同学们好, 上台之前我非常地紧张,特别地紧张,我一直跟周边的朋友说,你别跟我说话,我紧张。他们没有一个人相信,他们觉得我演了很多的戏了,见到每个场合的时候,应该是很淡然的,实际上我真的紧张。我一紧张的时候,就不怎么能控制住我的脸,大家都爱问我的眉毛为什么是这样子的,我的左眉毛跟右眉毛,,我睡觉的时候就不见了,早上才回来,我经常问它们:“你们去干嘛去了”它们说:“去表现去了”。我的幽默冷到大家都没有反应。但是我上场之前,听到撒贝宁 (微博)的笑话这么冷,我突然觉得我充满了信心。大家给我的掌声,我就会觉得很开心.同样我也会在某一个角落里面,我的细腻和敏感,也会看到某一个人没有给我鼓掌的时候,我心里难过。
The classmates, before I was so nervous, especially nervous, I have been with the surrounding friends say, don't you talk to me, I am nervous. They have no one to believe, they think I play a lot of play, see each occasion, should be very cool, in fact I really nervous. When I was a nervous, how can not control my face, why does everyone love my eyebrows are like this, I left with the right eyebrow, eyebrows, I sleep disappeared, just come back in the morning, I often ask them: "you go doing" they say: "to go". My humor cold that we all have no reaction. But before I play, hear Sa Beining (micro-blog) a joke so cold, I suddenly feel I am full of confidence. You give me applause, I will feel very happy. I also will in a certain corner inside, my delicate and sensitive, also can see a person not to clap for me when I was sad.
Before the game, the producer told me, there will be ten very good friends sitting in front, I felt I was in the first test of a film school, I grew up to large, most afraid of than the competition type, or a class of things, because when I was a boy I had is an inferior person. Before 2008, I was not particularly love to talk, but did not expect that after 2008, I became a chatterbox. The change from what place? Transition from my mental strength, everyone see Chen Kun before melancholy, "this two word Melancholy", has been like a suffix word him to throw away, but to me, in my heart, I want to tell you, I am a variety of colors.
I was watching "Fengshen Bang" kid, all the students they are watching "a dream of Red Mansions", "Water Margin", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", or is a masterpiece, and I do, I like to see is "Fengshen bang". I was 75 people, Aquarius, type B blood, very narcissistic, very proud, very delicate, very self abased, this is now. When I was small, and grandma grew up, I have two brothers in the following, in my hometown, the town is one of the few children of single parent families, I do not speak, do not know from where the inferiority. Could be from home without a father or mother; because my job is not easy, I followed my grandmother grew up, I am weak; or when the spring outing, small groups of friends, no one would like to me. My grandmother to save, the house was relatively poor, so, I can't get what things can share with you, a little bit of the feeling of being isolated, in fact at that time, in the following I soft appearance, has produced a very strong, is the self of a world, in the the process inside, and a novel to me is very attractive, it is "the count of Monte Cristo". "The count of Monte Cristo" inside, then he went to find a treasure, his hands holding a lot of diamond stones, I always stop at that page to see. Because when I was young, home is poor, I always read the page, I always have the dream, one day I will be very rich.
I thank the little time, I on the inside to walk the course, my ability to create the story, so now let me write micro-blog or, or I write the next book or, I have my inertia, I began to use this way in thinking. So I share with you is what? Here is my report, I share with you, that is how I grew up, I thank me when I was a child, I was more twist, twist, is more jealous, more vulnerable to a youth. But I did not choose the wrong way, because until today, I still don't think, I become more famous, more stars, time to earn more money, I would be more happy.
While in the University, I still is a more boring, but when the stuffy, with primary school was boring is not the same, when the University of men with a little sense of superiority. This superiority comes from what? I watched my own, because inferiority. People are like that, you will see a lot of proud people around, a what you said to him, or he has a good job, he will be rather baffling pride. For example, an executive, talking to you, you will say: "Mr. Chen, how about you?" Nice. This kind of arrogance and pride, in large part from his inner self.
我在上电影学院的时候,就有一种很自卑的骄傲,跟同学不怎么交流,经常看到一个同学家里条件比较好的时候,就想,有什么了不起,不就是家里条件好吗?非常的自卑。并且在这个同学面前,还会表现出来,I don’t care。当然,这个骄傲到今天还会存在。就好像一个好朋友,他开了一辆很棒的车到我面前的时候:“哎呀,我这个车很棒!”“不就是一辆车吗?~~~”虽然我心里很想要,但是我看见了我的心态,有一种很奇怪的,莫名的骄傲。
When I was in film school, there is a very humble pride, not how to communicate with the students, often see, a schoolmate in the family conditions are relatively good think, what an amazing, is not the condition in the home is good? Very low self-esteem. And in front of the students, but also show, I don 't care. Of course, this proud today still exist. Just like a good friend, he opened a great car to me: "Oh, my car!" "Is not a car? ~ ~ ~ "although I very much to heart, but I see in my mind, there is a very strange, inexplicable pride.
Why am I telling you about this heap to listen to everybody? Is that we in the face of any one person's each people, you can calm down, and listen to your inner voice, why did you do it?
We will come back to this way of thinking, okay? When I get very nervous, why, afraid of no applause. When I said above, in the face of a very serious group, I suddenly felt my nervous, my nerves from the. I have a want to be our demands, so I was nervous, Is it right?? But did not expect, after me, you gave me a lot of applause, I suddenly began to smooth and relaxed. Why? I want to ask a question, my own Chen Kun's tension with relaxation, both of which come from your feedback, but I what? Do you think of this? Some people said, if your boss says to you, you are very good, you are happy; if scold you? You get depressed, you also not all people have been taken away? When the film academy, I was everything away, my classmates good results away, I deliberately pretended not to care. From up to now, all of us always, people throw the ball, we catch the ball, but in fact, if you decide to heart, have a lot of balls thrown over, you can not. Is it?
It happened two days ago I was a very small thing, give money to children in Xinjiang, only tens of thousands of pieces of money, send out, a friend gave me a lot of encouragement, but when I look at micro-blog comment, I because some people questioned me, my heart, my brother was saying good words, why you don't see 90% people to encourage you, cheer for you, cheer for you, give you the support, do you want to see some sharp topic?
I particularly want to do a great person, not from your approval, not because I did a "the power of walking". I acted well, we will encourage me, I now is better than before, you give me applause, but I really want to do one, I think, I am a good person. Everyone can do a practice, in school, the teacher will say, you ask yourself? Who are you?? If we seemingly have asked, are probably asking about, but I still hope you seriously ask, you, who are you? You want to be a what kind of person?
After growing up, I met the most troublesome thing, than in 2010, I left my own Broker's Firm, in my previous company for ten years, but in 2010, after over ten years of about, finished, I want to leave the company, I told you face the same test. In 2010, I want to be your own team? I want to join another, can give me more money, or another can give me more opportunities to perform company? This became my fifteen consecutive days without sleep, or did not sleep the sleep of a big problem. At that time, I completely lost, totally lost, why? Because of my greed, is my desire, my all you can not imagine some temptation, including something in my mind made up, completely away.
For example, when I left the My Company, a movie circle of friends phoned me and said, I give you a bit of stock, you join My Company. Another man said, you come to the My Company, I guarantee you much drama for three years, is very attractive to me. Because I don't. Because I don't know if I take that step, in what I mean. One night, I got up, may two or three o'clock, I in the windowsill, open that window, then I stand see, where to look outside, the whole city was quiet. I asked myself a question: Chen Kun, what do you want to do? There is no answer, no answer. I ask myself, Chen Kun, you really want what? I suddenly began to answer myself, my self dialogue function fully launched. I said: "you want money?" I answer, "I think", "how much money before you happy?" I said, "more money", then I asked myself: "do you want more money is why?" , "I will buy more houses, like this will let me safety", "it is safe to bring you what?" "Safe, I bring is peace of mind", "the calm to me is what?" "Peace is to let me know, what I really really want". In fact, I come from Beijing, up to now, I face a invite every time, I will ask myself a little problem, this time in 2010, asked the most thorough, I know, I say I want to keep a clean heart. In fact, this poor heart say very vain, why? When I look back to see these words today, I still in the show, why in the show? Because the face of too much temptation, I don't know what to do, I just find another excuse, to face the last excuse, but this excuse is more beautiful.
But what I want is what? I want to find my heart, let my mental strength more and more natural, more flexible, more powerful, I would like to change the environment effect to me. I hope I can calm heart change, there may be a lot of time, my bad temper, I care about the heart, my sensitive sharp, still in my body up now, just now, I want to share with you is to say, the life road is still very long, I was more than 30 years old, we almost? Is? In the us about the age, and in the future a long way.
I very want to advocate a new approach, called back. What call back? Our eyes are always look outside, see all the people invited us, if the person is invited, gave me a job, I was very happy, if the person didn't give me a job opportunity, after I go to the interview, I would be very upset. So I hope everyone to look at the window, from all the people outside, to bring joy to our feedback,, find a way to new, our eyes to see inside, see our hearts. To see how our hearts? I propose a new method, is also in 2010, our company "Dong Shen Tong Hua" created a soul, all people think of a project should not be done, called "the power of walking". "The power of walking" through the walk, turn your attention, put on your breath and your feet above the heart, don't see very far, only looked at the front of the two step of the way. Simple walking, so simple. I provide is a soul method. I hope you take the applause to "the power of walking".
I hope everyone in the future time, because our meeting today, because I gave you to share today, we chose to do the most stupid way, to be able to find, or hear their own inner voice. Why? Because in my side, always full of very smart people, actually I in 10 years time, especially to be wise, I want to be a great man, everyone praised. I hope you more famous, more money, because it can get more of a reward. But I tell you, when you calm down, will find that the things you do respect you, is the most important. That is to say, when one day, I made a great star, when I was a little happiness are not, no one knows, only I know.
我希望,在我们如此快节奏的生活和城市里面,在我们无数的诱惑和欲望面前,学会笨一点、慢一点、二一点、傻一点,因为整个社会的主流,随大流都是往前面走,快。马上,今天我投了五十块钱,明天拿到两百,逐利如此的快。很多人说,我们先把财富跟生活工作安排好了之后,等我有空闲时间的时候,再听我内心的声音不好吗? 而我提供的方法是说,可不可以,大家现在就开始,先把你的心定下来,当你很清晰的看见,所有的诱惑和前进方向的时候,你选择想前进,还是想退回来?这个顺序我说清楚了吗?
I hope, in which we so fast pace of life and the city, in front of us countless temptation and desires, learn a little slow, slow down a little, two one little, a little silly, because the mainstream of society as a whole, the crowd is to go ahead, fast. Immediately, fifty dollars I voted today, tomorrow to get two hundred, profit so fast. A lot of people say, we put the wealth and life work arrangements, and when I have free time, listen to my inner voice is not good? And I provide is said, can not, we start now, get your mind off, when you see very clearly, when all the temptations and direction, you choose to move forward, still want to come back? This sequence did I make myself clear?
I am not a can share my achievements of the people with you, I don't have anything worth you feel great, or so I thought he was great, I just like you, in each of our individual life on the road, want to become the king of my heart. I put this method, using my own this case, in front of you. You can see a few years ago the "melancholy" today "into a" words "appearance, and the same, I am very happy in doing something, I think meaningful, others may think meaningless things, time and I really enjoy this happy, you know, you should applaud for me, also for your applause. Because as long as you a step, begin to find your peace of mind, the future road, absolutely you can grasp. My promotion, I hope one day, you know, in countless can let you heart calm down, walking is a very natural, very stupid, can make you feel helpless, but can be found one way to your heart.
So we went back to the topic of today, is called "the road of life, don not worry!"