1.Robot Framework介绍

1.Robot Framework介绍

作者: 飞吧sky | 来源:发表于2017-09-08 18:39 被阅读98次

    1. 介绍

            Robot Framework,一个通用的验收测试和验收驱动开发的自动化测试框架(ATDD),它使用关键字驱动的测试方法,具有易于使用的表格来组织测试过程和测试数据。

    2. 特点


    3. 支持的测试类库

            Robot Framework包含多种类库,通过导入不同的库就可以使用库中所提供的关键字,Robot Framework的测试类库包括标准库、外部库及自己创建的库。


            1、Builtin: Provides a set of often needed generic keywords.Always automatically available without imports.

            2、Dialogs: Provides means for pausing the test execution and getting input from users.

            3、Collections: Provides a set of keywords for handling Python lists and dictionaries.

            4、OperatingSystem: Enables various operating system related tasks to be performed in the system where Robot Framework is running.

            5、Remote: Special library acting as a proxy between Robot Framework and test libraries elsewhere. Actual test libraries can be running                 on different machines and beimplemented using any programming language supportingXML-RPC protocol.

            6、Screenshot: Provides keywords to capture screenshots of the desktop.

            7、String: Library for generating, modifying and verifying strings.

            8、Telnet: Makes it possible to connect to Telnet servers and execute commands on the opened connections.

            9、XML: Library for generating, modifying and verifying XML files.

           10、Process Library: Library for running processes in the system. New in Robot Framework 2.8.

           11、DateTime: Library for date and time conversions. New in Robot Framework 2.8.5.


            1、Android library: Library for all your Android automation needs. It uses Calabash Android internally.

            2、AnywhereLibrary: Library for testing Single-Page Apps (SPA). Uses Selenium Webdriver and Appium internally.

            3、AppiumLibrary: Library for Android- and iOS-testing. It uses Appium internally.

            4、Archive library: Library for handling zip- and tar-archives.

            5、AutoItLibrary: Windows GUI testing library that uses AutoIt freeware tool as a driver.

            6、Database Library (Java): Java-based library for database testing. Works only with Jython.

            7、Database Library (Python): Python based library for database testing. Works with any Python interpreter, including Jython.

            8、Diff Library: Library to diff two files together.

            9、Eclipse Library: Library for testing Eclipse RCP applications using SWT widgets.

            10、robotframework-faker: Library for Faker, a fake test data generator.

            11、FTP library: Library for testing and using FTP server with Robot Framework.

            12、HTTP library (livetest): Library for HTTP level testing using livetest tool internally.

            13、HTTP library (Requests): Library for HTTP level testing using Request internally.

            14、iOS library: Library for all your iOS automation needs. It uses Calabash iOS Server internally.

            15、MongoDB library: Library for interacting with MongoDB from RobotFramework using pymongo.

            16、Rammbock: Generic network protocol test library that offers easy way to specify network packets and inspect the results of sent and                   received packets.

            17、RemoteSwingLibrary: Library for testing and connecting to a java process and using SwingLibrary, especially Java Web Start                             applications.

            18、Selenium2Library: Web testing library that uses Selenium 2. For most parts drop-in-replacement for old SeleniumLibrary.

            19、SSHLibrary: Enables executing commands on remote machines over an SSH connection. Also supports transfering files using SFTP.

            20、SudsLibrary: A library for functional testing of SOAP-based web services based on Suds, a dynamic SOAP 1.1 client.

            21、SwingLibrary: Library for testing Java applications with Swing GUI.

            22、watir-robot: Web testing library that uses Watir tool.


            web 自动化测试:SeleniumLibrary,Selenium2Library,Selenium2Library for Java、watir-robot 等。

            Windows GUI 测试:AutoItLibrary。

            移动测试:Android library、iOS library、AppiumLibrary 等。

            数据库测试:Database Library (Java)、Database Library (Python)、MongoDB library 等。

            文件对比测试:Diff Library。

            HTTP 测试:HTTP library (livetest)、HTTP library (Requests)等。



          本文标题:1.Robot Framework介绍
