

作者: 相思清狂 | 来源:发表于2021-07-15 10:54 被阅读0次

The easiest way to change the format is by means of a set of package options and a couple of commands. If you feel happy with the functionality provided by this set of tools, you need not go further in this manual. Just read this section and ignore the subsequent ones.

2.1. 格式

There are three option groups controlling font, size and align. You need not set all of these groups, since a default is provided for each one; however, you must use at least an option from them if you want this easy setup."
有三组选项用于控制字体、大小、对齐。并不需要设置所有选项,因为每组选项都设有默认值;尽管如此,如果你希望使用这种 “简单设置”,则至少要使用其中的一个选项。

  • rm·sf·tt·md·bf·up·it·sl·sc
    Select the corresponding family/series/shape. Default is bf.
    选择相应的字体/衬线/样式。默认为 bf。
  • big·medium·small·tiny
    Set the size of titles. Default is big, which gives the size of standard classes. With tiny, sections (except chapters) are typed in the text size. medium and small are intermediate layouts.
    设置标题的大小。默认为 big,它是标准文档类的大小。使用 tiny 的话,节(章除外)会按照文本的大小打印。 medium 和 small 是介于两者之间的布局。
  • raggedleft·center·raggedright
    Control the alignment.

2.2. 间距

  • compact
    This option is independent from those above and reduces the spacing above and below the titles.

2.3. 大写

  • uppercase
    Uppercases titles. Depending on the class, it might not work in \chapter and \part.

2.4. 工具

  • \titlelabel{<label-format>}
    Changes the label format in sections, subsections, etc. A \thetitle command is provided which is respectively \thesection, \thesubsection, etc. The default value in standard classes is
    \thesubsection 等。标准类中的默认值为
    and you may add a dot after the counter simply with
  • \titleformat*{<command>}{<format>}
    This command allows to change the <format> of a sectioning command, as for example:

2.5 示例


\documentclass[12pt,a4]{report}    % 文档类声明
\usepackage[]{titlesec}           %引入宏包
\tableofcontents                %列出目录
\chapter{Advanced Interface}
    \section{Spacing related tools}
\chapter{Advanced Interface}
    \section{Other Package}
    \section{Extended Settings}
    \section{Creating new levels}





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