Elasticsearch tutorial(三)

作者: smileJiuer | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 10:27 被阅读0次


    You can skip installation completely by using our hosted Elasticsearch Service on ElasticCloud,which is available on AWS and GCP.You can try out the hosted service for free.

    你可以通过使用ElasticCloud上我们持有的Elasticsearch服务来跳过所有安装步骤,该服务可在AWS(Amazon Web Services)亚马逊云服务和GCP(Google Cloud Platform)谷歌云平台免费获取。

    Elasticsearch requires at least Java 8.Specifically as of this writing, it is recommended that you use the Oracle JDK version 1.8.0_131.Java installation varies from platform to platform so we won't go into those details here.Oracle's recommended installation documentation can be founded on Oracle's website.Suffice to say, before you install Elasticsearch,please check your Java version first by running(and then install/upgrade accordingly if needed):

    Elasticsearch 基于Java 8及以上环境。明确而言,本文写作时推荐使用Oracle JDK版本1.8.0_131。Java的安装因平台不同而各有差异,此处不作详细说明。Oracle的推荐安装文档可以在Oracle网站上找到。所以呢,在安装Elasticsearch前,请先运行检查你的Java版本(然后按需安装或升级)

    java -version

    echo $JAVA_HOME

    Once we have java set up, we can then download and run Elasticsearch. The binaries are available from www.elastic.co/downloads along with all the releases that have been made in the past.For each release, you have a choice among a zip or tar archive, a DEB or RPM package, or a Windows MSI installation package.


    Installation example with tar

    For simplicity, let’s use the tar file.


    Let’s download the Elasticsearch 6.4.0 tar as follows:

    首先按照下面的命令下载6.4.0版本的Elasticsearch tar压缩包:

    curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.4.0.tar.gz

    Then extract it as follows:

    通过tar -xvf命令提取elasticsearch文件:

    tar -xvf elasticsearch-6.4.0.tar.gz

    It will then create a bunch of files and folders in your current directory. We then go into the bin directory as follows:

    接着会自动在你最近访问的目录下创建一堆文件和文件夹。我们通过cd 命令进入bin目录下:

    cd elasticsearch-6.4.0/bin

    And now we are ready to start our node and single cluster:



    Installation example with MSI Windows Installer

    For Windows users, we recommend using the MSI Installer package. The package contains a graphical user interface (GUI) that guides you through the installation process.


    First, download the Elasticsearch 6.4.0 MSI from https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-6.4.0.msi

    首先,从msi下载地址下载Elasticsearch 6.4.0MSI包

    Then double-click the downloaded file to launch the GUI. Within the first screen, select the deployment directories:


    Elasticsearch MSI GUI首屏界面

    Then select whether to install as a service or start Elasticsearch manually as needed. To align with the tar example, choose not to install as a service:



    For configuration, simply leave the default values:



    Again, to align with the tar example, uncheck all plugins to not install any plugins:



    After clicking the install button, Elasticsearch will be installed:



    By default, Elasticsearch will be installed at %PROGRAMFILES%\Elastic\Elasticsearch. Navigate here and go into the bin directory as follows:

    一般情况下,Elasticsearch 会安装在/PROGRAMFILES/ELastic/ELasticsearch目录下,进入这个路径下就可以找到bin文件路径:

    with Command Prompt: 命令行:

    cd %PROGRAMFILES%\Elastic\Elasticsearch\bin

    with PowerShell: PowerShell:

    cd $env:PROGRAMFILES\Elastic\Elasticsearch\bin

    And now we are ready to start our node and single cluster:



    Successfully running node成功运行节点:

    If everything goes well with installation, you should see a bunch of messages that look like below:



    Without going too much into detail, we can see that our node named "6-bjhwl" (which will be a different set of characters in your case) has started and elected itself as a master in a single cluster. Don’t worry yet at the moment what master means. The main thing that is important here is that we have started one node within one cluster.


    As mentioned previously, we can override either the cluster or node name. This can be done from the command line when starting Elasticsearch as follows:


    ./elasticsearch -Ecluster.name=my_cluster_name -Enode.name=my_node_name

    Also note the line marked http with information about the HTTP address ( and port (9200) that our node is reachable from. By default, Elasticsearch uses port 9200 to provide access to its REST API. This port is configurable if necessary.

    值得注意的,标记为http的行,其中包含有关节点可从.http访问的HTTP地址(和端口(9200)的信息。默认情况下,ELasticsearch使用9200的端口号来为REST API提供访问。需要的话,这个端口号是可以配置的。



        本文标题:Elasticsearch tutorial(三)
