All the world's roads lead to the heart of the Warrior; he plunges unhesitatingly into the river of passions always flowing through his life. 世上任何一条路都可以通向光的勇士的心, 面对生命中那些时常涌起的美好激情,光的勇士从来不必躲躲藏藏,扭扭捏捏, 而是毫不犹豫的拥抱和接受。
The warrior knows that he is free to choose his desires, and he makes these decisions with courage, detachment and-sometimes-with just a touch of madness. 因为光的勇士知道尊崇自己内心的真实愿望是神圣的生命赋予的自由,他带着勇气和超然甚至一丝狂热的态度地去做生命中那些至关重要的决定。
He embraces his passions and enjoys them intensely. He knows that there is no need to renounce the pleasures of conquest; they are part of life and bring joy to all those who participate in them. 光的勇士尽情地拥抱和享受生命的激情带给他的快乐,为什么要拒绝这些美好激情带来的快乐呢? 它们可是生命本身的意义,给所有珍视生命激情的人带来无限快乐!
But he never loses sight of things that last or of the strong bonds forged over time. 但是光的勇士从来不会忽略那些可以让美好激情发展成持久有生命力的一切可能的因素!
A Warrior can distinguish between the transient and the enduring. 光的勇士清楚地懂得生命中哪些快乐是短暂的,哪些快乐才是长久有生命力的!