2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting fr

2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting fr

作者: 吕兰斌 | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 19:35 被阅读0次

    昨天上海下雪了, 早上起来跑, 和同事约好的风雨无阻跑半马。 2018年的最后一天,沿着黄浦江边跑步,感慨时间的飞逝和上海市政规划和变迁。

    2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting from lanbin 2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting from lanbin

    回看一年,匆匆忙忙。 项目一个接一个,做了34款新硬件,年底最后一个版本提前10天交付,团队的作战和交付能力真是没的说。2019年,希望我们配合更默契,更从容,快乐工作,快乐生活。


    2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting from lanbin




    2018年我感触最多的就是:专注。尤其是事情头绪很多的时候。我儿子有时对我说:爸爸你有时为什么那么急? :)我想大概是因为小孩已经和我一样高了,时间不够用的。







    2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting from lanbin



    Dear all,

    Snow visited shanghai yesterday.

    This morning, I got up early as I have an appointment with colleagues: Run half marathon in the last day of year2018.

    While running along the river side, we were impressed by the changes of city construction and sigh on “ how time flies”.

    Look back at year2018: It was “busy & hurry”. Project after project, and totally 34 brand new devices are made.

    We delivered last project 10 days ahead of planned deadline. It is great team effort to make this happen and teams win my full credit and appreciation!

    In year2019, I hope we can cooperate more and try to realize “happy work and happy life”

    Year 2018 witnessed my 1st marathon, although it arrives a bit late. Despite the good result (4h.30min), I prefer the “feeling on the road”.  I taught young people about public speaking in my spare time, as I am deeply convinced that young generation is much more promising both in execution and speaking! As a part-time trainer in NOKIA, I benefit from teaching others which proves the saying "Giving is receiving”. Basketball and public-speaking are still my favorite, as they share same philosophy: FOCUS.

    FOCUS is something I learnt in year2018, as many things occur in every single day and they overload your mind.

    Once upon a time, my son asked me: dad, why sometimes you are so impatient? Maybe I sensed the shortage of time, as my son are as tall as me now.

    You have to spend time & energy if you want to do it well, no matter whatever it is. The best way is: FOCUS. when you focus, you get along with time, when you forget the time.

    Tomorrow is another year! - 2019.

    Focus on work: make right decision and do the right things. Put team’s effort in the right choice/direction.

    Focus on improvement of “communication skill”, cherish the “stage time”, find a stepped way for both adult and kids.

    When half marathon is done, the sun was shining in the sky.  And Huangpu River shined as waves moving forward. Maybe we should learn from river, forget the time, and just FOCUS on moving forward & Let’s move forward together!!

    Wish you a happy and prosperous year2019!

    ( above is Chinese version)



        本文标题:2019新年问候 - Year 2019 greeting fr
