怎样理解ABA中强化的自动性 automaticity of r

怎样理解ABA中强化的自动性 automaticity of r

作者: 儿童言语治疗路老师 | 来源:发表于2021-12-15 10:25 被阅读0次

    This phenomenon explains how processes of reinforcement affect us, and have affected us, to learn without exactly being “aware” of it.  Automaticity of reinforcement refers to the fact that behavior is modified by its consequence irrespective of the persons “awareness” of the process or purpose. 


    Take these examples:


    Jumping over a puddle. A person bends their legs and pushes off with sufficient force to leap and clear the puddle, and their reinforcement is being able to get to the other side (dry). No one needs to tell them they were successful, and they did not need to vocalize “I jumped and I am dry!” for that behavior to be reinforced. If a person jumps as high in the future, it is because of this event providing the reinforcement of that jumping behavior.


    A child learning their first sounds. A child may say “aaahhh!” when echoing a parent’s “aaahh”. If this child has no history of language, or the ability to speak, would we need to say that they understood a parent saying “Good job saying ahh!!”? Not at all. The praise of the parent serves as a reinforcer regardless. The tone, facial expression, and social interaction may all serve as reinforcers. If the child is quicker to echo the parent, or engages in more “aaahhh!” vocalizations, we can say that reinforcement has occurred.

    一个孩子学习他们的第一个声音。一个孩子可能会说“啊!”当回响父母的“ aaahh”。如果这个孩子没有语言的历史,或者没有说话的能力,我们是否需要说他们理解父母说的“干得好,说啊!”?一点也不。无论如何,父母的赞扬都会起到强化作用。语气、面部表情和社交互动都可以起到强化作用。如果孩子更快地回应父母,或者参与更多的“ aaahhh!”发声,我们可以说,强化已经发生。



          本文标题:怎样理解ABA中强化的自动性 automaticity of r
