

作者: 87d6dc4b11a7 | 来源:发表于2024-08-07 11:03 被阅读0次
    E0808 10:05:45.004331    2558 memcache.go:238] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "https://lb.kubesphere.local:6443/api?timeout=32s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z
    E0808 10:05:45.007252    2558 memcache.go:238] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "https://lb.kubesphere.local:6443/api?timeout=32s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z
    E0808 10:05:45.010006    2558 memcache.go:238] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "https://lb.kubesphere.local:6443/api?timeout=32s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z
    E0808 10:05:45.013265    2558 memcache.go:238] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "https://lb.kubesphere.local:6443/api?timeout=32s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z
    E0808 10:05:45.016043    2558 memcache.go:238] couldn't get current server API group list: Get "https://lb.kubesphere.local:6443/api?timeout=32s": x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z
    Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-08-08T10:05:45+08:00 is after 2024-07-19T01:36:48Z


    root@shawn-virtual-machine:/etc/kubernetes/pki# kubeadm certs renew all
    [renew] Reading configuration from the cluster...
    [renew] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
    W0808 10:29:20.458063   20548 utils.go:69] The recommended value for "clusterDNS" in "KubeletConfiguration" is: []; the provided value is: []
    certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the admin to use and for kubeadm itself renewed
    certificate for serving the Kubernetes API renewed
    certificate for the API server to connect to kubelet renewed
    certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the controller manager to use renewed
    certificate for the front proxy client renewed
    certificate embedded in the kubeconfig file for the scheduler manager to use renewed
    Done renewing certificates. You must restart the kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler and etcd, so that they can use the new certificates.
    # 查看证书的到期日期
    root@shawn-virtual-machine:/etc/kubernetes/pki# openssl x509 -in apiserver.crt -noout -text |grep ' Not '
                Not Before: Jul 20 01:36:48 2023 GMT
                Not After : Aug  8 02:29:20 2025 GMT

    2、重启 kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduleretcd,使其可以使用新的证书

    # 重启 kube-apiserver
    crictl pods --name=kube-apiserver* -q | xargs -I% --no-run-if-empty bash -c 'crictl stopp % && crictl rmp %'
    # 重启 kube-controller-manager
    crictl pods --name=kube-controller-manager* -q | xargs -I% --no-run-if-empty bash -c 'crictl stopp % && crictl rmp %'
    # 重启 kube-scheduler
    crictl pods --name=kube-scheduler* -q | xargs -I% --no-run-if-empty bash -c 'crictl stopp % && crictl rmp %'
    # 同时重启 kube-apiserver / kube-controller-manager / kube-scheduler
    crictl pods --namespace kube-system --name 'kube-scheduler-*|kube-controller-manager-*|kube-apiserver-*|etcd-*' -q | xargs crictl rmp -f 


    cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config

    kubeadm certs

    kubeadm certs 提供管理证书的工具

    # Kubernetes 集群检查证书的到期时间
    kubeadm certs check-expiration




