

作者: 扑妈在成长 | 来源:发表于2019-06-21 18:54 被阅读0次

昨天读到一篇英文短文,题目是A Mindful Method for When You’re Tired《当你疲惫时的一个走心的方法》作者Leo Babauta。文章别于常规的方法,介绍了作者自己赶走身体和精神疲惫的一些实践。





My family & I flew back to California after nine months of being in Guam, and boy are our arms tired! OK, our entire bodies are tired, and our brains — we’re suffering from jet lag and feeling tired during the day.


This isn’t necessarily a problem — jet lag is to be expected, after all — but tiredness can affect everything in your life. I find myself less able to do work, more overwhelmed when I’m behind on email and messages, less able to keep up with healthy habits, more likely to eat junk food, and in worse moods.


Being tired can have such huge effects on us. And many people are tired much of the time, from being overworked and underslept.


So what can we do? Well, there are the usual methods of trying to get better sleep, like better sleep hygiene, setting a consistent bedtime and wake time, and so forth. These are highly recommended.


But what do you do today, when you’re still tired? What can you do tomorrow if you’re tired then too?


Here’s how I try to practice in the middle of the tiredness, which is sometimes unavoidable.


1. Recognize that my battery is low. First I notice that I’m feeling tired, that my capacity to do things is lower than normal, that I am not as sharp or in as good a mood as I normally am (I’m normally a super dynamo, you know!). Bring awareness to my state.认识到自己的电量很低。首先我意识到自己感到疲惫,做事的能力不及平常,不如平时那样敏锐并且精力充沛。(你要知道我正常情况下是一台超级发电机)

2. Lower my expectations. Next, I bring acceptance to the fact that I’m just not going to be super productive or on top of things as much as I’d like. I recognize and accept that I just want to curl up in a ball, watch TV and eat junk food. With this acceptance of my lowered capacity, I try not to expect myself to get too much done.降低我的期望值。其次,我会接受自己做不到高产量或者像自己喜欢的那样做高标准的事情的事实。我意识并接受自己只想缩成一团看看电视吃些垃圾食品。带着对我自己暂时低能状态的认识,我会试着不期望自己做的更多。

3. Experience the tiredness. We try to eat junk food and procrastinate in order to not feel the tiredness. Instead, I try to actually feel it. That means to fully experience the tiredness, as if it’s just as delicious as any other experience. I try to bring curiosity to the experience — what is it like? How do my eyes feel behind my droopy eyelids? What does my face feel like? What about my chest? Throat? Gut? Legs? I try to feel it as an experience, not something I need to get rid of.感知疲惫。我们想要吃垃圾食品和拖延,是为了逃避疲惫的感觉。我认为应该替代的是,实实在在的去感受这种感觉。这意味着要全然的体会疲惫的感觉,如同品味美食给身体带来的感受一样。我尝试充满好奇心的去体验,这感受像什么?我的眼睛在下垂的眼睑的后面感觉怎么样?我的脸看上去像什么?还有我的胸部,喉咙,内脏和腿,感觉怎样?我试着去体验而不是想要去除掉这些不舒服的感受。

4. Give myself compassion. This might be so obvious or trite that many readers will skip this step, but I recommend that you give this a genuine shot. I pause and give myself some love — I’m feeling tired and down, so I wish for my suffering to end. It’s the same feeling if someone you loved were feeling anxious or hurt — how would you send them love? Do the same exact thing for yourself. This is a physical feeling of sending love to your tiredness, not an intellectual concept. Practice it now!给予自己热情。这一步常会被认为是显而易见的或老调重弹而被忽略,我推荐你对这点给与真心的关注。我按下暂停键,并给与自己一些关爱——因为我感到疲惫和低落,所以我希望终结这样的痛苦。这是同样的道理,如果你爱的那个人感到焦虑或受伤害,你怎么向他传递爱呢?对自己做同样确定的事。为自己的疲惫输送关爱,这是身体层面的感知,不是在头脑中去想象和判断。立即去做!

5. Aim for small victories. As I have a lowered capacity, I just try to get small victories when I can. Don’t have energy in the morning? Maybe I can just answer a couple of emails. Don’t have the capacity to write a blog post? Maybe I can just write two paragraphs. So I’m not entirely abdicating my responsibilities when I’m tired — I’m just trying to do a small amount. It makes a huge difference.把目标瞄准小的胜利。如果我正处于低能量状态,当可以时我就尝试获得些小的进步。早上起来没有能量?也许我只是回复两三个邮件。没有能力写一篇博客?也许我只是写两段。所以,当我疲惫时,不是完全放弃职责,我只是尝试做少量的。这就比完全不做造成了巨大的不同。

6. If I give in to temptation, really be present with it. If I decide to go for the pizza or ice cream, that’s nothing to feel guilty about. But for goodness sake, don’t do it mindlessly! If I’m going to eat ice cream, I want to be entirely present with the sensation of the sweetness on my tongue, the coldness in my mouth, going down my throat. Savor it. Experience it entirely.如果我对诱惑投降,那么要真的去好好体验。如果我决定去吃披萨或者冰淇淋,没有什么好愧疚的。但是看在老天爷的份儿上,不要毫无顾虑的去做。如果我打算去吃冰淇淋,我想要好好的感受舌尖上的甜蜜,嘴里的冰凉滑进喉咙的感觉。尽情享受,全然体验。

That’s my mindful method, and I am imperfect at it. I violate every single one of these. But I try to practice, and when I do, it’s always wonderful.



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