oxDNA Installation General Way

oxDNA Installation General Way

作者: hchencoder | 来源:发表于2016-12-17 20:32 被阅读0次
    1. Do not use root user.
    2. Download oxDNA from https://dna.physics.ox.ac.uk/index.php/Download_and_Installation;
    3. Move the .tgz file to home direction " ~/ ";
    4. Extract the source file from .tgz file:
      ~$ sudo tar xzvf oxDNA_2.2.2_RJUNE2015.tgz
    5. Enter the oxNDA direction
      ~$ cd oxDNA
    6. Create 'build' direction
      ~/oxDNA$ mkdir build
    7. Go to 'build' direction
      ~/oxDNA$ cd build
    8. Go 'cmake' options
      ~/oxDNA/build$ cmake ..
    9. Compiling
      ~/oxDNA/build$ make -j4 ";
    10. Go to 'home' direction
      ~/oxDNA/build$ cd
    11. Create 'bin' direction
      ~$ mkdir bin
    12. Create a soft link of oxDNA, confGenerator and DNAnalysisand to "bin" direction
      ~$ ln -s ~/oxDNA/build/bin/* ~/bin/
    13. Add path to .bashrc
      vim ~/.bashrc"
      and then add
      export PATH=$PATH:"~/bin"
      # User specific aliases and functions"
      or at the end of the file. save and quit.
    14. Refresh the .bashrc
      ~$ source ~/.bashrc "
    15. Done.



          本文标题:oxDNA Installation General Way
