词为我用 - odium

词为我用 - odium

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-03-02 20:56 被阅读0次


    odium TEM8  GRE

    UK  /ˈəʊ.di.əm/ US  /ˈoʊ.di.əm/

    noun, Odium is the dislike, disapproval, or hatred that people feel for a particular person, usually because of something that the person has done.通常指因他人做过某事而对其产生的憎恨,厌恶,不满


    1. Yet there is a much longer list of countries that are indifferent or uneasy about the constitution but do not want to incur the odium that would go with blocking it.(The Economist)

    2. The loser endures the odium of disappointed supporters and power-hungry rivals.But, if you shift the focus from Gore and Bush to their respective parties, the paradox becomes more powerful.(The Economist)

    3. "How many good potential servants have become poor stenographers because of the odium of the name 'Bridget'?" she asked rhetorically.(The Economist)

    4. They may even have transferred to their own account some of the odium which "uncommitted" countries were attaching to the Soviet Union for its action in Hungary. A week ago Mr Nehru, questioned about Eastern Europe, said: "It is not for us to interfere in any way, even by expressing an opinion".(The Economist)

    5. This results from its tendency to pursue what acerbic geostrategists might call a "highly personal foreign-leaders odium policy", or HIPE-FLOP in its abbreviation.The problem starts with the need to get public support for foreign policy.(The Economist)

    6. Reimposing central control at a time when bills are rising to pay for new power stations and other infrastructure risks attracting the odium of a hard-pressed public. Yet blackouts at home and embarrassment abroad are even worse, and so government pronouncements have been growing increasingly prescriptive.(The Economist)


    endure, incur odium


    c. 1600, "fact of being hated," from Latin odium "ill-will, hatred, grudge, animosity; offense, offensive conduct," related to odi "I hate" (infinitive odisse), from PIE *eod-io- "hatred" (source also of Greek odyssasthai "to be angry, be grieved, grumble," Armenian ateam "I hate," Old Norse atall, Old English atol "evil, dire, horrid, loathsome"). Meaning "hatred, detestation" is from 1650s. Often in an extended form, such as odium theologicum "hatred which is proverbially characteristic of theological disputes" (1670s).


    discredit, disesteem, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, infamy, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, shame


    esteem, honor, respect

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          本文标题:词为我用 - odium
