6-170-spring-2013-Software Studi

6-170-spring-2013-Software Studi

作者: leea_a009 | 来源:发表于2018-11-14 23:55 被阅读0次

    ruby on rails and html/css/js/jqurey

    client-side programing

    • JS, html, css, jquery, ajax
    • react

    manipulating the DOM

    • traverse the elements
    • add and delete elements
    • modify properties(e.g position)
    • registering events(against timers, buttons)
    • making calls to webserver
    • basic page load is synchronous
    • when page arrives, often loads others(images, css, js)
    • complications: caching, asynchronous calls, events

    Modularity & dependences

    • client --users-> service

    Model-driven development

    • request -> apache -> rails -> mysql -> rails -> apache -> response
    • framework: routing, request data, data mapping, templates, validation, session state <ul>routing: client's name for op, developer's name for method

    Separation of concerns

    • Edsger Dijkstra
      let me try to explain to you, what to my staste is characteristic for all intelligent thinking. it is, that one is willing to study in depth an aspet of one's subject matter in isolation for the sake of own consistency, all the time knowing that one is occupying oneself only with one of the aspects... it is what I sometimes have called "the separation of concerns", thich, even if not porfectly possible, is yet the only avaliable technique for effective ordering of one's thoughts, that I know of.
    • semantis
      what things are there
      how are things classified
      how are things named
      what mutable
      what updates happen
      what queries are asked
      what invariants hold
    • representiation
      what information is stored
      which tables or classes
      what are the datatypes
      what columns? associations?
      what are the keys
      encoding generalizations
      optimize common queries
      integrity constraints

    operators & properties

    • cardinality of a set
    • union, intersection, differnce
    • domain and range
    • image
    • transoise
    • join
    • a relation R is symmetric
    • a relation R is reflexive
    • a relation R is transitive
    • a relation R is an equivalen
    • a relation R is a function
    • a relation R is injective



    • weak concepts
      hard to use
      a mess to maintain
      unreliable & buggy
    • strong concepts
      intuitive, predictable
      decoupling & localization
      more dependable
    • standard parctice
      to design something really well, you have to get it. You have to really grok what it's all about. It takes a passionate somthing, chew it up. not just quickly swallow it. Most people don't take the time to do that.

    thinking & sketching

    • simulating features
    • normal design practice
    • coping good ideas
    • evaluating products
    • user feedback
    • discarding failed designs
    • "refactoring"
    • focusing: what are the concepts
    • what properties do they have?

    instend: core concepts

    • what are the concepts
      that make it work
      that you need to grasp as a user
      that characterize this class of systems
      that characterize this class of systems
      that distinguish it from other system
    • identify the design problem


    • not a stateful relation
    • should be split into multiple relations
    • relates > 2 atoms

    object model


    • meaning = set of instances
    • an instance is an object diagram
    • non-instances
    • violate some rule in the object model

    statics & dynamics


    object model + operations = labeled state transition system

    common mistake

    • bad sets
    • using subset for relationship role
    • reading subset as is-a


    • naming
    • property
    • containment
    • association


      • one or more
      • zero or more
    • ! exactly one
    • ? at most one
    • ommit =*


    • Tony Hoare
      I gave desperate warnings against the obscurity, the complexity, and over-ambition of new design, but my warnings went unheeded. I conclude that there are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple there are obviously no deficiencies and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obviius deficiencies
    • well-established concepts
    • used in many apps and context

    format problem

    • a design problem to be solved


    • one or more concepts


    • in well known apps


    • more elaborate forms often used

    object model

    • concepts & relationships

    Every problem in computer science can be solved by introducing another level of indirection

    requst data

    • query strings from GETs
    • form data from POSTs

    web app = data conversion

    • update request -> request.form -> database table -> response -> show request

    data mapping

    • basic idea
      object in heap = row in table
    • object relational mapper
      generates database schema from class defs
      back up object methods with SQL updates/queries

    HTTP methos

    • GET : get a document from a server
    • POST: send a document to a server
    • PUT: updata a document at a server
    • DELETE: delete a document from a server

    request components

    • query string: for searching
    • body: for new version of page

    four function of persistent storage

    • CRUD: create, read, update, delete
    • SQL: insert, select, update, delete


    • general strategy
      instead of calling an action, create a resource
      instead of 'login', create a session
      instead of 'closing account', create a 'cloing'

    Log in and out

    • whatever your login/Authentication plugin does
    • more important to have session in model than to reflect in URIs

    RESTful routes

    • client app uses web service API
    • HTTP verb path action used for
    • XSS
    • CSRF


    • CRUD routes
    • model: data persistence
    • view: url routs/ page routs, process user input
    • controller: How to deals with the data and so on, processing business logic



          本文标题:6-170-spring-2013-Software Studi
