to cognize, maintain, and ameliorate the nature. Humanities science refers to put the existence of human society as the researchful object, in order to reveal the essence of human society and the development of science. Humanities science is not only a kind of truth researching, but also represents the values and interests of social organizations. Humanities science consists of these doctrines: politics, economics, military science, law, literature & art, history, archaeology, linguistics, and so on. HIGH & NEW TECHNOLOGY: High and new technology refers to those that affects a country or a region's polity, economic, military, and many other aspects profoundly. It can also form advanced technology group. In 21 century, there are some main techniques, such as remote sensing technology, superconductivity, micro electronic technology, artificial intelligence, ultrasonic technology, microwave communication, etc.. Technology is human's great product but which actually has dual characters. The importance of its effects is self-evident. Technology represents the improvement and development of a country. To promote technological level, is to strengthen a country's economical development, its governmental influence, and its martial fighting capacity. However, what we need to pay attention is, technology has its disadvantages as well: (1) The development of technology gives us ability to destroy ourselves, although it allows us to possess this ability to transform our nature. However, the technological product have been hurt millions of beings. What worse is, we've produced many things which doesn't exist in the nature originally and they perplex us all the time, such as some chemical supplies and white trash. (2) The personal safety can't be guaranteed nowdays. Averagely, there are a million of crimes take place every day, and most of them are related to technology. From Second World War we can see that the damage and loss causes by war are more than before, they can even cause the demise of the human being. (3) Human's physical condition isn't as strong as before. With the development of transportation, our life has been converted crucially. The human being has never relied on their two legs. At this rate development, the human's body will be atrophied, and appear a new unprecedented appearance meanwhile. (4) Many technological products are also have both sides. For example, the nuclear power, air condition, cars, pladtic bags, Internet, some electronic equipments, biological products and so on. Anyway, whether all these technological products make our life worse or not, it merely depends on the users. I consider that the objects are neutral, but what important is how to apply the technological products. "HOW" is abstact and profound. It will determine our our living quality. In conclusion, the development of technology is based on destruction and interrupted summary. Consequently, within the historical deepening, the development of technology will bring a negative impact to the circumstances. With an view to the long and slow history, we have to envisage all these negative effects, take its advantages and avoid its disadvantages. Only for this, the technology will certainly benefits the human being!