import arraylist libraries
import java.util.ArrayList; // The ArrayList library
import java.util.Iterator; // The Iterator Library
import java.util.Arrays; // The Arrays Library
Create an ArrayList variable
// You don't have to declare the ArrayList size like you
// do with arrays (Default Size of 10)
// You can create the ArrayList on one line
ArrayList arrayListTwo = new ArrayList();
// You can also define the type of elements the ArrayList
// will hold
ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
Add elements to an ArrayList
names.add("John Smith");
names.add("Mohamed Alami");
names.add("Oliver Miller");
// add an element in a specific position
names.add(2, "Jack Ryan");
Retrieve values in an ArrayList with get
// arrayListName.size() returns the size of the ArrayList
for( int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
Replace a value using the set method
names.set(0, "John Adams");
Remove an item with remove
You can also remove the first and second item with the removeRange method
names.removeRange(0, 1);
Print out the ArrayList itself use the toString method
You can also use the enhanced for with an ArrayList
for(String i : names)
Use an iterator to print out values in an ArrayList
// Creates an iterator object with methods that allow
// you to iterate through the values in the ArrayList
Iterator indivItems = names.iterator();
// When hasNext is called it returns true or false
// depending on whether there are more items in the list
// next retrieves the next item in the ArrayList
Copy in Arrays
// I create an ArrayList without stating the type of values
// it contains (Default is Object)
ArrayList nameOne = new ArrayList();
// addAll adds everything in name to nameOne
Contains returns a boolean value based off of whether the ArrayList contains the specified object
System.out.println("Paul is here");
// containsAll checks if everything in one ArrayList is in
// another ArrayList
System.out.println("Everything in nameOne is in names");
Deletes everything in the ArrayList
// isEmpty returns a boolean value based on if the ArrayList
// is empty(check)
if (names.isEmpty())
System.out.println("The ArrayList is empty");
ToArray & ToString
Object[] moreNames = new Object[4];
// toArray converts the ArrayList into an array of objects
moreNames = nameOne.toArray();
// toString converts items in the array into a String