

作者: 风往北吹_风往北吹 | 来源:发表于2022-06-20 17:47 被阅读0次

莱昂纳多《华尔街之狼》激情演讲2——Never give up!


莱昂纳多《华尔街之狼》激情演讲2——Never give up!音频链接

You know, five years ago,when I started Stratton Oakmont with Donnie Azoff. I knew the day would eventually come where I`d have to be moving on. And It's truly with a heavy heart that I'm here to say that the day is finally here.

I wanna thank you all for your years of loyalty and admiration. But the point is this under Donnie`s leadership, along with Nicky Koskoff and Robbie Feinberg, moving into the key management positions. This place really is it's gonna be better than ever. That I promise you, Okay?

This is Ellis island. you people, okay, who you are, where you from, where do your relatives came over, from the Mayflower, or the inner tube from Haiti. This, right here, is the land of opportunity. Stratton Oakmont is America!

All of you know Kimmie Belzer, right? Yes we do. Come on Kimmie, which you probably didn't know is, Kimmie was one of the first brokers here. One of the Stratton's original 20.

Most of you met Kimmie the beautiful sophisticated woman that she is today. A woman taht wears $3000 Armani suits. Drives brand new Mercedes Benz. A woman who, who spends her winters in Bahamas and her summers in the Hamptons.

That's not the Kimmie that I met. The KimmieI that I met didn't have two nickels to rub together. She was a single mom on the balls of her ass with an eight year old son. Okay? She was three months behind on her rent. That when she came to me and asked me for a job, she asked for $5000 advance just just so she could pay her son's tuition.

And what I do, Kimmie? Go on, tell them. You wrote me a check for 25000 dollars. That's right. Thank you. And you know why that is? That's because I believed in you. That`s because I believed in you, Kimmie. Just like I believe in each and everyone of you here today.

I love you, Jodan, I love you, Jodan, I love you. I love you. I love you too. I love you too. And I love all of you! I love all of you, from the bottom of my heart. I mean it!

It's a shame, because you know, for years I've been telling you guys, never to take ”no” for an answer, fight? In order to keep pushing and to never hang up the phone, until you get what you want. Because you all deserve it.

You know this deal that I'm about to sign, barring me from the securities industry, barring me from Stratton, my home. That's that? You know? I tell you what it is. It's, It's me taking “no” for an answer, you know? It's them, them selling me, not the other way around. It's me being a hypocrite, is what it is.

So, you know what? I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving. I`m not FK leaving! The show goes on. This is my home. They gonna need a fucking wrecking ball to take me outta here! Thay gonna need to send a national guard or fucking SWAT team, because I ani't going nowhere.


莱昂纳多《华尔街之狼》精彩演讲1—Become rich!音频链接


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