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gitbook 入门教程之增强版 edit-link-plus

gitbook 入门教程之增强版 edit-link-plus

作者: 雪之梦技术驿站 | 来源:发表于2019-12-10 17:15 被阅读0次

Gitbook plugin add "edit this page" link, and intelligent recognition to Github or Gitlab source repository.

🏠 Homepage




Step #1 - Update book.json file

  1. In you gitbook's book.json file, add edit-link-plus to plugins list.
  2. In pluginsConfig, Set base value which is base path to your github or gitlab or other code repo. Trailing slash is NOT required.
  3. By default link label will be "Edit This Page". You can change it using plugin config label.
  4. In pluginsConfig, Set defaultBase value which is set as default base path to your github or gitlab or other code repo. Trailing slash is also NOT required.

Here is simplest example :

    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": "https://github.com/USER/REPO/edit/BRANCH/path/to/book"

In addition, the supported configuration options are as follows :

"base": {
  "type": [
  "title": "Base for the edit redirection",
  "required": true
"defaultBase": {
  "type": "string",
  "title": "Default base for the edit redirection",
  "required": false
"label": {
  "type": [
  "title": "Label for the edit button",
  "default": "Edit This Page",
  "required": false

Step #2 - gitbook commands

  1. Run gitbook install. It will automatically install edit-link-plus gitbook plugin for your book. This is needed only once.
gitbook install

or you can run npm install gitbook-plugin-edit-link-plus to install locally.

npm install gitbook-plugin-edit-link-plus
  1. Build your book (gitbook build) or serve (gitbook serve) as usual.
gitbook serve


  • Official documentation configuration file


    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": {
            "defaultBase": "https://github.com/snowdreams1006/gitbook-plugin-edit-link-plus/edit/master/docs",
            "label": "Edit This Page"
  • Official example configuration file


    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": "https://github.com/snowdreams1006/gitbook-plugin-edit-link-plus/edit/master/example"

Sample book.json file

    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": "https://github.com/USER/REPO/edit/BRANCH/path/to/book"

or you can add label to custom your label:

    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": "https://github.com/USER/REPO/edit/BRANCH/path/to/book",
            "label": "点我反馈"

Sample book.json file for Multi-source base

    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": {
              "CUSTOME DOMAIN":"https://github.com/snowdreams1006/gitbook-plugin-edit-link-plus/edit/master/docs"
            "defaultBase": "https://github.com/USER/REPO/edit/BRANCH/path/to/book",
            "label": "Edit This Page"

Sample book.json file for multilingual labels

    "plugins": ["edit-link-plus"],
    "pluginsConfig": {
        "edit-link-plus": {
            "base": "https://github.com/USER/REPO/edit/BRANCH/path/to/book",
            "label": {
                "en": "Edit This Page",
                "zh": "编辑本页"

Note: Above snippet can be used as complete book.json file, if your book doesn't have one yet.

Github/Gitlab: In string ...REPO/edit/BRANCH..., you may replace edit with tree if you want source file to open in read-mode, rather than edit-mode directly on github/gitlab.


👤 snowdreams1006


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!<br />Feel free to check issues page.

Show your support

Give a Star if this project helped you!


Copyright © 2019 snowdreams1006.

This project is MIT licensed.



  1. If you are not seeing the "Edit this page" link, check if your book.json is valid. You can use this online tool - http://json.parser.online.fr/beta/
  2. Check if you are using default gitbook theme. It is NOT recommended to modify gitbook themes directly.

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    本文标题:gitbook 入门教程之增强版 edit-link-plus
