Part One 句法词汇
1. 好句
until the sun penetrates through the foliage and the daylight streams in through the branches of the trees
throw a welcome light on
2. be gleaned from
gather, as of natural products
[v.] gather, garner, collect, pull together
1 拾穗
2 点点滴滴地收集
"records from which historians glean their knowledge" (Kemp Malone)这些纪录是由历史学家的学识长久累积而成的
n. gleaner 搜集者,割捆机

3. yield up one's head
4. Cannaan 迦南
Canaan was a Semitic-speaking region in the Ancient Near East during the late 2nd millennium BC. In the Bible it corresponds to the Levant, in particular the areas of the Southern Levant that are the main setting of the narrative of the Hebrew Bible, i.e. the area of Israel, Philistia, Phoenicia, and other nations.
“圣经”迦南 ((古代约旦河 (Jordan) 与地中海之间的地方,大约相当于现在的巴勒斯坦 (Palestine) ; 上帝答应赐给以色列人的土地))
5. Assyrian 亚述人
6. Babylonian