

作者: Hayley笔记 | 来源:发表于2022-10-08 15:03 被阅读0次

    建立的单细胞网站:pig single-cell atlas database

    1. Single-cell and single-nuclei RNA sequencing of four pig tissues highly correlates in common cell types.

    Fig 1a:作者对来自十二只猪的二十个脏器进行了单细胞/单核细胞测序。
    Fig 1b:质控标准:nFeatures_RNA < 200,% mitochondria transcripts > 30%,(nFeatures_RNA > 5000。得到222,526个细胞(133,492个单细胞和89,034个细胞核)



    2. A pig single-cell transcriptome atlas.

    Fig 1c, d:所有脏器细胞的细胞可视化和占比
    Fig 1e:所有细胞类型的可视化,一共得到了58种细胞。


    Fig 1f:f图展示了不同组织之间的细胞类型重叠度,实质细胞比如肝细胞只在肝脏中检测到,内皮细胞等则在多种器官中都有检测到。


    3. Validation of intra-tissue cell heterogeneity in the retina and kidney.

    随后作者选择了两个脏器:视网膜和肺脏,对intra-tissue cell heterogeneity进行了验证。
    Fig 2a-e:视网膜的细胞分群、marker基因热图、细胞群的功能富集点图、marker基因的FeaturePlot、marker基因的免疫组化验证主要细胞群。

    Fig 2f-g:肾脏的细胞分群、marker基因热图、细胞群的功能富集点图、marker基因的FeaturePlot、marker基因的免疫组化验证主要细胞群。

    4. Endothelial cell heterogeneity


    文章是这样写的:Single-cell transcriptome analysis also enables us to probe rare cell types. Endothelial cells (ECs), which line the vascular systems and play important roles in e.g. regulating immune responses, regulation of blood fluidity, cardiovascular homeostasis, maintenance of vascular functions, have been extensively studied by scRNA-seq in human and mouse, though little is known about the single-cell transcriptome and heterogeneity of ECs in pigs. We therefore focused on the ECs which were captured in 19 tissues in our datasets.


    Fig 3a:作者在所有数据中提取了EC,去除了其中表达其他细胞类型marker的细胞。一共得到了来自19个组织的9520个EC,其中56%的EC来自脂肪组织(在附件)
    Fig 3b:一共得到了21个EC的cluster
    Fig 3c:各个cluster的EC在不同脏器的占比大致类似

    Fig 3d-e:脂肪组织中EC的注释得到了11种EC类型。其中大多数是血管内皮(arterial, capillary, and vein)和淋巴管内皮,且它们之间存在分化关系(e)。此外作者还鉴定出了增殖内皮,immune active ECs和EndMT细胞(共表达内皮的marker和基质细胞marker如ACTA2和TAGLN)。

    ECs: PECAM1
    Large artery ECs:FBLN5
    Artery ECs: HEY1,MECOM
    Capillary ECs: RGCC
    Vein ECs: ACKR1
    Large vein ECs: VCAM1,VWF
    Lymphatic ECs: PROX1,NRP2,PRSS23
    Scavenging ECs: CD68,C1QB,C1QC,AIF1,CSF1R,HLA-DRA
    EndMT cells: ACTA2,TAGLN
    Proliferating ECs: TOP2A,PCNA,MCM6

    Fig 3f:随后作者把EndMT细胞提取出来,做了拟时序分析。得到了EndMT细胞的分化轨迹。(主要关注了内皮间质转化过程)
    Fig 3g-h:拟时轨迹基因显示EndMT inducing genes (TGFB2SNAI1)在早期表达较高,随后EC-specific genes (如PECAM1, VWF, ICAM1CDH5)表达下降,mesenchymal cell-specific genes (如ACTA2, TAGLN, CD44, VIMCNN1)表达上升。
    结果显示TGF-β信号通路(TGFβ2)是驱动EndMT的key inducing factor。


    Fig 3i-k:随后使用免疫组化和免疫荧光在脂肪组织中验证了EndMT的过程。(存在基质marker ACTA2/TAGLN和内皮marker PECAM1/VWF的共染)作者还在不同组织中检测了内皮marker FABP4的表达(其他脏器图在附件)。
    Fig 3l:EndMT模式图

    5. Validation of EndMT in cultured ECs

    随后作者在cultured ECs中验证了EndMT(Cultured ECs are common models for studying the EndMT process, of which differentiation of ECs into mesenchymal cells can occur spontaneously or through TGF-β induction)

    这部分是用肺和主动脉的内皮做的,用这两种组织的原因是‘Previously, we also identified the EndMT ECs phenotype in cultured human lung tumor ECs’...逻辑属实是有点牵强。

    Fig 4a:作者分离了猪的肺和主动脉的ECs,培养后进行了单细胞测序。
    Fig 4b-c:肺脏内皮的单细胞测序,没有鉴定出EndMT
    Fig 4d-e:主动脉内皮的单细胞测序,有一群EndMT细胞
    Fig 4f:肺和主动脉的细胞G1, S, G2M期比例

    Fig 4g:作者提取了pig aorta endothelial cells (PAECs),使用TGF-β2 (2 ng/mL)干预后,进行了流式检测。诱导2天后的PAECs出现了ACTA2的高表达,5天后增加了接近6倍。CD31有下降趋势,但没有统计学意义。
    Fig 4h:在cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs)细胞中也得到了一致的结果。


    6. Communications between ECs and other cell types.

    Intercellular communication between ECs and other parenchymal cells in the tissue plays a vital role in the structure and function of maintaining normal tissue growth, development, and homeostasis.

    The VEGF signaling is the most studied pathway in ECs activation, proliferation, and angiogenesis.

    所以作者随后做了不同脏器EC和其他细胞的互作分析。作者主要关注了VEGF, PDGF, TGF-β 和 BMP信号通路。
    Fig 5a:猪和人的podocytes, proximal tubule cells和内皮之间都有VEGF信号互作,猪的心肌细胞与内皮细胞之间以及人的肝细胞和内皮细胞之间也有高强度VEGF信号互作。
    Fig 5b:内皮细胞与其他细胞之间的PDGF信号强度较低

    Figure S5:内皮细胞与其他细胞之间的TGF-β和BMP信号互作。
    The presence of TGF-β-based cell–cell communication between ECs and other tissue types further suggests a potential cellular mechanism in inducing EndMT in tissues.

    7. MEF2C is a conserved regulon in microglia evolution.

    Fig 6a-b:猪的脑组织分析包括了9个脑区
    Fig 6c:不同脑细胞的组化检测
    Fig 6d:作者对13个物种的microglia进行了分析(spanning more than 300 million years of evolution)
    Fig 6e:不同物种的小胶质细胞marker基因表达较为保守
    Fig 6f:作者对不同物种的小胶质细胞做了转录因子预测。一共得到了1590个 conserved TF-target 对 (至少存在于5个物种中)。其中有两对MEF2C_P2RY12 和 MEF2C_ZFP36L1在至少10个物种中存在。P2RY12 是一个 microglia-specific gene,ZFP36L1则是 microglial fate specification的关键调节分子。图里展示的是每个物种中的1590个 conserved TF-target。
    Collectively, these results indicate that the combinations of multiple TFs regulate microglia development and maintain the functional states of microglia.
    Fig 6g: 随后作者查看了MEF2C, SPl1, IRF8 和 ZFP36L1 这些conserved TFs 跨物种的表达。结果显示它们在13个物种中都高表达。

    Collectively, we provide a valuable resource of the conserved and divergent GRNs program for microglia evolution across species, with important implications for future development of the microglia functional studies in the brain.


    EndMT: (1). EndMT is initiated by autocrine and/or paracrine inflammatory signals such as TGF-β2, which was also validated by our TGF-β2 induction experiment of cultured PAECs and HUVECs, or response to vascular injury; (2). Transitioning ECs acquire a migratory phe- notype, invade under the vascular basement membrane, and begin to express mesenchymal markers, such as ACTA2; (3). Cells that have undergone EndMT have lost their endothelial pheno- type. These EndMT-derived cells contribute to the local mesenchymal lineage population and are likely to produce var- ious growth factors, such as TGF-β2



