2017年10月11日 球队与肢体
正如身体是一个,却有许多肢体,而且肢体虽然很多,身体仍是一个;基督也是这样。 (哥林多前书 12:12 新译本)

1.作为教练,你是不是让球员在身心灵更强壮的 “头”?
3. 你是被神呼召做教练,你是否在你被呼召的事上每天荣耀神呢?
看哪!弟兄和睦共处,是多么的善,多么的美。(本节在《马索拉文本》包括细字标题) (诗篇 133:1 新译本)
我们无论是犹太人,是希腊人,是作奴隶的,是自由的,都在那一位圣灵里受了洗,成为一个身体,都饮了那一位圣灵。 原来身体有许多肢体,并不是只有一个肢体。 假如脚说:“我不是手,所以我不属于身体。”它不能因此就不属于身体。 假如耳朵说:“我不是眼睛,所以我不属于身体。”它也不能因此就不属于身体。 假如整个身体只是眼睛,怎样听呢?假如整个身体只是耳朵,怎样闻味呢? 但现在 神按照自己的意思,把肢体一一放在身体上。 假如所有的只是一个肢体,怎能算是身体呢? 但现在肢体虽然很多,身体却只是一个。 眼睛不能对手说:“我不需要你。”头也不能对脚说:“我不需要你们。” 相反地,身体上那些似乎比较软弱的肢体,更是不可缺少的。 我们认为身体上不大体面的部分,就更加要把它装饰得体面;不大美观的部分,就更加要使它美观。 我们身体上美观的部分,就不需要这样了。但 神却这样把身体组成了:格外地把体面加给比较有缺欠的肢体, 好使肢体能够互相照顾,免得身体上有了分裂。 如果一个肢体受苦,所有的肢体就一同受苦;如果一个肢体得荣耀,所有的肢体就一同快乐。你们就是基督的身体,并且每一个人都是作肢体的。 神在教会里所设立的,第一是使徒,第二是先知,第三是教师,其次是行神迹的,再其次是有医病恩赐的,帮助人的,治理事的,说各种方言的。 难道都是使徒吗?都是先知吗?都是教师吗?都是行神迹的吗? 都是有医病恩赐的吗?都是说方言的吗?都是翻译方言的吗? 你们却要热切地追求那些更大的恩赐。现在我要把更高的道路指示你们。 (哥林多前书 12:13-31 新译本)

The Team and the Body
"For as the body is one and has many parts, and all the parts of that body, though many, are one body—so also is Christ." — 1 Corinthians 12:12
As coaches, we are supposed to teach our players about the game and about life lessons. Sometimes, the reverse happens and our players teach us a valuable lesson. The day before my first home football game of the season, my senior quarterback boldly stood up in front of the entire team and coaches and quoted the above Scripture.
He reinforced a standard that we coaches teach all of the time—how in football the team may be made up of eleven parts, but they must be one unit working toward one goal of either scoring or stopping the other team from scoring. On a sweep to the right, if the left receiver or left tackle does not make a cutoff block, then the chances of the running back scoring greatly diminishes. If the coaching staff decides that a team is not worthy enough to practice with a sense of urgency, then an upset can likely occur.
The same principle is true in the Body of Christ. In the church, from the pastoral leadership down to each volunteer worker, if a job is not done, then the overall goal of reaching the lost is hindered. If the FCA Huddle leadership is not committed to making a difference on their campus, then a difference will not be made.
1. As a coach, are you the “head” that is making your players better mentally, physically, and spiritually?
2. As a member of the Body of Christ, are you a productive part, or is your part entrenched with atrophy?
3. Being a coach is what you have been called to do. Are you glorifying the Lord daily in your calling?
Extra Reading: Psalm 133:1; 1 Corinthians 12:13–31
Lord, I pray that You will use me in my calling as a coach. I pray that You will enable me to be an effective head of the team that I have been blessed with and positively impact the players in a godly manner. I also ask that I will be used to do Your will as a member of the Body of Christ. Amen.