我有很多双眼睛 A thousand pairs of eyes gazing
我有很多颗心灵 A thousand souls connecting
看尽所有的不羁 See all the uninhibited
感受一切的幻影 Feel everything Mirage
花园里生长着美丽 Blossom burst in the garden
芬芳却诱发了窒息 Fragrance spurred suffocation
阳光从明媚到暴烈 Sunshine from bright to blinding
雨水终于午后降临 Mid-afternoon rain finally pouring
童贞的尽头遭遇愚昧 Ignorance abode fading innocence
任爱欲潮水起伏冲刷 Waves of lust surged and swept
在斑驳的礁石上 Leaving roughness and sleekness
留下坚硬和光滑 On those mottled rocks
退回森林亲近大地 Retreated to the forest and ground
歧路让人不知所以 Crossroads upon crossroads
猛兽不如虫蛇真实 Distant beasts and pests surround
真实莫过于梦呓 O so real as in soliloquy of a dream
山顶的天空更接近神明 Untouchable mountain-top starry sky
星星的耳语不尽是想象 Whispers unlike imagination
信心希望是世上的魔法 Magical as in Faith and Hope
激发意志就会忘记时间 Excited volition forgets time
时间却不曾忘记命运 Time never forgets destiny
终将唤醒疲惫的身体 It will wake up a tired body
万籁俱静时 When all falls silent
才能找寻回去的路 Finally find the way back