参考词典:Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary
今日学习单词:count 。
Count 这词算是一个高频词汇了,日常使用很频繁。今天学习的并不是我们所熟知的“to add (people or things) together to find the total number”,而是学习另外一些重要的义项。
1. to be accepted or allowed officially.
There was a penalty on the play, so the goal does not count. [=the goal is not allowed]
2. to consider or regard (someone or something) in a specified way
I count myself lucky.
常与 as 连用:
I don't count him as my friend anymore.
3. to be considered or regarded as something
The job is so easy that it hardly counts as work. [=it can hardly be considered to be work]
4. to have value or importance
Every vote counts.
What happened doesn’t count, but how you respond to it does.
常与 for连用:
Her promises don't count for much. [=his promises don't have much value]
学到这里,我想起了电影Titanic 中,Jack 盛装出席 Rose 和未婚夫的晚宴,他离开时悄悄地递给 Rose 一个小纸条,上面写着“Make it count”。Jack 爱慕 Rose,期待与她度过一个难忘的夜晚,所以向 Rose 发出邀请,参加底层甲板的舞会。但是环境不允许他口头发出邀请,于是他写了一个小纸条,Make it count。把握机会!最终结果大家都知道了。
近期重启英语学习,心态发生了很大的变化。尽管心中有一个具象的目标,但是我觉得不要每天去想这个目标,而是从一些关键的小事开始做起,会有更好的效果。想到许岑老师倡导的“做了再说”,结合 count 的学习,可以造一个句子:
Starting doing it counts more than planing to do it.
此外 count 还有很多有用的词组搭配用法,比如count in = to plan to include (someone) in an activity.还有count on (someone) = to trust (someone)/ to expect (someone) to do something/count on (something) = to expect (something) to happen 。如果有兴趣,大家也可以自己去查一下字典,挺有趣的。