
作者: f9fa28843d13 | 来源:发表于2019-08-04 18:02 被阅读0次

    1.1 Ability

      Knowledge- know your topic. Be on top of the literature – theory, debates and research

      Skills–writing articles as a craft to be learnt (with help)

      Ability to write well (usually in English) and to conduct the necessary data collection, analysis and interpretation

      Try it clear, the more straightforward, do the writing.

    Crafting a top Paper

      Have a good (intriguing) research question on a currently marketable or emergingtopic, Ideally from the literature or from a current policy issue

      For novelty, look to borrow from other disciplines

      Develop like a detective story

      Use-help work with supervisor or colleagues

      Remember that reviews (meta-analyses or systematic reviews) are often welcomed

      Be willing to start modestly; a top paper does not always have to be published in a top journal

    1.2 Motivation

      Know why you want to write and publish a top paper (it is hard work)

      Demonstrate resilience – most papers get rejected

      Consider the incentives and rewards – link to career goals

      Have the motivation to learn

      Attend preregistrations by journal editors

      Explore journal policy

      Test your ideas at conferences and seminars,Seek out feedback

      Enjoy the challenge of writing papers

      在保证得到反馈的情况下,尽可能多的做presentation, 写出文章框架后快速写完全文,然后详细修改两三遍,寻求proof reading

    1.3 Opportunity

      JD-Rmodel.Think in terms of JD-R theory. What are your resources what are the challenging demands and what are the hindering demands?

      Make sure you have the time

      Make sure you have the necessary support; Use your supervisor as co-author and source of advice

      Seek out a team of like-minded colleagues; 4-co-authors may mean 4 articles.

    1.4 Making your own luck

      慎重选择导师。Choose your supervisor carefully- one who will help you learn the craft of writing articles and to get published;

      利用学术会议寻求合作机会。Use conferences to establish links with established academics in your field as potential collaborators/joint authors in the future;

      Special issue. Chances of getting published are better in special issues – Keep an eye on announcements

      Hope for favorable reviewers


    AMJ每年收到约1500多篇投稿,30%的文章会直接被拒,主要原因是不符合期刊mission, 或者与管理无关的文章 (e.g., animal)。10%的文章编辑部会在送审前修改;外审第一轮审稿周期通常为57天,22%的文章会得到修改的机会,若接到修改通知则有64天左右时间进行修改。第一轮修改后61%的文章会进行二轮修改,如果得到二轮修改的机遇,被接收的概率相当高 (85% or 95%?)。

    AMJ-by the numbers


      impact factor. 6.7 ( 5year 11.4)

      First review cycle 57 days

      Revision cycle 64 days

      Desk rejection: 30% don't fit mission, not management related

      Desk edit rate: 10%, length, framing, back to authors

      First revision rate 22%, get opportunity to revision

      Second revision 61%, CHANCE OF accept more than 85% ?95%

    2.2 文章写作

    Crafting a contribution:

      Fall in love with our work (and stay in love)

    --It begins with a research question

    --choose ones that are important

    --Tackle major theory problems

    --resolve problems that other researcher shave yet to resolve

    --work for the good of science and scholarship

    Recently from AMJ

      Address grand challenges, use a management perspective to shed light on the world’s problem

      Finding new ways of seeing, use theories, techniques, from other fields to solve management related issues.

    Have a mindset of pride and perfection

      Work with utmost care

      Striving for perfection,

      Writing, copy editing, big mass

    Key point

      Frame your HRM paper to fit AMJ’s mission

    AMJ Journal mission statement

      Empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory.

      Authors should strive to produce original, insightful, interesting, important, and theoretically, bold research. Strive,not the requirement. Set as a goal, not requirement.

    Brief comparison of AMJ & JAP:

      AMJ related to management, JAP study people at work.

      e.g., Turnover, as a management issues, for JAP, write that is relevant people in the work. Framing issue.

    --Join a conversation in the journal

    --Highlight to readers what your offer to that conversation

    --Be bold, be important

    --Avoid gap framing

      Craft your introduction to fit the mission of the journal

      Crafting a contribution: you must first understand your contribution

      How does your paper challenge, change or advance what we know?

      e.g., Shaw et al., (2005).


    The “word cloud” for AMJ rejections’

      Construct-definition-problems,construct-measure-mismatch novelty-scope


    World cloud revision:

      Theoretical improvement; theoretical contribution.

    Advantages of starting with theory

      Some warning signs – starting with data(mining)

      Contorted theory

      Poorly defined constructs

      Construct – measurement mismatch

      Some advantages – starting with theory

      Avoiding 1, 2, and 3 from above

      Articulate key contribution (challenge,change, advance)

      Better discussion section

      If you are interested in theory:

    --Read, read, and read the original theory

    --understand the assumptions, the mechanisms,the boundaries

      Then, examine the empirical literature:

    --Has it been tested well/thoroughly

    --Where are consistent areas of (non)support

    --What is poorly understood? What questions have puzzled researchers?

      If you are interested in a phenomenon:

    --How would different theories help us to understand it?

    --What constructs/mechanisms would be in play?

    Design for impact:

      Bold and appropriate designs

      e.g., Zhu,Tatachari, & Chattopadhay(2017, AMJ)

      Examined changes in organization identification among newcomers

      1,346 newcomers

      5, waves of data during the first year

      Reilly, Nyberg, Maltarich & Weller(2014, AMJ)

      Venkatesh, Shaw, Sykes, Macharia, & Wamba(2017, AMJ)

    Other suggestions:

      Design such that all constructs and relationship described in the theory can best tested

      Choose important outcomes

      Include only relevant controls

      Account for what is known in the literature

      Or critical factor that relate to IV and DV

      Demonstrate construct validity for all new key measures!



    The discussion(It matters for AMJ!!!)

      Do not restate the finding at length (maybe 1 paragraph)

      Return to the theory

    --What has been learned?

    --Has a problem been solved?

    如果想了解更多AMJ 文章写作的情况,建议阅读AMJ出的From editors: Publishing in AMJ详细讲述了,如何写引言、文献综述,方法,讨论等(强烈推荐)。

    记得有位老师说过只要你有一篇JAP,一般国内211院校都可以给你副教授。这从侧面说明JAP, JPSP等期刊非常难发……JAP拒稿率 90%, JPSP 87%……这并不意味着,你投了立马被拒,有可能是改了1稿, 2稿,甚至是在conditional accept之后被拒。那么,这些顶刊有几位审稿人,审稿周期多长,desk rejection 多高。下面简单介绍一些常见期刊的相关情况。



    鉴于David关于Seek out a team 启发,现寻求I/O领域及其它心理学领域靠谱的合作者,组建自己的文章写作小组。欢迎尊重deadline &commitment的小伙伴联系我们,(坚决拒绝拖延症和不守时间的……)


      1. 良好的英文写作能力,及写作经验;写过不少于3篇英文manuscript;

      2. 良好的统计分析能力,擅长大数据或爬虫文本分析,元分析等;

      3. 拥有丰厚的人脉资源可以收集企业员工数据,尤其纵向追踪及团队数据。


    写好英文学术论文,你只差一个句库 (Sentence Bank)

    Academic writing: method (sentence bank)

    Academic writing: Literature review (sentence bank)





