Leetcode 1635. Hopper 公司查询 I

Leetcode 1635. Hopper 公司查询 I

作者: 七齐起器 | 来源:发表于2021-12-24 09:55 被阅读0次



    with recursive t(n) as (
        select 1
        union all
        select n+1 from t where n<12
    select a.m month,a.id active_drivers,case when b.cnt is not null then b.cnt else 0 end accepted_rides from (
    select a.m,a.id from (
    select a.m,convert(a.id,unsigned integer) id,row_number() over(partition by a.m order by a.id desc) id1 from(
    select a.y m,case when  b.id is not null then @id:=b.id else @id end id from(
    select n y from t)a left join(
    select year(join_date)y,month(join_date)m,sum(case when join_date<='2020-12-31' then 1 else 0 end) over(order by join_date) id
    from Drivers 
    where year(join_date)<=2020
    )b on a.y=b.m and b.y=2020
    ,(select @id:=0) as init 
    )a where a.id1=1
    )a left join (
    select month(a.requested_at) m,count(*)cnt 
    select * from Rides where year(requested_at)=2020
    )a left join AcceptedRides b on a.ride_id=b.ride_id
    where b.ride_id is not null
    group by month(a.requested_at)
    )b on a.m=b.m


    报告2020年每个月的以下统计信息:1) 截至某月底,当前在Hopper公司工作的驾驶员数量(active_drivers)

    2) 该月接受的乘车次数(accepted_rides)。

        mon_time AS (
            -- 递归生成月份
            SELECT 1 AS month
            UNION ALL
            SELECT month + 1
            FROM mon_time
            WHERE month <= 11),
        active_driver AS (
            -- 生成每个月激活的司机数,2020年以前的归到1月份
            SELECT IF(YEAR(d.join_date) < '2020', 1, MONTH(d.join_date)) AS `month`,
                   COUNT(*)                                              AS `driver`
            FROM Drivers d
            WHERE YEAR(d.join_date) < '2021'
            GROUP BY IF(YEAR(d.join_date) < '2020', 1, MONTH(d.join_date)) ),
        accepted_ride AS (
            -- 计算每个月的订单
            SELECT MONTH(r.requested_at) AS `month`, COUNT(*) AS `order`
            FROM Rides r
                     JOIN AcceptedRides a ON r.ride_id = a.ride_id
            WHERE YEAR(r.requested_at) = '2020'
            GROUP BY MONTH(r.requested_at)) 
    SELECT a.month,
           IFNULL(SUM(b.driver) OVER (ORDER BY a.month), 0) AS `active_drivers`,
           IFNULL(c.`order`, 0)                             AS `accepted_rides`
    FROM mon_time a
             LEFT JOIN active_driver b ON a.month = b.month
             LEFT JOIN accepted_ride c ON a.month = c.month



          本文标题:Leetcode 1635. Hopper 公司查询 I
