-我们会再聚合,很快就会了(We'll meet again, soon)。他说,又不自觉地蹦出英语(He said, and unconsciously added in English),We'll reunite, soon,very soon.(我们会再聚,很快就会。)
-Ya, Jag förstår.(我明白。Yes, I know.)我不由自主地蹦出刚学会的一句瑞典语。(I could't help but blurt out a few words in Swedish I've just learned.)
这同时,我内心里生成一副景象,我们的再相聚,应该不会像现在这样的,甚至不会是在此一世间!(And a scene jumped into my mind simutaneously that our reunion wouldn't be like this, even not be within this world in terms of time and space!)这后一个想法,马上吓了自己一跳,我觉得我的双眼皮都跳了起来,持续了好几秒钟!(The latter thought startled me at once, and my eyelids both were twitching crazy in a few seconds!)
我觉得自己怀抱着的不是一个活人,而是一具略有活动能力的尸体,而且它还能跟我说话!(I sensed that what I was holding in my arms was not a man, but a corpse slightly mobile and it can even talk to me!) Incredable(难以想象)! 我对自己说。(I said to myself.)
-What are you saying?(你说什么?)他好像听见了我的自言自语,问我一句。(It seemed reached into his ears and he asked.)
-没,没什么。我赶紧回答他,尽量安抚这个容易激愤的灵魂,否则今晚又要通宵无眠。(No, nothing. I answered him promptly,trying to appease this uneasy soul, in fear of an uneasy and restless night again.)
一会儿功夫,他就完全无声了。好像整个世界一下子就消逝散尽,我觉得怀里的躯体好像被抽空了,感觉自己抱着的就是一具空壳。(Just after a while, he was completely non-speaking, and the whole world seemed all at once disappeared ensuing his died sounds. The body in my arms seemd already evacuated empty, an empty shell without any contents!)
我知道,他已经离开了,不再存活于此一世间。(I know that he's left and no longet lives in this world.)
我放下这具不再言语的躯体,让自己也长长地舒一口气,好像一个闸门突然就泄开了,某种灵异的魂魄也匆匆离开了我的内在世界。(I put down this speechless body and let myself breath a long sigh of relief. It was as if a floodgate suddenly broken to pieces, and some kind of supernatural soul hurriedly left my inner world.)