Willpower Day9

Willpower Day9

作者: 倦鸟归矣 | 来源:发表于2017-03-18 22:57 被阅读0次

1.anomaly              NOUN

anomaly(in sth)

a thing, situation, etc. that is different from what is normal or expected 異常事物;反常現象

仿 It's just an anomaly.

原 and their original estimates as an unrealistic ideal, they viewed the past two weeks as an anomaly.

2.commitment                   NOUN

a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way; 承諾;許諾;允諾承擔;保證

仿 I'm not afraid of commitment.

原View every choice you make as a commitment to all future choices.

3.appetizing              ADJ

(of food, etc. 食物等 )that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty 開胃的;引起食慾的;使渴的

仿. The appetizing smell of milk.

原 Seeing the sandwich as the beginning of a new rule, not the exception, made it less appetizing.

4.pop up                  突然出现;不意冒出

例句 You solved one problem and another would immediately pop up.

原 Halo effects pop up all over the place, whenever something indulgent is paired with something more virtuous.

5.penance                    NOUN

(尤見於某些宗教 ) an act that you give yourself to do, or that a priest gives you to do in order to show that you are sorry for sth you have done wrong 補贖;悔罪;修和聖事

仿He knelt at his mother’s feet in penance.

原University of Melbourne economists have found that a licensing effect is most likely when people pay a “penance” for bad behavior.


People had made their predictions for an ideal world, but lived through two weeks in the real world.



We often put off the task that should be done today till tomorrow. In our ideal world,we have the high expectations. In fact, we did not take action but postpone the plan to tomorrow. After today's reading,I have to seriously think about my goals and strictly enforce it, rather than be affected by the halo effect, then lose my direction.



      本文标题:Willpower Day9
