怎样理解ABA中的Automatic Reinforcement

怎样理解ABA中的Automatic Reinforcement

作者: 儿童言语治疗路老师 | 来源:发表于2021-12-15 09:35 被阅读0次

    "Automatic reinforcement is reinforcement that is not mediated by the deliberate action of another person."


    - Vaughan and Michael (1982, p. 219)


    What is Automatic Reinforcement?


    Automatic reinforcement occurs when a person's behavior creates a favorable outcome without the involvement of another person (Cooper, Heron, & Howard, 2007).

    当一个人的行为在没有另一个人参与的情况下创造了有利的结果时,自动强化就发生了(Cooper,Heron,& hward,2007)。

    You could say that a behavior maintained by automatic reinforcement is “non-social” (Patel, Carr, Kim, Robles, & Eastridge, 2000) or that automatic reinforcement is ‘a reinforcement contingency that exists independent of the social environment’ (Falcomata, Roane, Hovanetz, & Kettering, 2004, p.83).

    你可以说由自动强化维持的行为是“非社会性的”(Patel,Carr,Kim,Robles,& Eastridge,2000) ,或者自动强化是“独立于社会环境存在的后效增强”(Falcomata,Roane,Hovanetz,& 凯特林,2004,p. 83)。

    Basically, if another person is not involved with the function of the behavior then this would be defined as “automatic reinforcement”. If another person is involved with the function of the behavior this would be defined as “social reinforcement” or “socially mediated reinforcement” (Cooper et al., 2007).

    基本上,如果另一个人没有参与这种行为的功能,那么这将被定义为“自动强化”。如果另一个人参与了这种行为的功能,这将被定义为“社会强化”或“社会媒介强化”(Cooper 等人,2007年)。

    For example, if you turn on your television then this is automatic reinforcement because you did it yourself but if you asked your friend to turn on the television this would not be automatic reinforcement because another person was involved; asking your friend to do it would be social reinforcement.

    例如,如果你打开电视,那么这是自动强化,因为是你自己打开的,但如果你让你的朋友打开电视,这不会是自动强化,因为有另一个人参与; 让你的朋友打开电视会是社会强化。

    Automatic Positive and Negative Reinforcement


    There are two classes of automatic reinforcement. The first is automatic positive reinforcement which occurs when a person obtains something as a result of their own behavior.


    The second is automatic negative reinforcement which occurs when a person gets away from something or avoids something as a result of their own behavior (Miltenberger, 2008).


    Automatic reinforcement can have a positive or negative form.


    Examples of automatic positive reinforcement include:


    Brushing your hair because you want it to be neat


    Dressing yourself 穿衣服

    Putting salt on your own dinner to improve the taste of the food


    Tying your shoelaces 系鞋带

    Watching a movie because you enjoy it


    Examples of automatic negative reinforcement include:


    Washing your own hands to remove dirt


    Cutting your own finger nails to reduce their length


    Throwing out rubbish 扔垃圾

    Turning on your car windscreen wipers to remove rain water


    Rubbing your leg to sooth the pain after banging it off a table edge


    Take note that if a person brushed their hair to create a certain style before going on a night out and they did this because they think they get more attention from the opposite sex when they do, then this behavior would be maintained by social reinforcement and not automatic reinforcement.


    Self-Stimulation and Sensory Functions


    Automatic reinforcement does not only occur when a person interacts with their environment; as is the case when someone turns on their TV or puts salt on their food.


    Any behavior that occurs without the involvement of another person and creates an internal state of pleasure or removes an internal state of displeasure (pain) can also be maintained by automatic reinforcement.

    任何没有他人参与的行为,创造了一种内在的快乐状态或者消除了内在的不快(痛苦) ,也可以通过自动强化来维持。

    Behaviors maintained by these internal feelings are more commonly described as “self-stimulating” or “self-stimulatory (O’Neill, et al, 1997).


    Examples could include ‘singing to yourself to produce auditory stimulation’ (LeBlanc, Patel, & Carr, 2000, p. 137) or scratching yourself to remove at itch (Cooper et al, 2007)

    比如“唱歌给自己听以产生听觉刺激”(LeBlanc,Patel,& Carr,2000,p. 137)或者抓挠自己以消除瘙痒(Cooper et al,2007)

    Automatic Reinforcement and Stereotypy


    As described by Iwata et al (1994), some authors have used the term “stereotypy” to refer to behaviors that are not maintained by any social reinforcement. In essence this means that they were being described as occurring as a result of automatic reinforcement (self-stimulation).


    However, to say that all stereotypic behaviors are maintained by automatic reinforcement is not accurate because stereotypy may function as self-stimulation for some people but for others it may function to obtain attention, to escape demands or obtain tangible items through the actions of other people (see Cunningham & Schreibman, 2008; Iwata et al, 1994; Kennedy, Meyer, Knowles, & Shukla, 2000 for discussions).

    然而,说所有的刻板行为都是通过自动强化来维持并不准确,因为刻板行为对于某些人来说可能是自我刺激,但对于其他人来说,它可能是通过其他人的行为来获得注意力、逃避需求或获得有形物品(见 Cunningham & Schreibman,2008; Iwata et al,1994; Kennedy,Meyer,Knowles,& Shukla,2000 for discussion)。

    The term stereotypy is only describing the topography of a behavior and it tells you nothing about its actual function.


    It has been said that when ‘a behaviour occurs in the absence of other individuals, it is assumed to be maintained by automatic reinforcement’ (Rapp, Miltenberger, Galensky, Ellingson, & Long, 1999, p. 329). However, this may not always be the case because a behaviour can occur without a person present within the environment but the function of the behaviour will involve a person at a later stage.

    有人说,当“一种行为发生在没有其他个体的情况下,它被假定为通过自动强化来维持”(Rapp,Miltenberger,Galensky,Ellingson,& Long,1999,p. 329)。然而,情况可能并非总是如此,因为一种行为可能在没有人在场的情况下发生,但这种行为的作用将在以后阶段涉及一个人。

    Take a young boy who decides to draw a picture in his bedroom. Here the behaviour of drawing is occurring without another person present so it may appear to be occurring as a result of automatic reinforcement i.e. he could be getting an internal sense of pleasure from drawing or he wants a picture to put on his wall so does it himself.


    But if this boy knows that he gets praise and social attention from his parents when they see his drawings this behavior may be being maintained by social positive reinforcement and not automatic reinforcement. Just because a behavior occurs in the absence of other people does not mean the behaviour does not have some form of social reinforcement maintaining it.


    This “delay” in receiving reinforcement is described by Malott (2007) as an “analogue to reinforcement” because the consequence of the behavior does not occur immediately after the behavior.

    Malott (2007年)将这种强化的”延迟”描述为”受规则控制的强化”,因为这种行为的后果不会在行为之后立即发生。



          本文标题:怎样理解ABA中的Automatic Reinforcement
