Nov. 2018 苹果专题之 All about Pumpki

Nov. 2018 苹果专题之 All about Pumpki

作者: 宝玩学术专题乐园 | 来源:发表于2018-11-05 15:39 被阅读0次

Hi boys and girls, how was your Halloween in October? Did you carve a pumpkin? Have you ever wondered what are the names of the different parts of a pumpkin? Come, let’s have a look!

Everything inside the pulp is also called the the “pumpkin brain”, including the seeds!

Now that we know what are inside a pumpkin, do you want to cut one open and explore?

While you are exploring the inside of your pumpkin, can you answer these questions?

1. How does it feel:

- On the outside of the pumpkin?

- On the inside of the pumpkin? Mushy? Gooey? Slimey? Cold? Wet? All of the above?

2. How many seeds did you find in your pumpkin?

3. How would you describe the inside of a pumpkin? Mushy? Gooey? Slimey? Cold? All of the above?

4. Now the final and fun question! Did your hands turn orange after touching the pumpkin brain?!

Now cut up the pumpkin pulp and have some delicious pumpkin for dinner! Hope you all had fun exploring a pumpkin!



      本文标题:Nov. 2018 苹果专题之 All about Pumpki
