

作者: 孤鹤横江 | 来源:发表于2022-07-13 17:42 被阅读0次


There's no doubt that one of the greatest achievements by humankind is the exploration of space. Ever since cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to journey into space in 1961, scientists have been exploring it and pushing the boundaries to try and go further and discover things that are yet to be discovered. But probably the only thing that's certain about this exploration into the unknown so far, is it's been dominated by men.

Of course, in the past, women haven't been excluded from space projects. Women have been involved on the ground at mission control – and behind the scenes women have worked as seamstresses, stitching vital spaceflight components1. In fact, many of NASA's key missions would never have left the ground without them. And it was a group of black female mathematicians2, recently depicted3 in a Hollywood movie called Hidden Figures, who helped NASA launch an American into space.



