git 移除 LFS

git 移除 LFS

作者: Angeladaddy | 来源:发表于2021-06-23 08:25 被阅读0次

    公司内网搭建的gitlab,做了端口映射可以在家里访问,但是git lfs pull的时候走不动,检查原因是lfs使用的依然是gitlab里设置的内网地址。所以决定移除工程的lfs支持:
    代码转自 Simple steps to uninstall Git LFS from your repository · Issue #3026 · git-lfs/git-lfs (github.com)

    #commit & push everything
    #remove hooks
    git lfs uninstall
    #remove lfs stuff from .gitattributes
    #list lfs files using
    git lfs ls-files | sed -r 's/^.{13}//' > files.txt
    #run git rm --cached for each file
    while read line; do git rm --cached "$line"; done < files.txt
    #run git add for each file
    while read line; do git add "$line"; done < files.txt
    #commit everything
    git add .gitattributes
    git commit -m "unlfs"
    git push origin
    #check that no lfs files left
    git lfs ls-files
    #remove junk
    rm -rf .git/lfs
    #you're all done
    #(but unlinked junk is within BitBucket Git LFS storage still)


    1. 另一种方法针对 git verison> 2.16,可使用(未测试):
    git lfs untrack '<pattern>'
    git add --renormalize .
    git commit -m 'Restore file contents that were previously in LFS'

    <pattern> 可以换成*



          本文标题:git 移除 LFS
