

作者: 吴井娣 | 来源:发表于2018-09-17 09:50 被阅读0次

提問 : 我感到非常的孤單寂寞。我需要一個我可以依賴的人來支持我,但是沒人準備好許下這完全的承諾,我該怎麼辦呢 ?

古儒吉大師 : 任何伴侶關係,當它從冀望與匱乏走向奉獻時,才會持久。你來到這世上,都是獨自一人的,而且當你從這兒離去時,你也將獨自一人離開。不要企圖逃離孤獨寂寞,它是塞翁失馬,這是回到本我 (be centered) 的時候。 推開你周遭的一切,你會發現,你是這宇宙閃閃發光的能量,你是本我的意識,你是最終的真理。這個孤單只是靠近那 (最終真理) 的唯一步伐。孤獨,是因為你想抓緊外在的某些東西。填補孤獨的企圖、尋找伴侶、外在的任何事物都不會有效。要明白,你在這星球上是要給予,然後捲鋪蓋離開,就這樣 ! 你來此是為了給予,不從這兒取走分毫。當你學會這個知識時,當你熟悉存在的核心時,你再也不會感到孤獨,你會感覺到環繞你周圍的意識,全都是生命。然後,在此的每一個人都是你的朋友。無論他們的行為舉止如何,它是無關緊要的。就你而言,他們是你的朋友。你就像個母親,母親絕不會介意孩子是否哭、是否胡鬧、或發脾氣...她不會介意嬰兒是笑或發怒,她依然覺得,這是我的孩子。你會感到如此浩瀚,你覺得整個宇宙都是我的、每個人都是我的,而這就是去除孤單的方法。不要去尋找某個會配合你心智狀態的人。這個配合只是暫時的,因為本性使你如此的獨特。如果你查看你拇指的指紋,你們每一個人都擁有不同的指紋,那本身便展現出你的獨一無二。你會發現一個非常優秀的同伴,7年或30年或40年之後,你會感覺到,你們好像從未曾在一起過。你會納悶我們怎麼能夠在一起生活了40年,然後有一天你說,我們是如此的不同,我們彼此並不適合。

快點,醒醒吧 ! 醒來並看看,不要尋找某人或某事物填補你的空虛。有一首來自Kabir的歌曲說,「我心愛的,在我的夢裡來到我身邊」。當你認為,這整個世界是一場夢時,你與你的摯愛握手言和。一旦你擁抱你的摯愛,那就對了 ! 不再孤單,任何地方、任何時候,不再孤單寂寞,這就是靈性的道路。我不是反對你有親密關係、有家庭、結婚,不是的,你可以擁有配偶、你可以擁有伴侶,但不要從他們身上,希冀擁有某些(靈性的)空間。想像一下,一種你滿足並且只奉獻的伴侶關係,就是這樣的關係才會更長久。所以方法就是,靜坐(心)、傾聽巴將(bhajans,一種梵文的靈性歌曲)、傾聽歌曲。你的摯愛就是跟你自己在一起,你只須往內覺察,那就是了。一旦你發現,內在,在你內在的摯愛,你就會在這宇宙中,找到無所不在的他或她。

Q: I feel very lonely. I need someone to support me whom I can rely on, but no one is ready for full commitment. What do I do?

Sri Sri: Any companionship when it goes from a place of wanting and lack to contributing, is long lasting. You came into this world all alone. And when you go from here you are going to go alone. Don’t try to run away from loneliness. It is a blessing in disguise. This is a time to be centered. Push away everything around you. You will find that you’re the scintillating energy of the Universe. You are the center of the consciousness. You’re the ultimate Truth. This loneliness is only one step close to that.

Loneliness is because you want to grab something from outside. Trying to fill your loneliness, looking for a companion, anything outside is not going to work. Know that you are on this planet to give something and then pack up and leave. That’s it! You have come here to give something, take nothing from here. When you get into this knowledge, when you get into the core of existence you will never feel lonely at all. You will feel the consciousness around you is all life. Then everyone is your friend here. However they behave, it is immaterial. From your side, they are your friends.

You become like a mother. The mother never minds whether the kid is crying or throwing pranks, or throwing tantrums... She doesn't mind if the baby is smiling or throwing tantrums, still she feels the baby is mine. You will feel so big, you feel that this whole Universe is mine, everybody is mine. And this is the way to get rid of loneliness. Not searching for someone who will match your mindset. It will match only for a while, because nature has made you so unique. If you see your thumbprints, each one of you have got a different thumb print. That itself shows that you are unique. You will find a partner who is very good and after, seven or thirty or forty years, you will feel like you were never together! You wonder how we could live together for forty years and then one day say we are so different, we don’t match each other!

Come on, wake up! Wake up and see. Don’t look for someone and something to fill your vacuum. There is a song from Kabir which says, ‘my beloved comes to me in my dream’. When you think this whole world is a dream, you shake hands with your beloved. Once you embrace your beloved, that is it. There is no more loneliness. No more loneliness anywhere, ever. This is the spiritual path. I am not against you having a relationship, a family, getting married. No, you can have your spouse, you can have your companion, but not from the space of wanting something from them. Imagine a partnership where you are content and you are only contributing to the other person. Such a relationship will last longer. So this way, sit and meditate, listen to bhajans, listen to songs. Your beloved is with you. You just have to look inward, that’s it. Once you find your beloved within you, inside, you find him or her everywhere in this creation.


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