Coinzen is a community - incubated game platfomre(Dapp),we strive to engage more people in learning blockchain knowledge cultivate and discover blockchain related talents,and lead players to cognitive iterations,and advance the way to Coinzen Academy. In the game,use DAMO token to make the social relationship,and knowledge on the chain,and the right is verified on the chain,so that to enhances the efficiency of the community members' collaboration,and the token organization will replace the traditional company finally.
后排:方建强、bruce、 Lucky杰 、Ares、 毛豆腐 、 公信宝有才
前排:江华、 张小泽、 欧阳(神仙姐姐)、 扫地僧阿龙、 芳居 、公信宝雨豪
全国行启动 感谢公信宝、感谢天使们 币须达摩介绍 神仙姐姐 神仙姐姐介绍币须达摩 AYbonney欧阳:神仙姐姐 币须达摩杭州站 Lucky杰 讲师:方建强(天使) rectintinajh LEO Ares 张小泽:币须达摩海外运营 阿龙 币须达摩发起人 阿龙 张小泽 Ares