At the edge of the tall grass, Mowgli ran for his very life, the tiger on his heels. Mowgli knew he’d never outrun Shere Khan, but he couldn’t give up, not now, not ever. The hulking beast raced toward Mowgli and closed what little space there was between them, the wet grass parting in his wake. It was over.
Then the bison stampede slammed into Shere Khan, knocking the tiger sprawling into the reeds. Mowgli kept moving, narrowly avoiding the thrashing river of panicked bison himself, dropping, slipping, and sliding down the muddy hillside and into the wet ravine.
Mowgli had barely a moment to catch his breath before the bison piled into the ravine after him, covering him with mud. He was running with the herd, trying to keep up, when he noticed, just behind, the dirty orange-and-black flash of Shere Khan on the ridge above. They locked eyes for a moment through the downpour, Mowgli finally seeing the heat in the tiger’s predatory glare. The hatred.
And just as quickly, the stampeding creatures came between them, blocking their view, and Mowgli lost sight of Shere Khan.
The tiger sprinted this way and that, hunting, leaping, chasing bison in every direction, but found nothing. His man-cub had disappeared. He roared, splitting the sky with his fury, his cry competing with the thunder for supremacy. This was far from over.
At the edge of the tall grass, Mowgli ran for his very life, the tiger on his heels. Mowgli knew he’d never outrun Shere Khan, but he couldn’t give up, not now, not ever. The hulking beast raced toward Mowgli and closed what little space there was between them, the wet grass parting in his wake. It was over.
一开始就点明地点,用介词短语(at the edge of),把环境的典型元素(the tall grass)也纳入其中。然后点明故事主人公Mowgli及其发出的动作ran, 并且说其行为动机是为了逃生(for his very life)。紧接着用非独立主格(the tiger on his heels)指明其对手,也就是主人公Mowgli行动的障碍。On his heels也说明了这是一场惊险的追逐。
下一句是心理描写(know), 写出Mowgli知道他不可能跑赢老虎,但还是没有放弃。这是多么可贵的品质:认清生活的真相,依然勇敢地面对。具体分析来说,这表现出自知之明和坚持之勇。同时用not now 和not ever两个否定式时间状语来表现他现在不会放弃,永远也不会放弃。
The hulking beast用形容词定语和名词写出对手整体特征。hulking一词把老虎如同绿巨人浩克(Hulk)一般的体型展现在读者面前。对比起同the tiger 或者其名字Shere khan, 这个表达除了更加形象具体,也能够避免重复表达。
在接下来一句,用了两个关于移动的表达。第一个是raced towards, 第二个是closed what little space there was between them。前者干脆利落,后者则呼应前面on his heels, 再次描写这个追逐场面的惊险,让读者的心脏都提到嗓子眼里。当然,作者还不忘记融合环境,提到其动作对湿漉漉的草的影响(the wet grass parting in his wake.)。
最后是It was over. 看上去有些突兀,为什么说结束了啊。按笔者理解,这更像是老虎自己的想法,觉得自己马上就能抓住人孩,一切似乎唾手可得。关于这一点,在最后一部分文字,我们还会回到再看看呼应和伏笔的写法。
Then the bison stampede slammed into Shere Khan, knocking the tiger sprawling into the reeds. Mowgli kept moving, narrowly avoiding the thrashing river of panicked bison himself, dropping, slipping, and sliding down the muddy hillside and into the wet ravine.
然后出现了新的元素(the bison stampede), 本质上说来,这也是融合环境的一种写法,故事发生的场地的相关元素都可能施加影响。而这种影响最好是作用于具体的一个角色当中,这里是撞到(slammed into)老虎,并且将其撞到芦苇丛中(knocking the tiger sprawling into the reeds.)
当然,Mowgli继续移动(kept moving), 避免(avoid)这些横冲直撞的动物,此处用了一个很形象的比喻,将鹿群比作洪水(a thrashing river of), 然后用了三个现在分词结构 dropping, slipping和sliding, 三个非及物动词加上两个地点状语down the muddy hillside 和into the wet ravine (注意体会环境融合)。如果说前面两个动词drop和slip表现出难以控制的自然挑战,后面的slide则显示出主动的倾向,在一定程度上也能够体现出人物性格。
Mowgli had barely a moment to catch his breath before the bison piled into the ravine after him, covering him with mud. He was running with the herd, trying to keep up, when he noticed, just behind, the dirty orange-and-black flash of Shere Khan on the ridge above. They locked eyes for a moment through the downpour, Mowgli finally seeing the heat in the tiger’s predatory glare. The hatred.
接下来继续写Mowgli的动作。此处写呼吸。主人公做出一个动作(或者不能做出某种动作)之时,环境是如何施加影响(以bison为代表,piled after, covering两个影响)。此处bison的移动短语pile into(列队进入)也值得积累。然后再写人物是如何利用环境提供的机会(running with the herd), 来实现目的(trying to keep up)。然后用一个when引导的时间状语从句来描写其对手的情况。对于对手的称呼,有很多种方式,比如tiger, khan, the hulking beast, 此处用的是比喻方式(the dirty orange-and-black flash),里面蕴含了视觉和比喻的写法。然后写两人之间的交互,这里是眼神(locked eyes), 继续使用环境融合写法(through the downpour), 然后用非独立主格(现在分词seeing)写出对Mowgli的影响。当然,这里的影响并不是直接说他的内心感觉,而是用叙述的方式(showing rather than telling)说Mowgli看到了老虎杀气腾腾的眼神里面的热气(the heat in the tiger's predatory glare), 稍微夸张,但很有穿透力。然后用一个名词独立成句(The hatred),点明情绪,更增加对读者的震撼力。
And just as quickly, the stampeding creatures came between them, blocking their view, and Mowgli lost sight of Shere Khan.
继续环境融合,再写stampeding creatures(此处也可以体会称呼的多样性:the bison stampede, the stampeding creatures, the herd)时刻不忘记周围元素的影响。在这一部分内容也可以积累一些关于看的英语表达方式(具体看本文第三部分的词汇积累)
The tiger sprinted this way and that, hunting, leaping, chasing bison in every direction, but found nothing. His man-cub had disappeared. He roared, splitting the sky with his fury, his cry competing with the thunder for supremacy. This was far from over.
此处写老虎,再用了一个移动单词(sprinted), 两个地点状语(this way and that), 三个现在分词(hunting,leaping, chasing bison), 用but写出其努力的结果(found nothing)。再用一个句子强调其捕猎对象已经消失(His man-cub had disappeared),物主代词his也有很深刻的意味,本来以为是囊中之物,没想到却不见踪影。
前面的消失,是一种外在影响。现在,当然要写内在反应。这里用了一个动词(roared), 然后用两个现在分词结构写出这个roar的影响:
Splitting the sky with his fury
His cry competing with the thunder for supremacy
最后是This was far from over. 看到这一句,是不是立马就会想到前面It was over? 呼应和伏笔是非常有意思的写法。本来以为这是一个板上钉钉的事情(It was over.) 但是谁也没有想到在这场实力悬殊的追逐中(Mowgli knew he'd outrun…), 会是这样的结局。
马云说得对,看来梦想还是要有的,万一实现了呢? 更为重要的是,是在梦想和实现之间,要有现在不放弃,永远不放弃的精神(but he could not give up, not now, not ever.) 面对被比自己强大得多的老虎追捕的残酷现实,Mowgli依然怀揣逃生梦想,并且不放弃,最后,他保住了自己性命。
1. 关于看的词汇
Locked eyes
Seeing something in someone’s glare
Blocked someone’s views
Lose sight of someone
Found nothing
2. 关于移动的词汇
Ran for
On someone’s heels
Raced toward
Cover space between
Slammed into
Sprawl into
Kept moving
Piled into
Ran with
Keep up
Sprinted this way and that
3. 关于人称的多样性表达
Shere Khan:
the hulking beast
the tiger
the dirty orange-and-black flash of Shere Khan
the bison stampede
the trashing river of panicked bison
the bison
the stampeding creatures
英文原文:美国迪士尼公司 (摘选仅供研究交流, 推荐通过正规渠道购买原文:The Jungle Book:The Strength of the Wolf is the Pack)