

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2019-08-18 06:09 被阅读0次
Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
Mark 14:12-16 12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 13 And he sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him, 14 and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ 15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.” 16 And the disciples set out and went to the city and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. 马可福音14:12-16 12 除酵节的第一天,就是宰杀逾越节羊羔的那一天,门徒问耶稣:“你要我们到哪里去,为你预备逾越节的晚餐呢?” 13 他就差派两个门徒,对他们说:“你们到城里去,必有一个拿着水瓶的人,向你们迎面而来,你们就跟着他, 14 无论他进入哪一家,你们要对那家主说,老师说:‘我的客厅在哪里? 我和门徒好在那里吃逾越节的晚餐。’ 15 他必指给你们楼上一间布置整齐、预备妥当的大房间,你们就在那里为我们预备。” 16 门徒出去,进了城,所遇见的正如耶稣所说的,就预备好了逾越节的晚餐。
Introduction 引言
Remember last week we began Mark 14. We said that the theme of chapter 14 is all about the all out abandonment of Jesus. He will be rejected, betrayed, and abandoned until the point that he is all alone. Last week we saw that the rejection of Jesus served as the bread of the sandwich, but the worship of Jesus was the meat of the sandwich. 记得上周我们开始马可福音14章。我们说第14章的主题是关于彻底抛弃耶稣。 祂将被拒绝,背叛,并被抛弃,直到祂孤身一人。 上周我们看到耶稣被拒绝是三明治的上下两片面包,但耶稣的被崇拜是三明治中间的肉馅。
Rejection Sandwich 拒绝的三明治
1. The Plot Against Jesus (1-2) 1. 谋害耶稣(1-2节)
2. The Worship of Jesus (3-9) 2. 崇拜耶稣(3-9节)
3. The Plot Against Jesus (10-11) 3. 谋害耶稣(10-11节)
This text follows sequentially, but it also will speak into the dynamic of the plots and plans against Jesus. This text has a simple set up: 今天这段经文紧接其后,也会提到杀害耶稣的密谋。这段经文的段落划分比较简单:
1. Question (v. 12) 1.问题(第12节)
2. Answer (v. 13-15) 2.回答(13-15节)
3. Fulfillment (v. 16) 3.应验(第16节)
1. Question (v. 12) 1.问题(第12节)
12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 12 除酵节的第一天,就是宰杀逾越节羊羔的那一天,门徒问耶稣:“你要我们到哪里去,为你预备逾越节的晚餐呢?”
Notice that the question from the disciples is a preparation question. They assume that they will celebrate it together and so they want to know what his instructions will be. So it seems like this text is simply a preparatory text – setting us up for the Passover celebration in the next passage. Right? You are in for a surprise when Jesus answers their question. 请注意,门徒提的问题是一个准备宴席的问题。 他们假设他们会一起庆祝,所以他们想知道祂的指示是什么。 所以看起来这篇文章只是一个预备文本 - 让我们为下一段的逾越节庆祝活动做准备。 对不? 当耶稣回答他们的问题时,你会感到惊讶。
2. Answer (v. 13-15) 2.回答(13-15节)
13 And he sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him, 14 and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ 15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.” 13 他就差派两个门徒,对他们说:“你们到城里去,必有一个拿着水瓶的人,向你们迎面而来,你们就跟着他, 14 无论他进入哪一家,你们要对那家主说,老师说:‘我的客厅在哪里? 我和门徒好在那里吃逾越节的晚餐。’ 15 他必指给你们楼上一间布置整齐、预备妥当的大房间,你们就在那里为我们预备。”
On the surface, his answer consists of detailed instructions in the form of six steps: 表面看,祂的回答包括了六个步骤的指导:
1. Go into the city. 1.进城
2. Make contact with a man carrying a jar of water. 2.找到一个拿水瓶的男人
3. Follow him to the house he enters 3.跟着他到一个房子里
4. Ask the master of the house: “Where is my guest room?” 4.问房主:“我的客厅在哪里?”
5. He will show you the room furnished and ready 5.他必指给你一间布置整齐、预备妥当的房间
6. Then you can prepare the Passover for us 6.你们就可以为我们预备逾越节餐
The obvious question in our mind now is: will it happen the way he said it would? 我们心中显然会有这样的问题:这一切真的会照祂所说的发生吗?
3. Fulfillment (v. 16) 3. 应验(第16节)
16 And the disciples set out and went to the city and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. 16 门徒出去,进了城,所遇见的正如耶稣所说的,就预备好了逾越节的晚餐。
Verse 16 highlights the complete fulfillment of Jesus’ words. They (1) set out and went into the city, (2) found it exactly as he told them, and (3) they prepared the Passover. 第16节强调耶稣的话完全应验了。 他们(1)出发进城,(2)完全按照祂所说的那样找到了房子,并且(3)他们预备逾越节餐。
Transition: What is Mark’s Meaning? 过渡:马可想表达什么意思?
This text can seem so straightforward at one level: Mark is telling us about the Passover preparation (that is where we learn about the Lord’s Supper). Is this just a perfunctory, preparatory text? Why not just preach it as background context verses for what follows. Mark could have just moved from the story of Judas’ betrayal to the Passover where Jesus predicts Judas’ betrayal. But he inserts this story about how they got the room in which they celebrated the Passover. Why? 这个文本在一个层面上看起来如此简单直白:马可告诉我们关于逾越节餐的准备(这就是我们今天所知道的圣餐)。 这只是记个流水帐吗? 为什么不把它仅仅作为后面故事的背景来讲述? 马可在这章中从犹大背叛的故事转换到耶稣预言犹大背叛的逾越节餐。 但他插入了这个故事,讲述了他们如何得到他们庆祝逾越节的房间。 为什么?
To answer the question, we have to back up a step and ask a different question: did anything strike you as strangely familiar with respect to this passage? 要回答这个问题,我们要退回一步,问一个不一样的问题:关于这段经文你有没有被某种异样的熟悉感触动?
Mark 14:12-16 马可福音14:12-16
12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they sacrificed the Passover lamb, his disciples said to him, “Where will you have us go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?” 13 And he sent two of his disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him, 14 and wherever he enters, say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ 15 And he will show you a large upper room furnished and ready; there prepare for us.” 16 And the disciples set out and went to the city and found it just as he had told them, and they prepared the Passover. 12 除酵节的第一天,就是宰杀逾越节羊羔的那一天,门徒问耶稣:“你要我们到哪里去,为你预备逾越节的晚餐呢?” 13 他就差派两个门徒,对他们说:“你们到城里去,必有一个拿着水瓶的人,向你们迎面而来,你们就跟着他, 14 无论他进入哪一家,你们要对那家主说,老师说:‘我的客厅在哪里? 我和门徒好在那里吃逾越节的晚餐。’ 15 他必指给你们楼上一间布置整齐、预备妥当的大房间,你们就在那里为我们预备。” 16 门徒出去,进了城,所遇见的正如耶稣所说的,就预备好了逾越节的晚餐。
Mark 11:1-6 马可福音11:1-6
Now when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples 2 and said to them, “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately as you enter it you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it. 3 If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord has need of it and will send it back here immediately.’ ” 4 And they went away and found a colt tied at a door outside in the street, and they untied it. 5 And some of those standing there said to them, “What are you doing, untying the colt?” 6 And they told them what Jesus had said, and they let them go. 1 他们走近耶路撒冷,到了伯法其和伯大尼,来到橄榄山那里,耶稣派了两个门徒, 2 对他们说:“你们往对面的村子里去,一进去,就会看见一头小驴拴在那里,是没有人骑过的,把牠解开牵来。 3 如果有人问你们:‘为甚么这样作?’你们就说:‘主需要牠,并且很快会送还到这里来。’” 4 门徒去了,就发现一头小驴,拴在门外的街上,就把牠解开。 5 站在那里的人有的问他们说:“你们为甚么解牠?” 6 门徒照着耶稣所说的话回答他们,那些人就让他们牵走了。
Observation: 观察:
1. The Pattern is similar 1.相似的模式
a. Two disciples a. 两个门徒
b. sent into the city or village b. 被派到城中或村里
c. the sending seems like some kind of covert operation preparing for the next event that will happen in the story (entry into Jerusalem/celebration of Passover) c. 这派遣看起来像是为下一个事件(进入耶路撒冷/庆祝逾越节)作准备的秘密行动
d. Both passages have seemingly random, chance encounters (you will see a colt tied up; a man with a water jar will meet you) d. 这两段经文看起来都有随机偶然遇到的情况(你会看到一头小驴拴在那里;一个男人拿着水瓶会来见你们)
e. In both cases, the disciples are told the exact words to say (“the Lord has need of it”; “the Teacher says, where is my guest room…”). e. 两个故事中,门徒都被告知当说的话(“主需要牠”;“老师说,我的客厅在哪里……”
f. In both cases, Jesus claims things as his own (the Lord of the colt, my guest room) f. 两个故事中,耶稣宣告东西是祂的(驴驹的主,我的客厅)
g. In both cases, things happen exactly like Jesus said they would g. 两个故事中,事情都完全按照耶稣所说的发生
2. The language is similar 2.相似的用词
The striking thing about these two stories is that they share a string of eleven consecutive words in common (11:1-2; 14:13). That is remarkable. 这两个故事最惊人的相似之处是它们有连续11个相同的词(11:1-2;14:13)。这是值得注意的。
ἀποστέλλει δύο τῶν μαθητῶν αὐτοῦ καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην (Mark 11:1-2) ἀποστέλλει δύο τῶν μαθητῶν αὐτοῦ καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν κώμην (马可福音 11:1-2)
ἀποστέλλει δύο τῶν μαθητῶν αὐτοῦ καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν πόλιν (Mark 14:13) ἀποστέλλει δύο τῶν μαθητῶν αὐτοῦ καὶ λέγει αὐτοῖς· Ὑπάγετε εἰς τὴν πόλιν (马可福音 14:13)
The only difference is the word “village” (11:2) or “city” (14:13). 唯一的不同只是“村子”(κώμην)还是“城里”(πόλιν)
Mark’s Literary Meaning (i.e., what he is up to – the theology of the text and the theology behind the text – that which is driving the text) 马可的文学意义(即他所要做的 - 文本的神学和文本背后的神学 - 驱动文本的内容)
But the question is still “why?” Why does Mark make these parallels? What is he trying to show? 但问题还是“为什么?”为什么马可要安排这样的平行文本?他想表现什么?
Mark closes a sheep gate of potential misunderstanding (to use C. S. Lewis’ metaphor). He does not want his readers to draw the wrong conclusion – as if Jesus is caught up in events beyond his control. The effect of both stories is that Jesus is in complete control of all that happens as his “hour” of death draws near. There are plots to kill him swirling around him. He does not respond with fear, futility, or desperation. He does not lash out or anxiously try to manipulate and maneuver. He does not hide in fear or retreat from the dangerous plots surrounding him. He puts signs of deity on display. He walks through all these events with a sovereign freedom and a striking note of authority. It is his colt, his temple, his guest room. Jesus is submitting to the plan of the Father. No one outsmarts him, overpowers him, outmaneuvers him, catches him offguard, or takes his life from him. He will lay it down of his own accord – and he will raise it up as well. 马可关闭了一个可能存在误解的羊门(借用C. S. 鲁益师的比喻)。 他不希望他的读者得出错误的结论 - 好像耶稣陷入祂无法控制的事件似的。 这两个故事的效果是,当耶稣的“死亡时刻”临近,祂完全控制着所有发生的一切。 有一些杀害祂的阴谋围着祂盘旋。 祂的反应没有一点恐惧、无助或绝望。 祂没有先下手为强或焦急地耍手腕施谋略。 祂既不因恐惧而退缩,也不会躲避周围的危险阴谋。祂展示了神的迹象。祂以绝对主权的自由和引人注目的权柄走过所有这些事件。这是祂的小驴驹,祂的圣殿,祂的客厅。耶稣正在服从天父的计划。没有人能以智胜祂,以力压祂,以谋制祂,出其不意地逮住祂,或夺其性命。祂是自愿地舍命 - 而祂也会复活。
Application: The Sovereign Freedom and Divine Authority of Jesus 应用:耶稣绝对主权的自由和至高神圣的权柄
God’s sovereign freedom is the best news in the world. Here I am, this little creature, walking through this world of time. How will I make it? How do I navigate all the complexities and possibilities? 神绝对主权的自由是世界上最好的消息。我只是个渺小的生灵,行走在这流年似水的世界里。我该怎么办?在这错综复杂捉摸不定的世界里我该如何把握方向?
We live in a world that is ramped up with fear right now – gun violence, hate manifestos, wars and rumors of wars, economic uncertainty, health issues, rising costs. 我们生活在一个恐惧日增的世界里:枪支暴力,仇恨言论,战争和战争的谣言,经济不确定性,健康问题,生活成本飚升。
We need to know the doctrine of God’s sovereignty and providence. This text testifies to the doctrine of God’s meticulous providence. God rules and reigns over this world in meticulous detail. He is not generally in control over some things or many things or most things, but all things. 我们需要知道上帝的主权和护理的教义。 这段经文表明了上帝全然护理的教义。 上帝事无巨细地统治和掌管这个世界。 祂不只是大而化之地控制某些、许多或大多事物,而是一切。
You will find a man carrying a water jar? At just that time – in just that way? A man will have a guest room already furnished? The master of the house will have expected this moment? 你会看到一个男人拿着水瓶? 恰恰就在那个时候 - 恰如祂说的? 一个人会有一个已经布置整齐的客厅?房主在期待这一刻吗?
Now one text cannot make a comprehensive and clear doctrine. Was this true only in the case of Jesus? What was true in the case of Jesus is true in every case. 当然,只根据一处经文无法提炼全面而明确的教义。 但这是耶稣的仅存个例吗? 在耶稣身上显为真实的,在每种情况下都是如此。
Text after text – what was true in the case of Jesus is also true in our case. 一处又一处的经文——在耶稣身上是如此,在我们身上也是如此。
Ephesians 1:11-12 以弗所书1:11-12
11 In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, 12 so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of his glory. 11 那凭着自己旨意所计划而行万事的,按着他预先所安排的,预定我们在基督里得基业, 12 藉着我们这在基督里首先有盼望的人,使他的荣耀得着颂讚。
Matthew 10:29-31 马太福音10:29-31
29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 29 两只麻雀不是卖一个大钱吗? 但你们的父若不许可,一只也不会掉在地上。 30 甚至你们的头发都一一数过了。 31 所以不要怕,你们比许多麻雀贵重得多呢。
Isaiah 46:8-10 以赛亚书46:8-10
8 “Remember this and stand firm, recall it to mind, you transgressors, 9 remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’ 8 “你们当记念这事,要坚定不移;悖逆的人哪! 你们要留心思想。 9 你们当记念上古以前的事,因为我是 神,再没有别的神;我是 神,没有神像我。10 我从起初就宣告末后的事,从古时就述说还未作成的事,说:‘我的计划必定成功,我所喜悦的,我都必作成。’
Isaiah 14:24 以赛亚书14:24
The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen. 万军之耶和华起了誓,说:“我怎样想,事就怎样成就; 我怎样计划,事就怎样立定
Daniel 4:35 但以理书4:35
All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” 地上所有的居民,在他来说都是虚无;在天上的万军中,他凭自己的意旨行事; 在地上的居民中,也是这样; 没有人能拦住他的手, 或问他说:‘你作甚么?’
Job 42:2 约伯记42:2
“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. 我知道你万事都能作,你的旨意是不能拦阻的
Psalm 135:6 诗篇135:6
*The LORD does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth, in the seas and all their depths. * 在天上,在地上,在海中,在一切深处,耶和华喜欢甚么,就作甚么。
Psalm 115:3 诗篇115:3
Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. 我们的 神在天上;他喜欢甚么,就作甚么。
Gen. 50:19-20 创世记50:19-20
19 But Joseph said to them, “Do not fear, for am I in the place of God? 20 As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. 19 约瑟对他们说:“你们不要害怕,我怎能代替 神呢? 20 从前你们有意要害我,但 神有美好的意思在其中,为要成就今日的光景,使许多人的性命得以保全。
So here is the choice. You can fixate on the scary unknown and focus on the shadowy uncertainties. Or you can focus on what is surely known and gloriously certain. The revealed things belong to us and the secret things belong to the Lord our God (Deut. 29:29). He has not told us that he will tell us everything – in fact he told us that he will not tell us everything. That means that we need to cling to what is known and in the unknown it is enough that God knows. 因此,这就是摆在眼前的选择。 你要么定睛于可怕的未知,专注于幽暗的不确定性。 要么你可以专注于确定的已知和荣耀的确定性。 显明的事是属于我们的,而隐秘的事属乎耶和华我们的神(申命记29:29)。 祂没有告诉我们祂会告诉我们一切 - 事实上祂告诉我们祂不会把一切都告诉我们。 这意味着我们需要坚持已知的,而在未知事物中,上帝知道,这就足够了。
The sin of self-control rears up when we feel out of control. We want to have peace of mind and heart. The worldly way to have peace of mind is to rest in how good our contingency plan is or how thorough our preparations are. Faith says I can trust in how good God’s plan is and how sure it is that he is working for my good. Even when I don’t know, God does and I know his goodness so I will not be shaken. 当我们感到形势失控时,自我控制的罪就会暴跳起来。 我们希望能够安心和放心。 寻求安心和放心的属世方式就是依仗我们的应变计划有多好或者我们的准备工作有多彻底。 信仰说我可以相信上帝的计划是多么美好,以及祂为我的益处而作工是多么确定无疑。 即便当我不知道的时候,上帝也知道一切,而我知道祂的良善,所以我不会动摇。
Our peace has to be guarded in every circumstance, God’s peace guards us in every circumstance. We can use our circumstances to interpret God’s love or we can use God’s love to interpret our circumstances. It is not: he loves me (good circumstances), he loves me not (bad circumstances). No, we have a TULIP from God and we don’t have to pull any petals off. He loves me. He is sovereignly working all things for my eternal good. 我们的平安在任何情况下都必定得到保护,在任何情况下,上帝的平安都保护我们。 我们要么用我们的境遇来解读上帝的爱,要么用上帝的爱来解释我们的境遇。 它不是:祂爱我(顺境),或祂不爱我(逆境)。 不是的,我们有一个来自上帝的TULIP(译注:tulip字义是郁金香,这里指的是加尔文主义五要点:1. Total Depravity人性全然的败坏;2. Unconditional Election父神无条件的拣选;3. Limited Atonement基督限定的救赎;4. Irresistible Grace不可抗拒的恩典;5. Perseverance of the Saints圣徒永蒙保守),我们不必拉掉任何一片花瓣。 祂爱我。 祂的至高主权让万事互相效力,为了我永恒的益处。
His sovereignty is our sanity. In the midst of Jesus’ betrayal, he walks forward with a settled sense of purpose and trust and hope. He knows the end of the story and he even knows the details along the way. We also know the ultimate end of the story, and even though we don’t know all the details along the way, it is enough to know that God knows. We can walk with the same sense of confidence that God is in control as Jesus had. 祂的主权是我们明智的依赖。 在耶稣被出卖的事件中,祂朝设定的目标,带着信任和盼望向前走。 祂知道故事的终局,祂甚至知道一路上的细节。 我们也知道我们生命故事的最终目的,即使我们不知道所有的细节,但我们知道上帝知道就足够了。 我们可以像耶稣一样相信上帝控制一切,以这样的信心行走。
Now please hear me. I am not saying that God’s sovereignty is a doctrine that is an end run around pain, grief, and lament. No way! That is a misuse of this doctrine. It is not meant to silence grief and lament, but to empower and sustain it. The only way that you can keep lamenting without giving way to bitterness and cynical despair is this truth: God sees what you see, but he also sees more than you see. He is doing more than you know. Our hope is not the sum total of what we see or it is not hope – who hopes for what he or she sees? 现在请听我说。 我并不是说上帝的主权是回避痛苦、悲伤和哀痛的教义。 没门! 这是对此教义的误用。 它并不是为了让悲伤和哀痛默不作声,而是要赋予它能力并维持它。 唯一可以让你感叹悲伤而不给苦毒和厌世的绝望让路的方法就是籍着这样的真理:你所看到的上帝也看到了,但祂看到的比你看到的更多更远。 祂所做的比你所知道的多得多。 我们的盼望不在于我们所见的总和 ,要不然那就不叫盼望- 谁会盼望他或她已经看到的呢?
This is especially true in the face of sin and evil and plots all around us – when people are not working for our good? The cross is the ultimate display of God’s sovereign ability to bring good out of evil – because he brought ultimate good out of ultimate evil. 当我们面对罪恶、邪恶和我们周围的阴谋 - 当人们不谋求我们的益处时 - 这教导尤其真实。十字架是上帝化恶为善的至高权能的终极展现 - 因为祂从终极的恶中为我们带来了终极的善。
Acts 2:22-24 使徒行传2:22-14
22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know— 23 this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. 24 God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it. “以色列人哪,请听听这几句话:正如你们所知道的,神已经藉着拿撒勒人耶稣在你们中间施行了大能、奇事、神蹟,向你们证明他是 神所立的。 23 他照着 神的定旨和预知被交了出去,你们就藉不法之徒的手,把他钉死了。 24 神却把死的痛苦解除,使他复活了,因为他不能被死亡拘禁。
We can trust the sovereignty of God in suffering because of the suffering that the sovereign God experienced. He knows it; he does not merely know about it. He knows how to shepherd us through it because he went through it. 由于至高主权的上帝亲自经历了苦难,我们可以相信上帝在苦难中的绝对主权。 祂知道;祂不仅仅知道,而且亲身经历。 祂知道如何牧养我们来走过苦难,因为祂曾经历过苦难。
17 Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. 18 For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted. 17 所以,他必须在各方面和他的弟兄们相同,为了要在 神的事上,成为仁慈忠信的大祭司,好为人民赎罪。 18 因为他自己既然经过试探,受了苦,就能够帮助那些被试探的人。(希伯来书2:17-18)
Look at the lengths he went to in order to save you and shepherd you. The shepherd of the sheep took on our sheepness – he died as the Lamb of God to make propitiation for our sin in order that he might be the perfect sacrifice and perfect high priest. 看看祂为了拯救你并牧养你所走过的漫漫长路。 羊群的牧者成为我们羊的样式 - 祂作为上帝的羔羊替我们赎罪而死,为要可以成为完美的祭品和完美的大祭司。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
**Sermon Text: **Mark 14:12-16 讲道经文:马可福音14:12-16
**Sermon Title: **Sovereign Over All 讲道标题:掌管一切的主权
Main Point: When darkness seems to close in all around him, Jesus remains in control 要点:哪怕黑暗紧紧包围祂,一切尽在耶稣手中
Outline 纲要
1. Question (v. 12) 1.问题(第12节)
2. Answer (v. 13-15) 2.回答(13-15节)
3. Fulfillment (v. 16) 3.应验(第16节)
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. What are the similarities between this passage and Mark 11:1-6? Why does Mark put this passage in between the plot to betray Jesus and Jesus’ prediction of the plot against him? In other words, does this text merely prepare us for the next passage? 1.今天这段经文和马可福音11:1-6有哪些相似之处?为什么马可要把这段经文插在阴谋出卖耶稣和耶稣预言出卖阴谋的两个故事之间?换句话说,这段文字只是为了给下一段经文作个简单的铺垫吗?
2. What doctrine does this passage declare? 2.这段经文宣告了什么教义?
3. Is God’s sovereign control over all things merely true in the case of Jesus or in every case? What other Scriptures would you turn to in order to defend your answer? 3.神掌管一切的主权仅仅体现在耶稣身上,还是在一切事上?你会翻开哪些经文来证明你的答案?
4. How does the sin of self-control try to secure peace of mind? 4.自我控制的罪如何试图谋取安心?
5. How does the incarnation and atonement of Jesus help us in our suffering? 5.耶稣的道成肉身和赎罪如何帮助我们面对苦难?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. Where do you struggle with the sin of self-control? 1.你在哪些方面有自我控制的罪的挣扎?
2. How can you fixate less on what is unknown and focus more on what is gloriously known? 2.你要如何少定睛于不知道的,而多专注于荣耀的已知?
3. What part of this message do you need to share with someone this week? 3.关于这段经文你最想跟别人分享什么?
Prayer Focus 祷告聚焦
Pray for a grace to die to the sin of self-control and pray for a grace to trust him more! 祈求恩典向自我控制的罪而死,祈求恩典更多地信靠祂!



