1. Life's a mixed bag, no matter who you are. 无论你是谁,生活总是喜忧参半。
2. You don't start over. Every step you take is forever. 你没有机会从头来过,走的每一步都是永恒。
3. Discovery requires experimentation. 实践出真知。
4.Sometimes that things you're searching for your whole life... it's right there by your side all along. 有时候你寻找了一生的东西,其实一直就在你身边。
5. Drink from the well, replenish the well. 取水于井,还井于水。
6. If you want the rainbow, you have to deal with the rain. 想要彩虹,就先忍受雨水。
7.Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift.昨天是历史,明天是个迷,但今天是一份礼物。
8. Don't waste your time looking back. You're not going that way. 不要浪费时间回头看,你要走的不是回头路。
9.Hope for the best, plan for the worst. 抱最大希望,做最坏打算。
10. Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one. 有时候正确的路并非最好走的那一条。
11. There's one thing that we need, that can't be seen, and it can't be bought, and that is faith. 有一样东西是我们需要的,却看不到也买不来,那就是信念。
12.That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest. 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。
13. Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you. 人生像一匹马,你不驾驭它,它便驾驭你。
14. Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle. 生活不易,待人以善。
15. Happiness is , like, something you have to look after, be vigilant about. 幸福是需要你小心呵护,谨慎保护的东西。
16. No matter how bad things get, there's something good out there, just over the horizon.无论生活变得多糟糕,好的事情总在不远处。
17. You got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 你得抛开过去才能不断前进。
18. Don't get all sad-faced about what happened, and scrunchy-faced about what could, just be here now. 不为已经发生的事而悲伤,也不为没发生的事而烦恼,活在当下就好。
19. Countless choices define our fate. 无数的选择造就了我们的命运。
20.Let's make every moment count, starting now. 让我们把每一刻都过得值得,就从现在开始。
21. You have to know where you're going. 人心中总要有明确的方向。
22. Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
1.The only person standing in your way is you. 唯一阻碍你的人是你自己。
2. Every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson make you better. 每次挫折都是一次教训,每次教训都使你变得更好。
3. Even the biggest failure, even the worst, most intractable mistake, beats the hell never trying.
4. Let excellence be your brand.让优秀成为你的招牌。
5.What you get is what you get. What you do with what you get, that's more the point. 你拥有什么是注定的,好好利用你得到的,才是重点。
6. Your dignity's inside you. Nobody can take something away from you that you don't give them. 尊严在你自己心中,你不给别人,谁也拿不走。
7. Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one. 未来靠你自己创造,给自己一个美好的未来吧!
8. Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into a better one. 梦想能够拯救我们。 梦想能够激励我们并让我们成为更好的人。
9. All things are difficult before they are easy. 一切事情先难后易,苦尽甘来。
10. Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.
11. There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self. 这个宇宙中,只有一个角落你肯定可以改进,那就是你自己。
12. Finish what we start. 有始有终。
13. The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you. 你越了解自己,以及自己想要的东西,你就越不会被外界困扰。
14.Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground. 仰望星空,脚踏实地。
15. Don't let anyone tell you different. 不要让任何人否定你的与众不同。
16. The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.达到目标的最好办法就是投入自己百分百的时间和精力。
17.Many a little makes a mickle. 积少成多。
18. Beware of dediority. 谨防成为平庸的人。
19. A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try.
20. Never lose your childish enthusiasm and things will come your way. 永远保持童真般的热情,一切都会得偿所愿。
21. The eary bird gets the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(笨鸟先飞)
22. By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. 凡事预则立,不预则废。
23. With determination and dedication, you can make it happen. 只要你有决心、肯付出,你就能成功!
24. Life here can be a dream come true. 美梦迟早会成真。
25. Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else's path. 追随热情, 忠于自我,绝不要追随别人的脚步。
26. There's no shame in hard work. 努力从来不丢人。