每日一词 228 budding

每日一词 228 budding

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-08-08 13:54 被阅读0次

budding: beginning to develop or become successful 

adj: 崭露头角,刚刚起步的,当我们想表示新秀,新产品时就可以用到它。budding名词bud 表示花苞,因此budding 有萌芽之意,是个很形象的表达。


The budding romance between the two stars shortly became the talk of the town.


The budding director's debut has taken the country by storm. 


While still at school she was clearly a budding genius. 


1) The overall effect of the new regulations will be to slow the budding private economy. 

2) We are looking for a would-be journalist to spend three months of the summer working on the newspaper in London, writing about science and technology. Our aim is to discover writing talent in a science student or scientist than scientific aptitude in a budding journalist. 

3) Since the local government turned a budding local enterprise into China's biggest wholesale flower market in 1999, Dounan has become the main supplier of blooms to courting couples and contrite husbands across the country: demand fuelled by a middle-class boom. 



The budding actress was nominated for an Oscar. 


An increasing number of young people embrace budding small brands and independent coffee shops in China. 


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