The Theatre

The Theatre

作者: 津城燕窝Donna | 来源:发表于2018-01-04 05:46 被阅读0次

    the theatre has important traits that television and films cannot match.the psychological distance between spectator and performer give us a god-eye view of human experience and induce in us a state of disinterested comtemplation. a sense of rhythm is natural to man, which relate all art to the rhythmic patterns of life itself: birth, growth, maturity, decline,and death; the circle of the year;and the heartbeat. in these ways, the rhythmic element in music is grounded in some of man's  most elemental experiences, and the sence of order and harmony which it produces probably stems from its fulfillment of uncnsciouse needs. life circle and seasonal changes: birth, growth, decay, death, and rebirth; spring,summer,fall, and winter

    Form in drama: plot, character, thought, diction, music, and spectacle-make up every play. Tragedy,comedy, melodrama, mixed form.

    No one really knows how the theatre begins, but there are many theories about it.The one most widely followed today is based upon the assumption that theatre evolved from ritual.From such dramictic ritual, theatre is said to have emerged as man became sufficiently sophiscated to separate dramatic from religious activities. another theory traces the theatre's origin from man's interest in story telling.another clue to the origin of the theatre is suggested by Aristotle, who argues that human beings are instinctively imitative-that they both enjoy imitating others and seeing imitations, for they desire to know how it would feel to be another person or why others act as they do. Futhermore, he adds, imitation is one of man's chief methods of learning about his world, as when chidren learn speech and behavior by imitating adults.

    in the twentieth century, a number of psychologists have suggested that man has a gift for fantasy through which he seeks to reshape reality into more satisfying form than those of daily life.thus, through fiction (of which drama is one form)man objectifies his anxieties and fears so he may confront them or fullfill his hopes and dreams.c consequently, theatre is one tool whereby man defines and understands his world or one whereby he escapes from unpleasant realities.



          本文标题:The Theatre
